Why did they do it?
It's been 18 years since the massacre at Columbine
Sandy Hook never happened. No children died. Fuck the "parents". Cunt actors.
such a waste they could have been managing chipoltes if they were still alive today
Because they had a vision granted to them by
the virgin Kek of 9/11 a few years into the future and the subsequent meme reality brought on by social media and globalism. They realized and reviled their fate, this future, but were powerless to prevent it, so worked toward its creation.
>Why did they do it?
Because their schoolmates were a bunch of pricks who deserved a bullet in the head.
Why was it turned into the sob story of the century is the real question. Are Americans just a bunch of pussies? Bury the dead and get on with life. Don't have an orgy of grief and soul searching
its obvious, for the lulz.
Because their classmates deserved it.
But that's been proven false over and over.
One was a truly sick fuck, the other was an edge master beta.
Domestic terrorists. Possible psyop.
Arm all teachers.
Bullying, and the staff at the school not doing anything about it. The jocks had the run of the school.
It was presented as something that was a brand new phenomenon, people wanted to know why the fuck it had gotten that bad in the good old US of A. And then it was politicized to fucking hell.
>Better ban those guns!
If there had been a /pol then, they would have been god tier shitposters
Klebold was just super depressed. Meanwhile Harris was a full blown psychopath.
They had this weird chemistry where they both brought out the evil in each other and embraced it.
That said, they were total fucking faggots, they didn't even kill any of the people who bullied them, just random students, proving how insane they really were. They weren't looking for revenge, they just wanted to create chaos.
this is my favorite example for that meme where we're in a different timeline now, because columbine happened when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade, definitely NOT 5th grade. I was born in 1988, so 2nd-3rd grade would have been 96-98.
Anybody else remember columbine being earlier than 99?
They believed in something.
Yep, I watched this shit when I was in university. I left in '96
>millions of sources being wrong is more likely than having a slightly faulty memory
yeah bro the memes!
I only heard about Columbine from Micheal Moore and some song by some chick who was at it. From what I know about American schooling they had to deal with a lot of self indulgent cunts and naturally the nurtured school board did fuck all for them. I didn't care enough about these guys to try to understand them as people.
Yeah that's a false narrative. They weren't unpopular and they gave as much as they got in terms of bullying
It wasn't a new phenomenon though. The bath school massacre killed 45 and injured 58
It was a new phenomenon relative to the 24hr news cycle
also the qt who sniped kifds out of her window
>the eagle scout who sniped college kids
>the kid who was angry at his gf so he shot 3 people
>some idiot who sniped teachers in his school over Christmas break
They had bombs that didn't go off, those would've killed way more people. they wanted to kill everyone. The "muh bullying" narrative is something people tell themselves to feel better and think some people aren't naturally psychotic like Harris was. The truth is they bullied others just as much and most of the problems they did have came about because they were assholes to others
Don't forget the Texas marine with a brain tumor who sniped people at UT Austin from the bell tower
They were angry entitled betas. They were prime Sup Forums material.
>Tfw no gf
That's it .
the eagle scout
>also a racist guy who crashed his car into a restaurant and shot 22
>McDonalds massacre
source for the female school shooter?
If you believe this can I ask about your feelings about the moon landing and pizzagate?
This. Pizzagate was debunked.
The conspiracy theory has been widely discredited and debunked. It has been judged to be false after detailed investigation by the fact-checking website snopes.com and The New York Times and numerous news organizations have debunked it as a conspiracy theory, including New York Observer, The Washington Post, The Independent in London, The Huffington Post, The Washington Times, Los Angeles Times, Fox News and the Miami Herald. The Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia characterized the matter as "fictitious".
The Charlotte Observer noted the diverse group of sources that had debunked the conspiracy theory, pointing out this included the Fox News Channel in addition to The New York Times. Additionally, no alleged victims have come forward, nor has any physical evidence been found.
