Decapitated Trump Painting On Display At University Of Alaska Anchorage Art Gallery

I think it's time to boycott public universities and their liberal bullshit agendas. What do you think Sup Forums?

>The chairman of UAA's Fine Arts Department, Steven Godfrey, thinks the painting is fine. He said, “I guess the people are upset about the work that’s being shown. If they were taking a class at the university and made art that was considered controversial, no matter what their political or religious [belief] is, we would do our best to protect them and protect their rights to make that kind of work in the institution, whether it would be a student or faculty.”

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we all know if it depicted some nig nog doing nig nog things or a muslim decapitating white people it would be condemned, called racist, and taken down. "Do our best to protect their rights" my ass.

The edgy little (((professor))) who painted and displayed this pos. He couldn't stop "weeping for days" after the 2016 election.

A former prof at that uni who agrees with your sentiment. His Facebook post was either taken down or deleted.

Our tax dollars at work and nobody gives a fuck. This should be spammed @realDonaldTrump so he can cut some more federal funding.

It's the glaring hypocrisy that makes these situations so irritating. IF the system truly permitted any work of art to stand regardless of content I suspect most would come to just accept it. But we all know the reality is that some expression is overtly supported while other expression is covertly suppressed

>that statue

Scott Thompson?

Good trump is a Zionist shill, let the left and Zionist kikes destroy each other


Chris Evans

some faggots power fantasy doesn't worry me

war on tumblr now

Someone photoshop that shit with Obama's head and Ron Paul grabbing his leg or something.

That Picture is actually very deep. Its art and who fucking cares what a bunch of libtards say anyway.

as long as you don't mind funding it.

Wrong, both of those scenarios would be ok, if it was a white person as the victim.

Make the drawing be Trump beheading their prophet Mohammad, however, and oh boy here we go.

There has to be at least one of us in that university. Fellow Sup Forumstard, no matter how shitty your painting skills are, make a painting of muhammad taking it up the ass or something and demand it be shown in the same gallery

that's ... not deep at all
>women dressed like hillary
>eagle screaming freedom at ( probably ) what the artist think of himself ( muscled man with power ) when in reality he's just a cuck
>panel with a statement on it wich just mean "i don't whatever i want #YOLO"
>dead bull represent dead indians killed by the white man ence the "Make america White again" scribed on it
>finally, the severed head of trump to show a hatred of the current US president

there's nothing deep in that, the chucklefuck couldn't even draw a fucking wineleaf to censor the statue penis, he fucking made pixels instead just to show his fucking lazyness

We care because the artist is a professor at a public university who's using his time to paint shit like this. And his time is paid by tax payers. So, cut the federal funding right fucking now.


And why is this cuck the university department chair? Fucking liberalism has ruined western culture.

Not really. I think most people could decipher the meaning of each part just by looking at it.

Tweet chris evans this shit.

sadly the leafs are one step ahead of us..they know people are done with they push the narrative in high school

I would but Anchorage is a small town. I would be a marked man.

>made art that was considered controversial
so you can just make art that says nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger and they`ll protect you?

why do I doubt that

The annoying thing about this is that if this was done 4 or 8 years ago with a decapitated head of Obama, all these people "celebrating" free speech would be screaming for blood.
We spent 8 years with these libs denouncing any criticism as the president as racist, hateful, evil, etc. and now they've flipped 180.

>Literal Mohammad
>Likes beheading picture

Big surprise

Day of the Rope yet? Yes? No?

Liberalism is the worst kind of mental disease.

Yes, but day of the boycott first. Don't go to these cucked universities.