Would Donald Trump have been able to beat Bernie Sanders?

Would Donald Trump have been able to beat Bernie Sanders?

Donald got the most primary votes of any candidate, so yes.

Besides, Bernie is an establishment sheepdog for the Democratic party, he had no intention at all of winning.

Yes. Because Trump brought out white nationalistic patriotism in voters and Bernie just sucks black cock.

do you understand how little appeal bernie had outside of reddit and millennials who don't show up to vote?

he had VERY little appeal. way less than someone who spends time on the internet would be led to think.

I agree, but Progressives tend to shout "Bernie would have beaten Trump if he hadn't been screwed!"

I don't know, I mean, they both were anti-establishment, but Trump had a 'silent majority', as evidenced in the polling. He was widely called 'the least popular candidate in U.S. history', yet almost the whole map went red during the election

And further, that enthusiasm from supporters at his campaign rallies said more than any words could.

Yeah, I had a feeling. I don't think Bernie was very popular among anyone 30+

Bernie might have had better change against Trump than Hillary. He still probably would have lost to Trump.

Democrats fucking Bernie in primaries might have pushed bunch of uncertain anti-establishment voters to Trump and caused increased voter apathy among democrats.

It would have been a total landslide for trump. Bernie is just some old white cracka from who knows where, minorities would never mass rally behind him


Yes. Bernie would shit his pants and have a heart attack if he was put on the same stage as Trump.

If Boinie couldnt beat Hillary,He definitely couldnt beat trump.

Yes. Put Bernie on a stage with Trump and sad cooky old Bernie will be btfo. Cruz btfo Bernie easily. American voters, not including redditors, (ie: actual tax payers) would not vote for retard Sanders.

Because Bernie is just not a fighter. Whenever he focus is on him, he crumbled under pressure. He's the kind of person who talks shit from the sidelines when no one considers him enough of a threat to actually respond. I think the debate with Ted Cruz made it painfully obvious that he's not a fighter.

Yes. America is fucked up, but we're not so fucked up (yet) that an obvious communist would win in a fair election. Even the dumbest of burger voters know communism is evil.

No, because your vote doesnt really matter. Trump was put in place for a reason and that is to usher in WW3. Hes just another puppet

Yep. Donald's bants game took down one of the Clintons, and they're the shadiest family in American politics. Bernie gave up his mic at his own rally to let Shaneequa tell him how racist he was

bernie lost to hillary if that says anything

No. A lot of people that voted for Trump just hated Clinton.

I honestly don't know. This was the race that i wanted to see though.

Deep. #BothPartiesSuck #WakeUpSheep

DNC wouldn't support Sanders at all, meaning no spics abd negros being wrangled to the voting booths

Bernie was a communist with no common sense. He was a special kind of stupid when it comes to economics as well. Trump would have capitalized on that and wiped his ass with Bernie.

Sure, socialist, SJWs and feminazis exist in America, but they are a small portion of the left, albeit the most vocal of the left. They love to live in a fantasy world where Bernie beats Donald Trump, but the majority of America (including left leaning people) hate the idea of socialism and they would have voted for Trump over Bernie in droves. It would have been humiliating for him, honestly.

Nope. Bernie getting fucked over in the primaries cost Hillary a lot of support from democrats and left leaning centerists. Not only that, but a good number of people who voted Trump (or voted Green, or voted for that other guy) did so because they hated Hillary, not because they supported him.

Trump is not /fit/ but is quite sturdy. Sanders is an old timid weakling. Trump would have won by TKO in round two if not sooner.

Yes, but it wouldn't have been as easy.

Progressive here. No. Bernie couldn't straight up lie like Trump and in general Bernie has too much of the socialist lover stamp on him which doesn't go well with rural muricans who's consumed a lot of anti-communist / anti-socialist policies and would rather turn to trumps glossy populism.

SJWs supported Hilary user. To this day they're still bitching about the "Bernie Bros"

Trump would've easily beaten Bernie. Every GOP candidate would've.


Hmm that's a real boner.
That rattles my rafters.
That spins the synapses

Bernie's platform of "tax the middle class at 50%+" would have caused Trump to win all 50 states. Money speaks louder than anything else, and Americans on both sides of the aisle would have put their financial interests first.

Bernie was proof positive that millennial SJW's have no legitimate influence in reality and are not worth pandering to.

Only rural and suburban retards voted for Bernie.

trump would have slaughtered this cuckold in the debates. barney sandals had no substance. i hate that kike more than hillary because at least hillary earned her position even if it was by being a ruthless cunt. sandals was given everything he has in life by jewish nepotism. this guy couldn't hold a job until his mid 40s and you think he's got the answers? top fucking lel. he is the senator of vermont. fucking vermont. vermont could govern itself it's so autonomous. then there's the fact that most people do actually hate communists, even democrats and bernie is without a doubt a communist with communist connections

you know, i really want to find out how sandals got his job as senator. how does some commie jew failure get a nice cushy job as an independent senator on the democrat payroll without having to do any work for democrats?

