Dutch police shoot guy shouting allahu akbar
Can anyone translate what is said at the end? Something about Europe (surely positive)?
Dutch police shoot guy shouting allahu akbar
Can anyone translate what is said at the end? Something about Europe (surely positive)?
Love this vid watch him drop, look at his right leg. That's funny as fuck. Why did they not go for a headshot? /pol taught me to shoot more bullets into them.
Meme now, memeeee
Wonder if you could sneak speakers into a crowd and randomly play pre recorded takbirs to trigger people.
Uh, is there an official happening going on with all these terrorist attacks, or that simply life on mainland Europe these days?
>alalhu ak
>allahu ak
>allahu ak
You really shouldn't yell that.
Race war no-
>yfw you realise it's already well under way
Welcome to Europe. Britain is next. Or did you forget Lee Rigby?
I think you mean shouting god is great in arabic.
The day of happenings has arrived
Digits and it doesnt end until midnight
He's screaming in turkish: What are these sons of whores doing to him? Is this europe?
In Poland nothing, kind of boring actually, lately I heard about my friend which is the only muslim i know personally got beat up because he was behaving badly. Got to a hospital. Other than that not much muslim activity as far as I know
lmao that made my night thanks OP
Is this just everyday life in Europe? wtf?
>Britain is next
Poland keeping the menace in check
Bit of a shit country but those potato sacks you make with butter dumplings are devilishly wholesome
this is only the beginning
>Europe letting in Muslims to destroy western civilization
I predicted this starting in 2009 and all I got was online jihadists threatening me, as well as snarky leftists doing whatever they can to throw abuse at me and censor me.
Why does Europe do this to themselves?
Holy Shit whats habbening...First Paris and now this. Is it fate?
leaf, please
Someone post the map of historical and modern muslim expansion. Eastern Europe is truly based. Defend Europe men of the East.
Uhm... wasn't their an islamic SUV of tolerance two weeks ago on Westminster?
>european police are now more trigger happy than american police
its what liberalism causes
kek, I could swear I heard a Wilhelm scream somewhere in there.
Maat, waar is dit?
den haag?
one guy like a few years ago is hardly anything significant
The news is the guy was waiving around with knives. Police shot his leg. Based cops.
they shot him center mass right?
Schilderswijk, Den Haag
Netherlands? I just read on polish news site there was a terrorist happening in Paris. Did I miss something?
Was there? I thought that was France. The one with the beer truck or something?
There's so many of them it's difficult to keep track of them now.
The British people should never forget him though. He got butchered up by two islamic savages. He's a martyr.
damn he's screaming like a bitch, usually when people get shot they just sort of zone out until the shock wares later if but he's hollering
The clip OP posted is an entire different thing. This guy went around waiving knives and got shot as a result. The guy in Paris is a happening right now.
But it happened like last week though, not tonight.
There where about 4-6 car crash events across Europe in that week after Westminster bridge. Italy sticks in my mind. Two severely injured there. One cop.
That's understable, sadly. The truck was Stockholm irrc
>No mocambique drill.
ah, ok. so there's, like, two happenings at this moment or is this thread's happening an old thing?
The clip OP posted is old yeah, few weeks back. Not a big thing.
I think tensions are high and shit is going down in two locations.
$-$-$ummer madness bay bee
This wasnt a terrorist attack. Some arab guy smashed the windows of a medical clinic and got shot by police. This is from weeks ago
Yeah but white people and the cuck civilization are still in denial while sand niggers are in open war against the west.
>some sandniggers kill white people
Fuck, you're right, I must have missed that one in among all the other ones.
At least no-one calls me 'racist'.
also, nowadays chances are big they take down some moron lefties anyway, who cares about them?
It is clearly an open war for some of this savages while the west is still debating if its racist to react towards obvious acts of violence.
Keep being cucked while the "peaceful" muslims basically flood europe while the "radicalized" attack you in the mean time, one day you will wake up in europistan without even notice it.
