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He's probably wikileaked his underwear right now after hearing about this

Can someone tell me why Assange and Wikileaks never manage to leak Chinese secrets, or Russian secrets or Mossad secrets, or Pakistani secrets or German secrets.

I'm not saying I don't support the leaks from the US but the track record here is kind of starting to show wikileaks doesn't have a philosophy they have a political stance.

Leaking tools the NSA uses to hack our adversaries is not helpful to anyone but making Assange famous.


I thought he had long since been bagged and waterboarded

Maybe no one gives them any of that information to leak?

I hope they get him.. good riddance to this faggot and Russian shill

makes sense

here we go deadmanswitch

>arresting someone you renditioned 6 months ago

this is great

insurance file release when?

prepare your anuses for ultragigahyperpizzagate happenings

He's a tool of the FSB and he serves only their interests.

they anti-American niggas

they're gonna arrest the post Oct18th fake assange?

or do they still have the real assange in a dim basement somewhere ready to drag out?

He's already dead faggots.


You're an idiot. Go look at their website instead of getting mad with what you're shown.


Archived link becuase OP is a faggot. Washington Post however is reporting that they're debating whether to bring up charges.

>Federal prosecutors are weighing whether to bring criminal charges against members of the WikiLeaks organization, taking a second look at a 2010 leak of diplomatic cables and military documents and investigating whether the group bears criminal responsibility for the more recent revelation of sensitive CIA cyber-tools, according to people familiar with the case.


he has released mossad secrets


charged" not convicted, what other way is there to get him out of the situation-this is good behind the scenes I'd bet, he will get out of the shitty room he's in at least- I'd even bet he gets off in the end


Holy kek

Please go away

He has. He's been dead since November of last year. No one even notices. No one cares. Just fucking end us already. People are about as apathetic as you are going to get them. Just fucking do it already.

part of it, language barriers perhaps. don't know if he was staffed up enough to hack and translate docs from all those diff languages.

Wait, how can he be accused of rape if he's a wizard?


Trump needs to step in right now. Sessions is going off the rails here.

T-trump is still o-ourg-g-guy right?

So yes, it is a priority. We've already begun to step up our efforts and whenever a case can be made, we will seek to put some people in jail.
fucking sessions

the guy wins you the election and you want to put him in jail? wtf

They leak whatever they're given, most people who leak to them are Anglos. Plus, democracies are just more susceptible to this sort of leaking.

Wikileaks served its purpose of helping Trump win (maybe, probably not much difference either way), now they could potentially leak things damaging to the Trump administration.


Wikileaks is still an enemy of the state. I don't agree with their pursuit of them, but I have faith wikileaks will out play them.

They have leaked shit on Mossad and Russia you ignorant fuck.

BTW, one of Assange's "rape victims" is taking refuge in Palestine.

thank you for this. excellent link


although thats not an actual Mossad cable or any kind of secret info.

just some blog post by wayne madsen, a journalist.


You caught us

This guy is anti-American scum who undermines our military operations and puts soldiers in danger. I'm glad Trump is taking him out.

leaks from germany would mostly be interesting to germans only, since we're no world power
any interesting leaks appear in the local press without some third party in wikileaks
also wikileaks is basically just a filter layer to do some redactioning and preserve the source's anonymity. I like to think that people who expose secrets of our government aren't as scared for their lives as people who expose US secrets (remember the dude that was totally not murdered after forwarding hillary's mails?)

as for china, russia and pakistan
nothing short of an upcoming nuclear holocaust would be surprising.
>child labour - who cares?
>police acting as the brutes of global super concerns? common knowledge.
>flaws in the democratic system? most people would be surprised to hear that such a system is even in place

Well yeah. He's literally a 'rapist'.

Best case for him now actually. There is no real case. Trump is not Obama and it would not be shitlib judges. He would get off and then be free.

>Prosecutors have struggled with whether the First Amendment precluded the prosecution of Assange, but now believe they have found a way to move forward.

Hooray! I'm glad they found a way around that pesky Constitution thing.



Didn't take along for.Trump to change his mind about freedom of press

>he is turning into an overweight witcher

Rev up that insurance decryption.

Asaange does not release Ciashitgot..Wikileaks releases.

And they have releases info on Russia and CN

all info you could check with 1sec Google.but you dont and portray your post as truth

fucking kys cuckservative

Digits confirm. Fuck freedom of speech and fuck unincarcerated people.