The big thing with both Bernie and Trump is that both were big fuck off to political establishment.

It is likely that bunch of people that would have voted for Bernie voted for Trump. Some heavily blue states could have voted even harder for Bernie than for Hillary, some very contested states would have voted for Bernie instead of Trump and some of very contested states would have voted for Trump.

Generally too many variables to predict results with any sort of accuracy.

Honestly Bernie vs Trump would have been the most juicy combination of candidates. Right wing populist vs leftist populist and total collapse of political establishment.

Even if Bernie had won he would have been fucked by the system just like Trump has been post election and he wouldn't have been able to deliver his promises, only difference is leftist media elite, they would be portraying it as massacre of democracy or something, possibly anudda Shoah.

bernie wasn't a fuck off to the establishment. stop with that bullshit. the ONLY anti establishment candidate was trump. barney sandals never had a real job in his life and was a senator for like 25 years and accomplished virtually nothing in that time besides renaming a post office... TWICE. barney sandals represents everything wrong with the establishment. he is the part of the establishment we hate the most

Yes, more easily than Clinton

Does anyone realize that Bernie was gaslit into popularity by the far right in order to increase Trump's likelihood of winning? There were many fascist/natsoc groups that conducted concerted efforts in New Hampshire and Michigan to prolong the democratic primary and weaken Hillary as a candidate. I always supported Trump, but I voted for Bernie in the primary, as did many of my friends. I put forth quite a bit of astroturfed meme power into Bernie on reddit as well. It was the right thing to do.

That's also where the "I donated my very last dollar to Bernie! He has to win!" or "I took out a second mortgage on my house for Bernie!" meme came from.

Not might, it did.



>No. A lot of people that voted for Trump just hated Clinton.
they also hate communists

I think Joe Biden could've given Trump a run for his money, but besides him no one else

He is leftist fringe of Democrats. He was as much anti-establishment as Trump, he just challenged it in different way than Trump. Not political correctness part,but in economic sense probably more. I agree on Bernie being a guy who never held a non-political job, his proposed economic policy was probably even bigger fuck off big corporations funding the mainstream politicians. Bernie was extremely politically correct when it comes to rhetoric, Trump was extremely politically incorrect in his rhetoric. Last one was a major selling point for Trump.

They are both populists, just different kinds of populists.

Just like Trump, Bernie would have had major problems in getting his policy trough congress and senate. As result if Bernie would be president he would have to deal with a lot of voter disillusion as he wouldn't be able to push his shit trough political system. Kinda like Trump as we speak.

Too bland and too old.

Man, remember when Hillary's corruption was so strong she turned off Dem voters so much they wouldn't even vote for her against the fucking Donald?

She is truly a peerless cunt

I'm 100% confident Bernie would've won. I hate the guy, I hate his policies, I hate his redditor supporters, but I was rooting for Hillary to win the primaries because I knew for certain that Trump could beat Hillary but not Bernie. Bernie is just too mild-mannered and dirt-free. At worst, he's a idealistic bum. The reasons not to vote for him were too complicated and wordy to turn people away from him. Trump won because Hillary is a rotten, oligarchal, dynastic, establishment globalist witch, and Trump's bluster still barely beat her. 77,744 combined voters in the flipped rust belt states handed Trump the election. If he didn't take them, he would've lost. It would've been incredibly easy for Bernie to take them with a campaign trail smarter than Hillary's. She pushed them right into Trump's arms by completely ignoring them their very troubling time.

But he had working class appeal, even moreso than Obama ever did

Progressives are a huge problem, some bernie people who felt betrayed by bernie and voted for Trump.I fear they will flip flop and vote for that communist cocksucker again.


trump wouldnt be able to turn it into a shit flinging fest, he'll have to actually discuss policies so I dont know desu

Bernie Sanders has no testicles. He's not going anywhere.

can bernie still win

>implying sucking black cock is not part of the national identity of the USA

Run over the senile commie fuck


>Barely beat her

Dude, he wiped his arse with her in the electoral college


I'm not sure, you would think so but you've never seen them together on stage... sanders is ugly, but trump is literally retarded, so who knows what would have happened

I'd have been more likely to vote for him over the other two who I didn't vote for at all but pic related. This shit was still a better option than what we had.

I know you leafs and euros are laughing all the way to the mosque but we're fucked. We're gonna die. I guess I might as well apolgize for some of it even though I was like 12 when it all started but I'm not innocent. None of us are. I have a feeling it's gonna be over before the year ends.

The average americuck would prefer the status quo over policies that actually benefit them.

So, Trump would still win, but not because he's the better choice.

