>US authorities have prepared charges to seek the arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange
>Attorney General Jeff Sessions said at a news conference Thursday that Assange’s arrest is a “priority.”
>US authorities have prepared charges to seek the arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange
>Attorney General Jeff Sessions said at a news conference Thursday that Assange’s arrest is a “priority.”
Other urls found in this thread:
>Selective enforcement of the law
>Refusing to arrest people you agree with politically
Literally King Nigger tier
>Following retarded laws
They've been trying to catch assange since 2010. That's not happening. But if you use the power of big gvt to go after your enemies and not your allies (ex:Obama era IRS) you're corrupt
Julian didn't break any laws, you moron.
Clearly this is 9d musical chairs.
Digits decides which campaign ally Trump rekts next.
inb4 he finds a way to fuck both Palestine and Israel at same time
I can't defend my vote anymore, Sup Forums this was a terrible mistake, Hillary is the rightful president not this pathological liar clown president
just fuck this country up
I'm burning my MAGA hat tonight
Yep. Assange is anti-American scum who puts our soldiers in danger. It's good that Trump is taking him out.
if assange is arrested i am assuming that wikileaks will release their deadmans switch of unreleased information.
what could be in it and how do we make people think it's already been released?
White noise is the only good noise.
So much for Trump being the savior of white America huh Sup Forums? If you knew anything about Trumps history you cucks would've known Trump only cares about himself and his family and he'll turn on anyone on a dime.
Fuck off, JIDF. The only people Assange put in danger were the deep state.
>Trump has him brought to USA
>Found "Guilty"
>Transferred to prison
>Promptly transferred out of prison
>Given new name and identity
>Sent home
Sup Forums lies dead, her maiden body smashed against the black rock of American treachery.
Copy pasta shill
Can you paid shills get anymore obvious
Fuck off faggots
Assange was never pro-Trump. The Clintons wanted him dead so he preferred the guy who would arrest him rather than the one who would outright kill him.
I really hope he puts that idiot in jail
Serves him right for trusting a Jewish servant and rigging the election for him with the russian leaks about Hillary/dnc
Hopefully more trumptards will get backstabber by this conman, I really hope he makes your lives miserable, cucks
>everyone who disagrees with me is a shill
Is not like Denmark was trying to convince anyone
>voted for trump
>maga hat
>but lives in Denmark
Sup Forums was created by and has always been primarily inhabited by Americans
muh trump 4d chess master
I'm waiting to see what happens to Trump campaign advisors like Roger Stone and Carter Page myself.
Everyone who defends the deep state is.
trump is under d(((eep state))) u fucking mongoloid
I don't think you know what the deep state is.
Yes, and America was founded by a Freemason cuckold named George Washington. Neither thing is said in jest, both are factual statements about George Washington. Salt water yields no sweetness, and America can yield no good. The dark power exists only to push forth the values of dishonour, international finance, degeneracy and multiculturalism.
How's that boot taste?
what does that have to do with anything?
fuck off back to plebbit you kike
fuck trump
> Make huge announcement about arresting Assange.
> Tell everybody you're gonna arrest him before even cuffing him
> Assange changes to simply a picture of John Podesta eating the face of a toddler.
> 5D Ping Pong confirmed.
y-you're being payed to have that opinion!!!
(see how poathetic this looks Drumpfkin?)
quiet now
b-b-b-but muh emails........
top fucking kek
where is that statue from?