why is the serpent so bad, did he not give us free will?
Why is the serpent so bad, did he not give us free will?
>take me in oh tender woman
take me in oh tender woman
>take me in oh tender woman
take me in oh tender woman
Did the snake died?
He tought that being able to suffer would make us weaker. His act helped us, but he did it with a malicious intent.
We had free will before
fuck I mean knowing the difference between good and evil.
Hey Sup Forums, gentile here
can anyone give me a quick rundown on why snakes dont have legs
Is that a real cake? Pretty groovy.
Explain further. Wasn't Adam so stupid before biting the apple he didn't even know he was naked?
If they didn't have free will they wouldn't have been able to take the fruit in the first place
>Fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
I'm not really into religion, but what does that have to do with free will?
That's a pretty sick cake desu
without that knowledge, humans are as innocent as animals. With that knowledge, humans gain will on par with God and the Angels (and Demons)
Knowing good and evil is what separates children who die that go straight to heaven, and adults who are old enough to know better and may still go to hell.
No, the apple represented the loss of innocence, Adam didn't know being naked was wrong until he was "cursed" with knowledge. It's a not very subtle message that we'd all be better off if we stayed ignorant, because that makes it easier for organized religion to exert control.
The serpent is an agent of the light-bringer, the knowledge-bringer, lucifer. The 'god' of Eden is the Demiurge, who took our divine spark and gave it a physical form. Eating the fruit was just the process of acquiring knowledge to see good from evil, light from dark, etc, allowing us to become as gods.
Did He not oppose the judeo powers that be?
being naked wasn't bad until Original Sin made humans so prone to sexual temptation
It wasn't so much that he was stupid, but it was that he was completely innocent, devoid of sin.
When he and eve disobeyed God, they became aware of sin and cut themselves off to an extent from God, meaning they became a little bit more part of the "world" in the sense, so when he realized he was naked and went cover himself, that was him getting cut off.
At least that's how I partially interpret it.
>tfw the apple was the first literal redpill that was actually red
Pretty neat answers. Thanks, anons.
Hey animeposter, I actually recognize you
No. The fact that eve actually ate the apple in defiance of God's will proves she actually had free will all along. Satan merely exploited that reality by encouraged the dumb woman to prove it to herself.
yep, just doin my thing
No but he has to crawl on his belly because of it.
Satan would not exist if the lord our God did not wish him to. He serves a purpose, he is not inherently evil, he's a representation of temptation, and we must resist to prove our purity
>everyone calling it an apple
>apples have seeds
>God said they could eat any fruit with seeds in it
>fruit of the tree of knowledge literally not a fucking apple
Please read your fucking bibles, people.
Not free will, he gave them sin.
Sounds awful, how will he get anywhere :-(
It's fun when you're reunited with someone in the ether of Sup Forums.
The first sin was not the biting of the apple itself, but rather the Devil lying and telling Eve that Big G said it was okay.
Likewise, Adam and Eve's first sins themselves were trying to hide their deeds from God and lying.
This is why its commonly said that lying is the cause of all other sins.
It's better when such degenerates are reunited in the gas chambers.
I see it as a metaphor.
People are naked in their ignorance, fear of the unknown and primal instincts (snake) springs us to action and to seek knowledge (apple). With that knowledge comes awareness of evil and good and responsibility.
Would have been kind of boring living in the garden for all eternity tbqh
and with ONE woman!!!