In an interview with NPR on November 27, 2016, Comet Ping Pong owner James Alefantis referred to the conspiracy theory as "an insanely complicated, made-up, fictional lie-based story" and a "coordinated political attack."Syndicated columnist Daniel Ruth wrote that the conspiracy theorists' assertions were "dangerous and damaging false allegations" and that they were "repeatedly debunked, disproved and dismissed.
Because they were bullied and lower on the pecking order, they felt this was unjust and they lashed out to prove their dominance in one insane murderous frenzy.
They were edgy kids who got bullied a lot and the faculty let it happen because they didn't like them either. On top of that they fostered happy feelings for the "ooo scary kids watch out for them" attitude that their dumb ass community encouraged. Nobody told them high school doesn't matter. Snapped and shot a bunch of people. Pussy police didn't do shit either because they were afraid to go in the school, so they let them run out of ammo and kill themselves. All around very sad story. Also, after this school sucked for every weird kid in bible belt small town America ten times more than it already did.
>Almost exactly 10 years after the events at Cleveland Elementary, there was another shooting at another school named Cleveland Elementary, this one in Stockton, California.
very odd
>qt who sniped kids
Two atheist faggots who hated all the white christians at their school.
This happened when I was in middle school. What a fucking trip.
>Why did they do it?
Because they were beta faggots. I got bullied in middle school, guess what I did? Became the bully in high school. Don't fucking regret it at all. Those kids were just weak faggots who couldn't handle being bullied for being easy targets
>This dumbass whore not realizing that modern holsters are designed to prevent other people from pulling your gun out
Looks like Elsa Jean, no thanks desu
Your country literally banned guns because of one (possibly false flag) shooting.
This. Colubmine happened. Pedogate and Snady Hook didn't
isn't it weird they buddied up to do it?
like did they just happen to get extremely sick of life at the same time and in the same place?
Have you graduated high school over there yet? That's kind of what happens to people. You are in the same environs, and cliques develop. I knew some fuckers who potentially might've bought into a retarded plan like this. I would advocate against weird shit like this, and am surprised that they failed to speak to a contemporary that could talk them out of it. But that is how it goes. If you think Sup Forums is an echo chamber, try and imagine what went on in social circles pre-internet.
They played too much Doom and wanted to recreate that scenario in real life.
A quick rundown on the sandy hook conspiracy please?
>School closed in 2008
>Proven crisis actors
>One crisis actor is proven to play both a parent, and an FBI sniper. David Wheeler
>No proof the children existed
>No proof the children died
>No bodies removed from school
>neighbors around the school were compinstated. Many had their morgages paid off
>Lanzas death certificate says he died over a week before the hoax, and in another NE state
>Lanzas house was demolished without legal permission to make to hoax look more believable
>Photoshopped photos of children
>Many liberal politicians have connections to the actors.
>A year before the shooting, a man on a forum said in December 2012 a shooting hoax would take place in CT
Jesus frog-stomping Christ.
This question has actually been answered sufficiently for some time. The sole correct answer is Eric Harris was a psychopath, and Dylan Harris was a suicidal depressive who fell into his orbit, the two then composing what's called a "psychopathic dyad", where an assertive psychopath dominates a more fragile and passive personality already decomposing into suicide. There are many obvious examples of this phenomenon in American criminal history, such as Bonnie and Clyde, Henry Lee Lucas and Otis Toole, and Leonard Lake and Charles Ng.
For further information, please consult Dave Cullen's "Columbine", the only competent and authoritative work on the event.
trips of truth. also, the guy on the forum thing was in december 2010, not a year before 2011. i remember seeing it; the image is floating around here somewhere. he was oddly specific too.
not a year before 2012*
Yes. Creeoy how that guy had inside infromation
It's literally the only real school shooting to ever happen.
They were like holy shit this is genius we can fake this and take away guns.
Klebold was just depressed
Why is this myth still propagated?
Good post. Thanks.
I'd also recommend Gus Van Sant's 2003 film Elephant, which is a dramatization of the story with a special emphasis on teenage ennui and alienation. It was part of a cluster of films around that time that explored the soul-destroying qualities of bland American suburbia.
