These are the cunts out to destroy the west, yet you spastics always blame the jews.
Other urls found in this thread:
Saudis are bro tier.
Kill yourself.
its a double edged sword really, if we didnt owe the jews so much of their made up money theyd have no hold over us and we wouldnt be taking in any refugees, because im sure everybody here is fully aware that our willingness to accept these fuckers is nothing to do with giving them a better life, its just about adding to our economy.
Lookslike jews with pizza hut tablecloths desu
>Being a (((Trump))) supporter
He's muslims' little bitch
The Kikes plan the destruction and the Saudis bankroll it.
I never really understood the difference between them and what you call jews.
They are literally the same race. The only difference is the kind of tablecloth fabric they use around their heads.
remove Saudi shekels
Blame both. Fucking semites
They wear tea towels on their heads.
Before the oil they were nothing, after the oil they'll return to being nothing.
>after the oil
Oil will never run out. It gets naturally replenished in the depths of the Earth.
Wow, now there's an autist who really needs to get himself a basic understanding of international politics and then kill himself.
would you fucking stop? i hate them both. israel and the saudis are allies anyway and there's nothing that the usa can do against the saudis currently. they have our economy by the balls, just like the kikes who control our banks and federal reserve
>trumps face
He is dying inside...
>Using meme arrows on kikebook
>greentexting outside of Sup Forums
what a tool
No ahmed
So who do Saudi inspired and funded Salafi's attack? Is it Israel? Or is it the regimes running all the formerly stable countries near Israel?
Saudis are jewish puppets and they manipulate sunnis worldwide in doing jewish bidding.
Saudis and le Happy Merchant are allied to eachother, moron.
Who owns the Saudis you dumb nigger
Why do Sauds look so disgusting?
Don't you have a sister to honor-stone or something? goddamnit
House of saud
>defends immigration ban
Muslims are weapons of the Jew.
The whore will be thrown off her beast and she'll choke on the wine she's been ruling the world with
Saudi family is jewish
Well they are slimier about their intentions, I only ever see islamists bleating about being victims, whereas Jews write things for Harvard, MTV and HuffPo about ending white people.
Why don't we start a campaign to end all Islamic funding for religion, education, charity, and political purposes here in Europe? They can trade and that's it. Also, no more islamic immigration or child welfare.
One thing I have a problem with is that Sup Forums acts like niggers when it comes tho this issues
the saud family are crypto jewd.. just look at their family history lineage.
kikes and muslims are both serious threats to the well-being of any country
I could point out how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA, how they were the driving force behind opening our borders, how the lawsuits that allowed near unrestricted abortion in our countries were both lead by kikes or hell I could lay out the thousands of hooked noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with. But I won't.
Rather i'll ask that whenever someone in this thread witnesses societal/political rot ask yourself, and don't be afraid to do some digging if necessary, if a certain sunken eyed inbred tribe is behind it.
You've been conditioned well goy.
You're absolutely right.
>But goy! Muslims hate Jews so why would Jews be behind the great flooding of Europe?
Simple, they just get the military to protect their communities/temples/stores and this doubly ensures that angry goys can't ever put them on community trial. It's happening in Quebec where the kikes flood us with third world scum and then get preferential treatment and full time security for their enclaves by Montreal Police. We've already seen it in France and or better yet Palestine where it's 90% Muslim and yet Jews have almost no fear of being attacked by the people they are colonizing. This police state is coming to the west courtesy of Jewish sponsored mass immigration.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
but we arent talking about the bonnier family now you stupid leaf
get this into your head
Yes Yes, you are right. Look at these arabs trying to save the world!
The best is! They get millions from the government as contribution for running their media. All paid by the tax payers of course!
True. Both are a Semitic tribes that terrorize the world. Stop acting like its one or the other you fags.
We're talking about the Jewish cancer that infects our lands so it's relevant.
You're probably Jewish and that's why you don't want Swedes knowing about the Bonnier family. It would make them permanent hardcore antisemites if they knew the truth.
Listen to nothing but white noise if you're truly a national socialist. Fill out this poll and prove that Sup Forums hasn't been completely over run with shills. Hint: music that whites invented and still dominate count as white noise.
>everyone that doesnt agreed with me must be jewish
quality canadian post again
Goebbels was right.
>Implying the Saudis and Qataris aren't zionists
If you were Swedish you would want people to know about this.
You can't dindu nuffin while working for the jews ...
saudis are crypto-jews put in place by britain who was in turn controlled by, you guessed it, JEWS
fucking animeposters can't even identify the jew properly.
>Implying it can't be both
Saudi Arabia is an arm of the Jews. A strong arm.
Fucking noice.
This leaf as a point swedes! Bonniers have infested the mind of the people for too long now. They need to be put down.
Not at the rate we use it dumbass.
Either way it will lose value when replaced.
everybody knows about the bonnier family dumbass, thats not a secret now stop derailing the thread
Dude the Saudis are the fucking America of the Middle East, they do whatever the fuck they want and no one can really do a fucking thing about it
Plus, they keep the petrodollar propped up, so they're pretty much the reason why America is a global superpower
Learn who your allies and who your enemies are
u wish faggot-ass ahmed
Every student of history knows the Jew never wins and that they always push the goys that let them in with open arms too far. It would be foolish to bet that the assbootings will stop at #109 although thanks to their globalization and the information age the next will no doubt be their most devastating and widespread deportation yet.
Yeah. The USA is our enemy.
this. Saudi's are nothing compared to what the Jews do.
They are shitskins and filthy sub humans. US should just cancel their alliance with them. And if that puts a strain on the US economy, fuck it! Just rise from it and become independant from them.
Saudis will fight you in the street. Jews will turn your wife and children against you, flood your countries with scum, and then get you all to fight it out while they profit and pick up the pieces.
This always fails in the end and they get holohoax'd but then they find another country stupid enough to let them in with open arms and treat them as brothers. Just look at the USA, it took less than two fucking generations.
When looking at this and society in general we must remember they are 1-2% of the population. Only when looking at the sheer odds can we understand the level of subversion and nepotism.
>One Jew is.. 1:50
>Two Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:2500
>Three Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:125,000
>Four Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:6,250,000
>Five Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:312,500,000
>Six Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:15,625,000,000
>Seven Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:781,250,000,000
Saudis are being backed by Jews.
But after that old bastard Salman died, there would be a throne war.
Saud is a big dynasty and everyone will fight for power.
>These garbage bags will give birth to 200+ west-hating achmeds
Why does Sup Forums seem to forget stuff it already knew?
Saudis basically are Jews.
>2017 falling for the oil jew
friendly reminder that saudis are crypto-zionists and actively works together with israel and the us gov on conquering the middle east and the world
they're ruining europe so it doesnt rise to rival the US in the world stage
everbody is lowkey in on it because they make $$$$ off it
Every terrorist attack we've had on US soil has been Saudi, financed by Saudi, or some tie one way or another.
They are untouchable, every US president has kissed their ass, W. Bush even invited the fucking Saudi king to the White house TWO DAYS after 9/11. Fucking traitor is sitting there smoking cigars with him.
It's ironic because this is actually unironically JIDF propaganda at work.
Has anyone ever met Saudi's IRL? Like the rich as fuck ones that come over here. Some of the princes go to schools around my area.
Fucking A they are the biggest scumbags and all think they're above the law. They honestly live god-tier lives though. They drive great cars, have tons of money, do cocaine and shit all the time, fuck tons of bitches and have 5 wives by the time they're 19. They huge hypocrites but I admire them for being the type of scumbags I desire to be one day. They might be assholes but they're pretty cool people
Cucked indeed.