How do Russians feel about the following images?
How do Russians feel about the following images?
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but putin is the savior of the white race
what did kek mean by this
Freedom of speech needs to be recognized as a human right.
>anti-Semitic interpretation of the Bible
Her daughter married to a jew. Moscow is cucked by chechens. There is a sharia police marching on the streets. RUSSIA IS KEK'D vocativ.com
Largest mosque in Europe is in Moscow. Defend this, Russoboos. You can't.
>opposes degeneracy
>supports blasphemy and desecration
pick one and only one, Sup Forums
i'm okay with killing muslims honorably on the field of combat. i am not okay with defiling what they consider sacred
putin is a man of honor and you edgy, disrespectful punks will never NEVER know that feel
Kaiser Wilhelm's Germany was the first state to use political Islam against his enemy Britain.
Russians feel what the state propaganda tells them to feel.
Russia has 15% muslim
Russia shitting on muslims would mean another civil war and breakup of Russian federation
Jews killed Jesus
Who cares russia is a shithole anyways that should be wiped from the earth, give me one reason why Russia should exist.
ruskies are allied to the muslims and fight against the jew.
>i am not okay with defiling what they consider sacred
fuck off
>ruskies are allied to the muslims and fight against the jew.
>The Russian language in Israel is spoken natively by a large proportion of the population, reaching about 20 percent of the total population by 1989,It is a major foreign language in the country and is used in many aspects of life. Russian is by far the most used non-official native language in Israel.
Just drop Chechnya ffs, let them live in anither Islamic Shithole, then just bomb them from afar if they sperg out, why do they have to let them be a part of the country and then also give them full rights and no travel restriction. Then in a perfect world, Russia would stop being retarded and let Georgia have full control of its country and then blockade Chechnya completely and let them live on grass and leaves.
you amerifats do know that the same law applies to jesus and christianity, right?
need I remind you how it's cool to shit on christianity and jesus in the west?
the kikes want to cherry pick muhammed cartoons to get rid of the law, so they can shit on christianity
POLL: strawpoll.com
suck an emu's dick and get skin cancer, abo-fucker
>not okay with defiling what they consider sacred
Please go back. Please.
Putin is basically an accelerationist from what i see of him. He is riding the tiger.
That makes Islam totally okay right?!?
We love putin
not an argument, memelord faggot
You're a fucking disgrace to our country, I hope you get jihaded on and while you're being decapitated, your last thought is 'b-b-but I'm on your side guys! Check my Redit post history!!!'
What a coincidence
Does that look like an argument to you dumbass? Or is it me telling you in no uncertain terms that you're a faggot and need to go back to redit?
Dude, Putin is a fucking cuck
He doesn't even have the balls to say the words "radical Islamic terrorism". What a fucking cowardly little bitch
our shit country has no grace to dis you pathetic simpering jew shill. if anyone's a ledditer it's you, best goy
>Russia is the based savior of the white race
Never understood this meme
again you are too ameritard to see the real issue here.
which is why you're so easily cuck'd by jews
Russia is going to lose WW3 - now you know why.
>projecting this hard
i won't even tell you to go back to redit because even the_donald fags are way more redpilled than you. so i guess i'll say go back to the electric jew and watch more CNN you fucking retard
what are you even doing on Sup Forums in the first place?