Assange knew Trump was a snake before he sang his praises

>implying Assange is still alive

I can't find anything on him being dead already what the fuck

Good points but everyone is hacking everyone. Releasing cyber weapons of the US has nothing to do with humanitarian or human rights bullshit. I was fine with leaking videos of US bombing civilians or what have you, I was fine with Snowden leaking information on FISA courts and all that stuff violating the 4th amendment.

But releasing NSA? Yeah you deserve what you're about to get Assange.

They constantly defend left wing fuckers like Correa and go full commie on the US

I feel like this is an strategy to trigger/fake the dead man switch and release info they couldn't otherwise

How can rape charges stand when both victims.denied rape lol

fucking sweden


Interesting, I didn't realize they prosecuted corpses. Posthumous trials are always interesting.

>play major role in knocking down Hillary and getting Trump elected
>administration backstabs you after they're in and plans to arrest you instead of Hillary

Hopefully he activates the doomsday option and exposes the jews right before they drag him out.

fuck Trump
done with that traitor

Wikileaks destroys the Clinton campaign.

Trump pays Assange back by seeking his arrest.

Will Ecuador even cooperate? They haven't bent from Swedish or British pressure yet.

hey shills and cia niggers

suck a big fat cock

those tools were already in malevolent and competent hands, because the NSA is notorious for just leaving their shit lying around on the deployment servers.

sure now all those skiddies willing to wade through all that bullshit can try to use them for anything worthwhile, but what's important is that these leaks remind everyone of the power of the deep state and why it shouldn't exist

The NSA and the CIA are enemies of the American people. The CIA is responsible for the overthrow of popularly-elected governments and support of murderous dictatorships.

Assange is a hero. The CIA is treasonous and a scourge on humanity.

R.I.P. Michael Hastings, an American murdered by the CIA for trying to expose the Deep State.

not a shill faggot.

Can't stand CNN, so just skimmed throught it fast. So basically no new information, just what Pompeo said last week about Wikileaks being "a rogue intelligence agency" or something?.

Assange will be fine, and the shills should stop saying wikileaks is Russian owned, if you want to have any credit here, atleast come up with something more original which people might believe.

>gets arrested
>court rules he did it like hitler. nothing wrong
>gets spoken free
>gets declared hero of the nation by trump himself

>tries to arrest assange
>find out he got murdered by the clintons months ago
>arrest clintons and everyone around them
interuniversal 5D underwater polo

Or nvm. God fucking damn the MSM. ((( US officials familiar with the matter tell CNN.)))

So nothing basically. The same people who are "familiar with comey's way of thinking".

Massive kike shilling going on here. Who's paying these GCHQ/NSA shitposters?

This. Or at least hides the dirt in the block chain so others can get at it.

why don't they ever leak anything about Russia?
why did Assange literally work for Russia Today (propaganda arm of the Kremlin)?
why does every leak just happen to be aligned with Russia's interests?

muh russians



never attribute to malice what you can attribute to stupidity


About an hour ago they were debating it
Guess what they decided

so I guess you have no answers then?....


>Assange has in fact released documents on China and Russia.

>why is an english speaking journalist releasing documents about the most powerful english speaking country in the world


Did you guys read this garbage. God I fucking hate CNN.

>The Justice Department under President Barack Obama had decided not to charge WikiLeaks for revealing some of the government’s most sensitive secrets — concluding that doing so would be akin to prosecuting a news organization for publishing classified information.
>Justice Department leadership under President Trump, though, has indicated to prosecutors that it is open to taking another look at the case, which the Obama administration did not formally close.



They did. Read the fucking thread leaf.

Kill yourself shill

>Leaking tools the NSA uses to hack our adversaries is not helpful to anyone but making Assange famous.
Nonsense. It means that any claims that another country is hacking us are now not as credible.

Julian is dead. But they can't continue the story of him held up in the embassy. There's a chance someone could find out the truth (that he's not there). So they're going to "arrest" him and make their secret stronger.

Hey, Trump doing something right

It's entirely possible this is FAKE NEWS.

Shill. I want you to think long and hard about why youre alive. You are hurting innocent people and I hope you know that. You're not in the right. You will answer to an authority for this.


but trump is on our side, you faggots claim

Stopped reading right there.

>hurrr durr cnn is FAEK NOOZ XDDDD
so does wikileaks itself reporting on this story make it also fake news??

In short: Trump is a backstabbing traitor.

I mean, not like he didn't backstab all his voters.

Other than they have leaked shit on Russia you fucking retard, there isn't much someone can answer.

the information he releases is true, but one has to wonder the timing, he waited until after hillary finished the jew to release it even though he had the shit and teased it for weeks.

you have to be blind not to question his motives

where the fuck did all these neocons show up from on muh pol? fuck outta here cunt