What is she thinking now?
What is she thinking now?
How to bomb the bombers,
How she's STILL gonna lose because her country is that cucked.
She better win, if she doesn't Europe is doomed. Germany is eternally fucked.
she's thinking about how hard she will be BTFOd
I swear to God that if she don't win i cut my foreskin and post the video on Sup Forums
^this. Vive la France
She needs a terrorist attack for the runoff. There's no way she can straight up win the first round.
>What is she thinking now?
"i'm gonna wiiiinn, i'm gonna wiiiiinn, ha ha ha ha ha haaaaa".
If you do that, the Jews win.
Good idea- that, a beard, and plenty of hours in the tanning bed will help you blend into new France
Sad but true
I really wish it wasn't...
Something like this
This. I really want France to pull through and do the right thing but their voting system is just as hitty as the Netherlands. She won't be in and the 'slimes will take it as successfully intimidating the country into acceptance.
did something happen?
anybody give me a quick rundown?
Attack in Paris, one cop shot dead.
Oh come on now
Is this the same France we've been fighting for most of our history?
How did you stand a chance with that attitude?
she still has no chance
maybe if the terrorists murder every member of every opposing party she might, MIGHT, get in, but i wouldnt put money on it.
How to invade Algeria again