>not shooting him again for each takbir
Have Danish police been on Mars for the last decade? what the fuck
Well Brussels will just cuck them and take away their guns, so they can't harm any "innocent and moderate" muslims.
I remember some Turk saying they would take over Europe like 20 years ago
You know what they took over? The fucking Aldi.
>SUV of tolerance
They are taking over by slowly replacing the population, removing all resistance by labeling it racist, and by outbreeding the natives.
You had that dude a week or two ago killing 5 people on westminster
It was a KIA of tolerance + knife attack.
Oh how quick we are to forget. Shit is fucked. This is not the Europe I grew up in.
This will be everyday routine
they either blew the fuck out of his femur or one of his hip bones
mean while in britbongcuckistan:
copys getting beat with hammers because they are so cucked they cant even carry guns
What background does he have? Is he French or German?
51st state
>not mag dumping center mass
Better than most of Europe, but still a C+ at best.
>Something about Europe (surely positive)?
yeah he said he had a nice vacation etc, the hotel was shit though he complained
Because you Europoor have a fascination with applying lethal force non-lethally
Holy shit, that was pathetic.
> Is this Europe?
Not any more
dont EVER let the liberas take the guns away from your police aquafresh
Probably said good thing it's Europe, US cops would have blown his head off. No 72 virgins for you tonight Ackmed.
Based pim fortuyn predicted this shit back in 2002
to be honest i don't even understand the point of these kinds of "actions" (and there are alot of them believe me)
If you're already running around with a knife and your head is full of ackbaring then why are you just screaming and running around like that?=
lolol fucking music
Holy Beautiful
he's still alive, that shoot in the legs meme has to stop right now
But user, once they reach a critical point, their inability to run a society will crash down many of your institutions, supply chains will break, and they'll starve or freeze. They're too stupid to survive in Europe without your labor.
Lets go all American
4 headshots then another point blank headshot to be safe.
Looks like he had something in his hand. Knife maybe?
it kind of makes me think it's not about bringing the west down to prop up china or some one world gov't bullshit. that artificial intelligence has already taken over and that chaos is needed to bring about order when humanity becomes subservient and ultimately culled by our future machine overlords
>muh don't want kids, they'll be bullied for being white
>muh don't want gf, they'll just fuck jamal
>muh don't want to tackle climate change, we're all going to die anyway
>we humans are pretty shit, we should let machines replace us all
Good. Fuck Muslims.
They will never be more than 10% of the population in any Euro nation apart from maybe France and Sweden.
Won't happen. Even though there is an increase in leftist bullshit it isn't near the level of other countries and we Dutch still seem to be a realistic people.
with jihadist scums yes indubitably
Anybody worth shooting once is worth shooting twice. Unless you're using a 1/2 MOA rifle with some bling-bling optics on it.
I wasn't actually being sarcastic. I actually want this.
You think the Germans are going to snap and start manufacturing large ovens again, and this time exporting them? Should I invest in German oven makers? Cause that's the kind of direction this shit is headed: A huge body count.
If you guys want, I'll point you to some good info on composting them. At the very least, you can turn them into a good soil amendment.
>tfw this would have shocked me when I was a kid, 20 years ago.
>tfw this is now the norm
It's 5 shots to the body and another 6 shots after the perpetual squirms
Well done Netherlands
Only Scotland and the Netherlands out down terrorists
YEA, let's start executing people on the streets
census says Germany is 1.9% of population.
They are also deporting refugees en mass.
Look at the stupid Muslim, look at him and laugh.
Why not just get your cops Glock (Model) 40s chambered in 10mm and put full bore loads in their mags? 1-2 shots would do it, and those things hold 15 in the mag. Not arguing with you about what needs to be done with the Muzzies, just pointing out that you can be a bit more frugal about it.
He's in great pain. lol
Ironic he sounds like a pig dying in the end of the video
UK will probably be 9% muslim in 2050 then start decreasing as they realise how retarded their religion is.