Be Jewish

>be Jewish
>have a better religion, civilization and culture than whites
>have higher IQ than whites, make better engineers, scientists, writers, intellectuals etc.
>be the religious and intellectual foundation of western civilization
>be born into a close knit ethnicity that encourages in-group marriage
>have a cohesive and prosperous ethnic-state
>have everything that WN's want for their race but willl never achieve , and be hated by natsoc faggots as a result

Other urls found in this thread:–19

So do you agree with what Jews are doing then?

This. Jews are the masters of the whites as well as founded White civilization. Christianity and European morals/values all derived from Judaism.

jewish people hadn't had a civilization in like 1700 years. basically nigger tier.

You mean being better at being white than whites? Yeah

>the jewish golden standard for good society is being white
says it all right there. youre not white though.

They didn't have their own country in 1700 years yet still dominated the Whites as a ruling super elite above Monarchs and above the Pope.


Evolved, ftfy

Koheleth 4:2
>And I thought the dead, who have already died, more fortunate than the living, who are still alive
Your holy book is telling you to kys

>>be Jewish
>>have a better religion, civilization and culture than whites
But you're false knockoff of Christianity is literally Satanism and by denying The Lamb of God you all burn in Hell with your father the devil.

That's not good user.


Jews weren't even allowed back into England until Cromwell.

I'm asking if you feel that Jews have the right idea in the things you listed above.

He's only trying to explain it to you in terms a simple goy could understand. He'd use scientific explanations and analysis but you're only white and probably won't understand.

> Jewish
> civilization

Pick only one.

Israel was structured in imitation of western societies because Jews don't actually have a civilization of their own.

>95 IQ
>can't survive without white subsidies
>pedophilic and cannibalistic sub culture
>everyone in the world hates you

You're inferior in every way, only thing jews have going for them is collectivist ideals. You are not clever.

Ask yourself: where were kikes prior to jewish money ascending in power? What did they achieve other than usury merchant scams?

That explains why England remained a backwater until Cromwell. Jews probably brought with them proper management of the goyim

if thats true then why did germany thrive when it kicked out jews

>white are our slaves

>Jews don't actually have a civilization of their own

yes they do. It's called Europe civilization (Jews owned it)

Weak bait. Aussie shitposting at it's finest.

In what period is this? Are you talking about the period when Germany descended into the Thirty Years War or the period when Germany tried to take on half the world under the Nazis? Either way it proved that Whites, left alone, are too animalistic to rule themselves and just descend into their old ways of tribal warfare. They need Jews to manage them

Muzzlem bait. You know Yisrael only mates with Whites from America. You stinking moohammies will never change my love for Yisrael.
Shouldn't you go home and dig your mama from under the rubble pile we have made you?
Achmed, suck a BBC.

When LePen wins it will be a domino effect. Whites will turn on Islam in the streets.

You'll look like your Isis brothers in tora bora after one fucking MOAB.

The God of Yisrael has given us the courtyard of the Temple. You will see the Dome of the Rock bulldozed.

Islam's not looking so good. Hahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahaha!

All that and everyone still hates you.

Another stinking muzzlem.

Jews prefer to stay anonymous.

It's like the default political position.

If you want to get anywhere, then you'll stop being jewish.

Also, "Nobody rose into power by pinching pennies. That's something you do when you've accepted that being poor is all you'll ever be."

Comparatively, Jews are poor as fuck!

Fucking desert people, I swear.

jews exhibit the extremes of negative white traits, namely greed.
This site is a bit hard to reach on this concept but having a balance of emotion + logic is core to civilization.
They exploit the emotional drive of others to succeed in a logical way. IE: They are born and bred sociopaths.
They have in turn made the rest of the world a bit more sociopathic in the process.
You could imagine a "leftie" as 75% emotion and 25% logic, a 'channer 90% logic and 10% emotion. The sweet spot of success as a society is 75% logic / 25% emotion, give or take.

Your mama.

Somewhat true.

It's not that we think we are better than the rest, but we literally outperform every group in every category that matters.


A smart parasite is still a parasite. No reason exists to serve the Kike social lamprey.

This. Whites can own the farms which are worked by lesser people like Latinos or Negros, but all the industries are indirectly owned by the Jews through financing, either through loans or investment. Jews get to sit back and relax and earning passive income while Whites toil away earning active income.

Blacks work for Whites and Whites work for Jews

These are muzzlems brother. They want you to hate Yisrael!

We have the courtyard of the Temple. They have a pile of rubble.

And everyone works for North Korea.


Jews were the only people to never experience a dark age. Jews had huge communities involved in both the Islamic Golden Age and the European Enlightenment.

I think it's really cute when white people attempt science

>be jews

>be a race that spends its existence as a parasite of white culture

>do everything you can to stymie white attempts at an ethnostate

>wonder why everyone hates you

Yet Jews continue to exploit country after country. Only caring that your stomach is full and your fields plowed off the backs of our labor.

>>have a better religion, civilization and culture than whites

You're clearly trolling.

