The Promise — Armenian Genocide Film — T*rkroaches & Muslims will try to silence this

>Film comes out April 21, 2017

>Interview with Batman & Oscar Isaac


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It never happened.

Proxyfag roach shills. Kys

Dont know much about the genocide but this trailer rustled lots of turks in the comments y doe



Well yes. They're really butthurt about their shitty roach history.



Fuck off kyke

You don't have a monopoly on genocides.

I was just reading this right now. Seems like the Turks cannot accept something so they all down voted it to shit on IMDB.

Never met a Turk, but i'm guessing this is typical for them.

Christian Bale is hot AF

>a film about a genocide committed by non-whites
isn't this racist for Hollywood standards?

Anyone seen it? looks like a decent flick unironically

Sultan Erdogan is pouring millions to shill against anything related to the Armenian Genocide. Has been happening for years. They're probably shilling on Sup Forums too.

This is a good document.

I want to blow him and I'm not even a faggot (maybe just a little desu desu).


Not yet, but there's about 100k+ negative votes on IMDB (T*rkroach bots).

It should be breddy good....Same director as Hotel Rwanda, which was nice.

The script for this reminds me of Doctor Zhivago.

I'm seeing it this weekend then, to spite those swarthy gypsies if nothing else.

Good shit desu. I'mma catch it with my girlfriend. I'm like 25% Armenian and my great grandmother espcaped the genocide.

The butthurt by the Roaches is hilarious.

Seeing Batman star in a giant 100$ million movie is going to rustle the T*rkroach jimmies so hard. KEK





enjoy friend, I'll be thinking of you as I watch batman fight his most dastardly opponent yet; the guileless goatfucker and his asshurt army

