Marine Le Pen loses

what happens to France then?

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we get lots a new blacked porn

based melanchon


Macron said he were not taking enough migrants so probably the end of France as a country.

5 more years of suffering


>people actually are considering voting for him
Le pen has to win


Caliphate. How can the French people still support the immigration of these mud monkeys? Have they not learned their lesson by the daily terrorist attacks? You can't defend it unless you want the country to suffer.

Nobody is surprised, because France is just that cucked.

if she loses to melanchon we are fubar

*as a white country

what did they mean by this?

>am I growing stronger
>will get cucked by Macron

enjoy lol

France will be a lost country just like Sweden and Germany.

That's a shit shop, guess commies can't afford to pay decent shills

MLP is a system leech and a thief.
her familys party is a scam

She better not lose, the frogs have had terrorist attack after terrorist attack in the run-up to this election. Frogs don't realise how lucky they are, this shit makes people angry and vote for real change.

We never got that, we just had MI5 assassinating Jo Cox and making it look like racist brexiters did it, which caused the Leave Campaign to fall behind Remain in the polls.

if she's running against Macron, we see 5 more years of Hollande and nothing really changes, except for the higher numbers of Algerians. Think French Hillary. If she's running against Melenchon, France's economy tanks, and Europe goes down with it, essentially killing the European Union the reverse way Le Pen would have done it, by not taking all the money away from the EU, but taking all the money from the EU. Think French Bernie. Buckle your seatbelts, Sup Forums, this is going to be an interesting month.


Who cares as long as she purges the muzzies

Sorry I dont pay attention to Frenchie politics but does she even have a realistic chance?

I just fucking payed 400€ for my Citroen today for repairs, i dont want any sandnigger muslims making spare parts for my car or it will be even more irreriable

It becomes New Cuckistan.

They're saying "that's what they call themselves", so as to not recognise them as a state I suppose

First round, yes

Second round, probably not

Because the BBC is too cucked and doesn't want Islam being completely associated with ISIS

france needs to wake up to how right she is, her actions proposed are what the country and all of the europe region need.. fucking hell.. we are loosing homelands we have had as europeans for over 1000 years.. we have killed and been killed by arabs and africans when they tried so so so many times to take our homes, and now... now we hand it to them for free.. wtf kek.

if she winn what will happen?

It depends. If Macron were to win, France would be flooded with more migrants and become a third world country. If Mélénchon wins, France becomes a european Venezuela.

Thankfully, these are merely hypothetical questions, as we all know that the glorious reign of Don Fillon will inevitably descend upon France.

Downfall of Europe

Followed by the European race war and later ww3

The top two are her and the communist so either France is saved or France is FUUUUUUUUUUCKED

Like if you told Sup Forums "Hey we need to fuck up France, what should we do?" that's basically the communist party. They even want a 100% tax on the wealthy. The rich and businesses are going to flock away

and Britain m8

who cares?
well, I got bad news for malika lepen,
if you sum macron 24%
melonchon 19%
hamon 9%
poutou 2%
and half of fillion 20%

you get 24+19+9+2+10 = 64%
no matter what, she will lose

just get a fucking brain

France needs to change, therefore France will change. French people will mix with Orientals, Africans, etcetera, or France will not survive.

what she stands for..

The most recent poll showed Macron at 24% and Le Pen at 22%, and that's just for the 1st round. She will get obliterated in the 2nd round when all parties that aren't FN order their supporters to vote for Macron to stop the racist daughter of an antisemite from becoming President.

she stands for her ass and her familys ass


I stop caring about them and what happens to their country indefinitely.


good because we don't give a fuck about slaverica

"So called" terrorists
"So called" muslims
"So called" murderers

you will loose your fucking homes, thousands of years, destroyed in 50.. not by war or force or intellect, by fucking liars and traitors.
if she looses. you French and everyone else will fall in line, and breed and mix and mix races and nationalitys, creating one race with no fixed position on gender or sexuality, your identitys will be stripped, your history books washed through with fabrications and miss directions. You are a slave, you are controlled, you have no identity no pride in where you come from, you don't know what you know and you don't know if you know it. its over, reverse the jewish plan to eradicate Europeans, reverse the Islamic invasion.
We face civil war soon, some of us will not abandon our ancient arts and homes. Fuck these invaders, fuck the traitor politicians, and fuck the big corps funding all them to come here, giving them fucking iphones and little lessons in school to make them want us. fuck them all.