>go into Russia
>create Bolshevism
>kill all non-Jewish intellectuals
>Look, all non-Jews aren't intellectual

It's absolutely true, but the hatred doesn't come from envy.

It comes from not being able to leave well enough alone and keep to themselves. They absolutely have to destroy the foundations of every other society on earth, and we are the only ones stupid enough to let them in and/or do their bidding. That's the main source of the hatred.

When Europeans where shitting in the streets and burning witches at the stake. Maimonides (موسى بن ميمون) developed one of the greatest philosophical Jewish communities of the time in the enlightened Arab world.

The Jews are a people always at the forefront of human thought, no matter where or when they live.

same with asspain

I could point out how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA, how they were the driving force behind opening our borders, how the lawsuits that allowed near unrestricted abortion in our countries were both lead by kikes or hell I could lay out the thousands of hooked noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with. But I won't.

Rather i'll ask that whenever someone in this thread witnesses societal/political rot ask yourself, and don't be afraid to do some digging if necessary, if a certain sunken eyed inbred tribe is behind it.

They are doing that to us right now in the USA you know

Jews do most of the science, entrepreneurship and investment. Without Jews the whites would still be chimping out in the forests

When looking at this and society in general we must remember they are 1-2% of the population. Only when looking at the sheer odds can we understand the level of subversion and nepotism.

>One Jew is.. 1:50
>Two Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:2500
>Three Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:125,000
>Four Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:6,250,000
>Five Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:312,500,000
>Six Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:15,625,000,000
>Seven Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:781,250,000,000

Israel completely BTFO'd the le chosen meme. Poorer than most post-Soviet countries despite having more foreign investment than Spain & Italy combined, ranks consistently among the top three in the OECD when it comes to corruption both perceived and convicted and it's the only country where immigrants are on average poorer after ten years.

Without a host the parasite dies.

low energy bait.

>>have a better religion, civilization and culture than whites

your day will come, bitchboy

You are white STUPID. Only Hitler believed you were sub human non white knuckle walkers. Maybe he was right.

Every student of history knows the Jew never wins and that they always push the goys that let them in with open arms too far. It would be foolish to bet that the assbootings will stop at #109 although thanks to their globalization and the information age the next will no doubt be their most devastating and widespread deportation yet.

this is what i called an inflamed ass
literally laughing at this butthurt fagot

That's no reason I should care about them, for they do nothing for me.

Nature is competitive. Eat or be eaten, kill or be killed.

Hitler lived through this.–19

See something in common? What about with the three people held chiefly responsible for this?

NKVD head (((Gengrikh Yagoda))), Stalins right hand (((Lazar Kaganovich))), and Minister Vyacheslav Molotov, yeah that molotov, who wasn't Jewish but sure enough was married to a very prominent kike. I can thank the ukes out west for making our teachers teach us this shit.

Umm how am I butthurt? I'm reveling in the fact that I'm part of the Jewish master race, which owns whites

yeah and we got away with it because we own you, eat shit

>how the lawsuits that allowed near unrestricted abortion in our countries

Abortion doesn't kill anyone conservatives should miss. Not every Yid idea is a bad one. Abortion in the US is pretty effective niggercide. It doesn't make up for Jew support of niggers, but every less shitskin improves the world.

It's only a problem for you because you're too cucked to counter it. That's not the Jews' problem, it's yours.

The butchered cock when you play with when feeling lonely only proves I am right.

You know there is a international coalition against the Jew building. You know assbooting #110 is right around the corner. This is why you pollute our board for hours each day. Why else would you make it a part time job?

i like you leaf.

You didn't get away with jack shit. Jews held Germans collectively responsible for invented crimes, and they shall no doubt be held collectively responsible for judeo-communism, the scammed reparations, and their western subversion and destruction after we let them in with open arms and treated them as brothers. Obviously all Jewish wealth worldwide wouldn't be enough to make good on these crimes against humanity but they can work the rest off over the generations, just as tens of millions of innocent and decent Germans were forced, and are continually forced, to do.

I bet you are 1/677th Jewish

>In what period is this? Are you talking about the period when Germany descended into the Thirty Years War or the period when Germany tried to take on half the world under the Nazis? Either way it proved that Whites, left alone, are too animalistic to rule themselves and just descend into their old ways of tribal warfare. They need Jews to manage them

Australians are too drunk on kangaroo semen to know how to troll correctly.

The noses are obviously doing all of the things you just criticised humans for doing.
Israel, besides its low iq, is a really strange and hilarious strategic mistake in that it surrounds itself with enemies, regularly pisses off more and more people in its efforts to survive and requires supporters in other countries to effectively convert more and more people to full blown racial anti-semitism through their subversive behaviour.

All jokes aside, Jews are probably very well aware of the fact that their lives are in the hands of their White guardians and this is probably the origin of their severe jealousy and hatred for the White race.

Irony is, if they undermine the Whites enough, the local wildlife will consume them.