Mike Moore's film gives a little insight too, though mostly with a focus on the question of easy access to guns.
>Creeoy how that guy had inside infromation
Wowsers, we know what you meant, but wowsers.
i thought it happened in 96 but I have bretty bad memory. mandela effect is truly the most burger-tier meme. when I see fucktards like you, I lose hope in a future for our people. people like you need to be led.
>guys believe me
>i saw a graphic on a forum like six or seven years ago
>i'm the smart one here not the entire criminal justice infrastructure of the most advanced state in history they're lying
I have twice beaten the living shit out of 9/11 Truthers and both events were among the most beatings I've ever given. If I ever get my hands on a Sandy Hook Truther I will break at least one (1) arm or leg.
Elephant was a great film.
I want to suffocate you.
Also, copycat behavior in the wake of Columbine is a weird and disturbing phenomenon. It's as though social outcasts and autistic people think they can experience belonging by joining a perverse club.
Another odd effect is stuff like the suicide pact of the Australian twins Candice and Kristin Hermeler. They were both obsessed with Columbine and both went to a shooting range together to shoot each other in the head. Unfortunately, one survived.
*most savage beatings
It's so fucked up how people come to idolize the two shooters, even if it is semi-ironically.
That person should be skinned. All he's celebrating is how a lack of mental health screening among vulnerable youth populations got a bunch of kids (including the gunmen) killed or maimed.
It was all that evil goyim boy. other one dindu nuffin
Sadly this is a thing.
kek that webm
That's really fucked up. Never seen that one before. And on an otherwise perfectly decent looking and unmutilated female body. Any more backstory? Is she completely fucking nuts?
I was born in 1988, and I clearly remember watching this in 5th grade with my neighbhor after school. wtf,
sauce on that qt?
I was born in 88 too. how many 88'ers in this thread?
They must have felt like gods while they dealt out death to all those christfags, and niggers, and sluts, and "special ed" retards, and members of the student government!
it's because bullies almost never get what they deserve and all the autists saw columbine as two bullied kids giving society a taste of its own cum
What happened to boys? Boys used to go and gun down their classmates that fucked with them. No they just off themselves in their basements.
Does a shark have to explain why it killed a dumb ass seal? They have made themselves eternal, by living how man was ment to live. The weak and stupid die, the strong spread their seed, and mankind grows stronger.
The creation of Christianity, the heroin of the soul, "the meek shall inherit the earth." WRONG, the ONLY earth you'll inherit is the mass grave we dump you in. We spend countless hours of our lives "playing" at what they did, they LIVED IT. NONE of us will EVER do what they did, we'll die alone and forgotten, a withered husk smeared in our own shit.
Why do you people act like Eric manipulated Dylan? And why do you act like they weren't bullied? I mean they weren't the only ones, but it did happen to them.
Hi TOAN, that's nice, if not retarded.
They were probably scared shitless.
So is there any cool footage of this event that i wont find on yt?
their existence makes me happy desu. fuck normies fuck sjws
There's sense in that, though as an old dude I can testify that bullies eventually fade into insignificance and then you move on with your own life and your own set of values.
It actually does get better. There's no need to idolize the embodiment of pointless teenage rage.
Dude, grow up! Move on with your life. Do something good. Create something of value. Don't idolize impotent retarded dead faggots.
(((Kliebold))) was a Jew and both of them were homosexuals and apparently they targeted Christians.
pointless teenage rage is a good thing though. we all have some of that rage in us and its refreshing to see someone actually act out on it to show us we're not alone in thinking how fucking bad everything is with the public school system
They did it for fame. Almost all the school shooters wrote or said beforehand that it would make them famous.
These cunts need to kill themselves so they can be with Dylan and Eric.
No, you are just a retarded autist
if you want to see the real jews of columbine, look up Rachel's challenge.
and the homo shit is just to smear their images. everyone in western society seems to think that everything can be reduced down into sexual desires because they have no empathy on what actual friendship/love is (not penis love)
Disgusting inbred anglo