>implying some of melenchon wouldn't vote le pen against macron
>implying half of fillon's would vote against le pen

its funny because you just described what your country is going through with breakit

if fillon voters would vote for lepen, then they would have made a vote utile for lepen.
fillion voters are not MLPs, they will definately vote macron

your probably a nigger.

We're doomed

>American fetish

>implying a lefty would vote for the extreme right

It's bbc cuck bigoted Dellusional biased ignorant disgusting lefty news

the (((polls)))

The reality is that Macron can't even fill a room, evenless become president

I know for a fact you're wrong.
If they can't have fillon they will definitely go le pen. They know macron only benefits the kike and sucks the bourgeois (fillon voters) out of their money.

what does "Sombre conne" mean?

>they will definately vote macron

Me on the right

She is pretty much sure to be in the second round after tonight



France is nothing but Muslims, niggers and Communists. The five or ten Le Pen voters are like pearls in a pigs arse.

why? because the others support terrorists?
get real

literally "dark vagina" (con is synonym of vagina and is used as an insult to say "idiot").
It basically translates to "huge idiot".

>A literal Rothschild

What happened to you, France? You used to be so cool. We used to look up to you, like a big brother :(

France can't be fixed. Same as how the US decline can't be fixed. More and more migrants and minorities will destroy it all.

>LARPing countries

Kill yourself

thanks m8

what's wrong with rothschild? they are rich, what can you do about it? take away their cash? don't make me lol.

at least we get credit and can actually buy stuff...

Kek. They always refer to ISIS like this. But the attacker, who's name is Abu Yussef al Belgiki is will obviously be referred to as a Belgian and not a "so called Belgian"

i think its time to take your pills user.

You're not considering people who are going to skip voting in the 2nd round. Marine will win, buckle your seatbelts.

>what's wrong with rothschild?

kikes won WW2

cultural enrichments by the religion of peace

many such cases

Can Marine Le Pen realistically win? no memes or bullshit please.

No, but neither could Donald Trump.

and you're not consering the last 20 years...that's how it has always been

Who fucking knows anymore

Empire Europe

No. All people even remotely considering voting for her are voting for her. She can't expand from there, and she'll barely go above 30% in the second round.

And you're not considering the considerable shift in popularity with each passing election.

They got out before the end cuck

There goes the neighborhood

Damn leaf

nuke us pls

Return the money, Drump.

Which one is worse?

>France went from napoleon to voting in a literal communist

marine is part of the system, and she has been feeding off of it for so many years, the only two viable candidates for this election are melanchon and macron.

melanchon represents the real left.
and macron is an outsider, with his en marche, movement (if you know how it works).
he proposes to fucking remove the taxe d'habitation, i mean WTF, who wouldn't vote for him?

Napoleon was a Proto-Communist

Wow, I didn't know leaving the EU magically removed all the pakis, blacks and marxist indoctrinated whites.
Oh wait.

OK would you like it with a croissant on it?

But it helped somewhat.

coup time

operation ronces

Can any frogs tell me her chances of actually winning?

>>implying a lefty would vote for the extreme right

They would over a literal Rothschild investment banker.

>Napoleon was a Proto-Communist
Yeah Im sure deposing the last regime as Emperor and installing your family as other Emperor while being an autocrat is Proto-Communist

Karl Marx was a fucking retard m8

Exactly. The BBC need breaking up and all its staff firing.

wtf are you talking about? so now working in a bank make you a rothchild slave?
fuck off, to who am i speaking to some pizza delivery boy? srsly?

She has support but the problem with french elections is that usually in the second round a lot of people are just gonna vote against instead of for. Like what happened when it was her father facing Chiriac in 2002, nobody wanted 5 more years of chirac but they voted against Le Pen. There is a chance that if Marine is at the second turn (which will probably happen) every others candidates will ask their voters to vote against her