> Jews
> religious and intellectual foundation of western civilization

Rome and Greece say "no you're not"

Nobody blames every Jew for the actions of the overwhelming majority but it's still an undeniable fact that most of the dire issues we face in our nations simply wouldn't exist if Jews weren't here. Jewish influence is overwhelming negative and they've overstayed their welcome, time for the chosen people to go to their chosen land. No exceptions.

When you see it..

lmao I bet you thought that when Trump got elected until he turned out to be the best goy of the century. Enjoy another million immigrants this year pal

Judaism 101. Appear weak when you are strong and strong when you are weak. You've made it a part time job to pollute our board, how else are we supposed to read this?

If you inbred kikes were as smart as you claim to be you would spend less time polluting and more time calling out this shit.

White LITERALLY worshipped a Jew for thousands of years and you all are saying you are better?


>Jews get to sit back and relax and earning passive income while Whites toil away earning active income.

Never worked a day in my life. It's great.



If you thought this would keep up you wouldn't be here. You know assbooting #110 is right around the corner and instead of calling this shit out your inbred race thinks it can demoralize and subvert its way out of the camps.

Not going to happen. Every student of history knows the Jew always pushes the goys too far. There is a grand international coalition against the eternal rat growing, again that's why you're here. You are rightfully terrified.

>implying we don't know that goyim cognition is purely reactionary
>implying we haven't already subverted all your reactionary movements
Thanks for (((Trump))) btw =)

Yeah except I'm not a politician or a country, I'm just baiting you. You'd understand that if you had Jewish intelligence and not Great Ape intelligence of a whitey. shoo! shoo! get back to work you probably owe my family money


What about them asians getting better jobs than kikes?

If you thought this was true you wouldn't make polluting Sup Forums a part time job. You know what's coming, you know after we eliminate the diaspora from our lands that your mud neighbours with trillion dollar sovereign wealth funds are going to get their revenge.

You know that millions of people wake up just to this picture every since year. You know that translated Hitler speeches have got 15,000,000+ views just on YouTube in the last year and a half. You know. That's why you're here.

This is how retarded Whites are. A guy with a Jewish son-in-law and 1000 Jewish grandkids pays a little lip service to them and they all vote for the most pro-Jewish, pro-Zionist goy in all human history

Asians are busy being engineers while jews just make money manipulating the market

t. Someone who has never been to the shithole that is Israel

>build my whole existence on lies

>posted from America

Jews in a nutshell

You sent your two slaves (America and Russia) when we we're on our way two create an European Ethno-State

white goyim have been saying this for 2000 years. *yawns*

there is nothing wrong with be Jewish

30 day ban if you counter bait. It ruins the board.

>If you thought this would keep up you wouldn't be here.

Keep on thinking that.

Alright, someone help me out here; I get that there're a crap ton of Jews in positions of power, but how does this mean that all Jews are implicated? I mean, I know a few Jewish guys at my university; they seem alright. Are they inherently evil as predetermined by their genetics? Do they get brainwashed into becoming a foot soldier in the great Jewish conspiracy when they go on birthright to Israel? It seems to me that the fact that many Jews are part of the globalist group is that historically they've been involved in banking which is the profession that lends itself the most to becoming a rich globalist with a taste for meddling with world politics.

careful I might get the slavs back to rape your women again lmao

You're on our board for hours each day you little inbred kike. You really thought we wouldn't notice that fact? Our generation will raise his spirit from the grave, and the world will know he was right.

>be Hungarian
>have the biggest dicks in world
>have the highest gold medals per capita
>slaughter 90% of all kike men women and children of their country
>completely get away with it
>has far less shitskins and is for more nationalistic than israel
At best, Jews are just a more hideous, more brown, and smaller dicked version of Huns

You're a goy pretending to be a jew shill. You fool no one. This doesn't help the cause whatsoever and makes you liable for a 30 day.

Like with anything in this world, this board actually belongs to us Jews. Sup Forums was created for containment

I'm convinced 99%-100% of goyim are only capable of reactionary thinking. They see something they don't like and they take the most obvious and straightforward step to rectify it long term consequences or countermeasures in space or time. They literally can not develop long term plans or predict cause and effect to more then one level. Just like "arragh! I'm angry, do something!". Basically insect tier sentience.

>LARPing this hard
My. Fucking. Sides.

170k posts here yesterday. Sup Forums has single handedly revived the third reich in anglo youth culture.

Jews know that most people just see them as ugly self hating whites, and that the moment people see them as Jews they are removed from whatever country hosts them every single time. This is why they are shitting their pants and making Sup Forums shilling a part time job.

When looking at this and society in general we must remember they are 1-2% of the population. Only when looking at the sheer odds can we understand the level of subversion and nepotism.

>One Jew is.. 1:50
>Two Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:2500
>Three Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:125,000
>Four Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:6,250,000
>Five Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:312,500,000
>Six Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:15,625,000,000
>Seven Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:781,250,000,000

the 1-2% of goyim that are half intelligent actually have Jewish genes in them. It's no coincidence that Whites were doing nothing but chimping out in the forests until the first Jewish migrations arrived.