Reddit hate thread

Reddit hate thread

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How can anyone believe this shit?

You have to go back.

How can anyone still care, is the real question.

They have their own country, laws in countries that aren't even jewish that prohibit even discussing it.

Nobody cares anymore jews, sorry.

tell the one about the lamp shades

>Wow there goldberg, this gas chamber only safely holds 200 jews. Don't want to risk it going wrong and killing everyone now do we?

>gas chamber protocol was strictly observed.
>meanwhile, the crematory ovens were pushed far beyond their capacity 24/7 for several years

something here does not add up

>german autism

Implying the nazis adhered to gas chamber capacity ratings...

He was briefly transformed into a lampshade by Hitler himself but he survived, he's okay now

Just leave it to them to point at the sign above the gas chamber door.

>Oy vey, you wanna put me in there? The maximum capacity is 200 and there are clearly 60 godrillion jews already in there. Did I mention my kidneys still hurt from being removed without anaesthesia?

This was Germany. They do this kind of shit all the time. Plant a red streetlight in the middle of the fucking Mojave desert and they will die before skipping it.

traffic light, sorry.

Surely no Jew would make up a story about the Holocaust.

stop now citizen

the EU police are coming to arrest you for hate speech






Jesus fucking Christ, how are we still talking about this bullshit 70+ years later? Never forget, goys

>It was real in my mind

Any reason why they didn't just gas him the next day?


Hahaha who is stupid enough to believe this

their interface is shit, and the whole "ebin upboat" shit makes everybody a faggot

i fuckin hate reddit so much, i lost friends to that fucking normie acceptance circlejerk, it sucked every bit of uniqueness and self purpose out of them

Ordnung muss sein, I guess

Plebit Tier Source. Imagine a Sun tailored for highschool/social arts Students. Less boobs more pretentious adjectives.
Well because it is against the law running red lights.

I love how every Holohoax survivor is a Forrest Gump muthafucka that met Mengele and Hitler at some point.