>a fucking billionaire

seeing them on stage together would end any discussion. donald trump projects success, confidence, and power. it wouldn't matter what either man said, but how viewers/voters felt after seeing them. bernie does not look like a strong leader. he does not look like someone who would stand up to anyone. this is evidenced by the BLM takeover of his rally there. anyone can recognize weakness, biologically, just by looking at someone. and bernie looks weak as fuck. we instinctively want power in the lead.

>voting in a communist



Trump's appearances are as much an illusion as anything else... his combover makes him appear preternaturally youthful and energetic. If you've seen him with it flipped back he looks way worse than Bernie.

The image in OP is a giveaway... judging by the size of the irises, Trump has a smaller face, a smaller jaw and mouth than Bernie does.

the entire global political establishment hates him

not seeing the forest for the trees

it's not any one detail. bernies overall look is that of a weak old man. unfit to represent the tribe and serve as the most powerful man in the world. trump appears solid and confident.

bernie is just too old looking and too small. it's not about haircuts. we will sooner elect a woman than a crusty old coot with bad posture. he had no chance. the dnc did right to rip him off, really.

Yes of coarse minority turn out would have been even lower then Hillary. Democrats literally need a black person to run for president to get the votes needed to win

I don't know, we never saw the two together on stage. Sanders was not like the other Republicans, he has a real anger to him and to the people he supposedly represented, which no one like Ted Cruz or Jeb Bush carried. In fact I would say Sanders was more controversial than Trump - although I didn't pay much attention to the Democratic debates, one part that caught my eye was when he declared Henry Kissinger a villain for what he supposedly did to Cambodia. Trump never said anything as grounded or militant as that, he just blithely repeated catchphrases and dropped zippy oneliners. Which might be why Trump is one of the least popular presidents in history and actually managed to lose the popular vote to a woman.

what i'm saying is there is no need to see both on stage. americans will never elect a weak and unattractive leader.

"People may not remember exactly what you did, or what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel." -h jackson brown, jr

it applies here exactly. bernie projects feebleness. it doesn't matter who he is standing next to on a debate stage. i'm not saying it's right, i'm just saying it is

That's exactly what I'm saying, Bernie is stronger than Trump. Trump is literally just a media puppet - his strength is the strength of the establishment that made his fortune and name, and decides on camera angles and news moments. If you actually look past all the celebrity glamor, you'll see that he's a stupendously ugly and effeminate person.

on pol, whatever you think the answer is, no one will be able to convince you otherwise

the question at hand is whether or not he would have beaten bernie. my answer is emphatically no

I honestly don't think Trump had any intention of winning. At the very least he fully expected to lose. This is why he is all talk and no action. He said a load of crazy shit never believing he'd actually have to back it up.

>If you actually look past all the celebrity glamor, you'll see that he's a stupendously ugly and effeminate person.

lol and Bernie isn't?

Yes. In 2020, I'm not sure...

I don't know about that. If you think about it Bernie is very much higher test than Trump - you can tell by how he acts. While Bernie is hoarse and rambling, Trump is cutesy and sibilant. If it came down to a battle of testosterone, Bernie would win for sure. In many ways Trump was the best possible candidate to beat a woman, because as they say, (homosexual) men make better women than women do.

I thought Donald only won because all the buthurt Berniebros stayed home?

Who cares?
The election is over, and Bernie is still a
losing cuck, get the fuck over it already, Jesus.

there is the slimmest chance that bernies dick still works. if it does, he is fucking pic related. that's disgusting. she is fat and disgusting. president trump is literally married to a supermodel. that's powerful.

i realize now that you're trolling me, and i curse 4chanx for baiting me back in here, but i'm speaking to the vanity of the american voter first and foremost. in terms of policy, bernies appeal doesn't touch trump either outside of reddit, cali, nyc, and a couple other small electoral pockets. but i'm talking superficial stuff and how strong it is. it's everything in life.

a billionare IS the establishment mate

Bernie would have sabotaged his campaign with stupid flubs a la Gary Johnson. He might have made it a closer race electorally.

But no. Ultimately his base was too worthless. And he didn't really have the energy for it in the first place.

You're a disgusting homosexual.

Its really easy to support Bernie Sanders
>$15 min wage
>legalize all undocumented migrants
>free college
>refugees welcome
>universal healthcare
>free childcare
>new infrastructure
>1% muh wall street muh rich
Basicly anything wrong with our country he could harp on and Idiot redditors and fuckwits would eat it up
>It is time we help the homeless living in the streets of america.
>We can not continue to allow racism to thrive in the united states of america
>A women must have a right to her body
>It is time that we unite against x
But you have to get fucking real and realize this shit really isn't so easilly achived with all the dindus/spics/white trash we have, which would just eat up all the benefits. And he goes and cites tiny WHITE HOMOGENEOUS European countrys as proof that its all possible.
>5.614 million
Fuck bernie

>being succesfull and smart means your part of ((((((((them))))))))))
