Should feminism be rebranded as egalitarianism?
Should feminism be rebranded as egalitarianism?
It isn't about equality though.
neither are good
To some degree
Can you point out a good side?
>suggesting that feminism is egalitarianism
i think there's something called complementarian or something; something that recognizes that both men and women have roles that are both needed top be fulfilled, but also recognizes that men and women are by no means equal
Even egalitarianism is bad for our society, women and men are just not equal
I prefer the term cancer.
Women are inferior to men, and should therefore hold inferior positions of authority. The idea that you could hold women to the same standards as men in anything is absurd. They're overgrown children, and will ruin society if their infantile demands are met.
Though there is XX and YY is X a Y, and a Y an X? Know the difference, there is only Male and Female. Does nature not show this? And the arguments within the sin that spread throughout the land is obnoxious. They can't figure out chromosomes like it's a big fucking secret!
But I thought humanity was so evolved and intelligent by now! Woe unto this, information age. What is it really?
Feminism should be destroyed and all it's "victories" should be reversed.
Cunts are not men's equals and acting like they are hurts everyone.
>Can you point out a good side?
Treating women as property as is only natural.
Was it autism that made this person post this? Also, you can't have YY my lad. You need the X chromosome for lots of basic functions.
Egalitarianism is just a nice way of saying the equal outcome.
No. Modern Feminism is really more about equity than equality. I'm all for having the same political rights (something the feminists of yore wished for), but this is just ridiculous. It doesn't make sense to give them "more", when we are supposed to be "the same".
I generally treat women like a dude with a pussy, and it has worked well enough for me. I don't have to hold back, and neither do they.
Fuck, wrong picture. Nevermind; the text is what matters.
Based Russia
Women will never agree to share half of the burden in military and shitty jobs. They only want the rights without the duties.
O/c you're right. Every woman knows deep inside almost every attractive girl would choose to marry a rich man than to work hard for years and compete to succeed by merit.
Aka the natural order things were always intended to be?
The fact that this is so novel of a thought to people nowadays that it needs a special term is sad.
>I'm all for having the same political rights as women
We should have equal opportunity, unfortunately people can't handle that not always leading to equal outcome.
>I generally treat women like a dude with a pussy
Beta fag.
> yeah but in bulgaria women are just dudes with pussies.
That also includes not holding back, user.
The difference between Egalitarianism/Classical Liberalism and Feminism is that Egalitarianism seeks to create a world where everyone has just as good an OPPORTUNITY to succeed. This is called equal opportunity.
Whereas Feminism and all other Marxist doctrines believe in creating EQUAL OUTCOME in which everyone will be equally successful no matter how hard they work, their intelligence or their skills.
This is called opportunity of outcome.
They are far too different to be lumped into the American category
Somereason I wrote American category, I don't know why the word American is there
Women have the ace card, since they have monopoly on birth. Nothing will change.
>I'm all for having the same political rights
Don't be a moron.
Handing out political rights like candy is the cause of almost every western problem.
Egalitarianism is garbage anyway. People are clearly not equal and must be judged AS INDIVIDUALS.
They'll also soon have a monopoly on cats and cat food.
It should be, but it wont.
Why? Because people can say that being anti-feminist means that you're anti-female.
No. Feminism should be branded as pure misandry.
>Should feminism be rebranded as egalitarianism?
You can rebrand it all you want, it still is one of ideological weapons, forged by merchants to steal your shit.
no, it should be rebranded as the illogical bankrupt conspiracy theory it is.
Yeah it's crazy how doing things as god intended is something new