Europe is beyond saving. Prove me wrong.
Protip: You can't.
Europe is beyond saving. Prove me wrong.
Protip: You can't.
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Why save Europe when you could just build another one?
Literally a collection point for the worlds human trash now.
Like any disease, they'll spread as much as we let them. That's why it's so important we stop them at our own borders.
>implying only white will be allowed and your governments will not force the colonies to be equally diverse
my sides
>Europe is beyond saving
Europe is 800 million people.
Muslims make up < 5% of the total population.
Europe is in the middle of a huge nationalist ani-immigration backlash.
Europeans will slowly breed with the 5% of Muslims, eventually leaving none behind over a period of decades.
Whilst this is happening :
1. Automation improvements lead to 90% of low paying jobs being removed, ending the need to import 3rd world immigrants as cheap labor sources.
2. Space travel and the colonisation of other planets becomes achievable. Only the high IQ rich people will be able to travel because of the cost.
3. Medical advances allow wealthy westerners to drastically slow / reverse aging. This leaves Europe with a huge population of very old conservative people, with healthy brains, that can't die from aging.
4. Brain / computer interfaces become implanted at a biological level, this allows people that are "plugged in" huge brain power increases, allowing them to easily outwit and control any subset of the population they dislike.
Nigga, they just have a couple of mudslimes in there, all they need is a couple of crazy police officers and some death squads and everything is sorted out.
Now try fixing brazil, unlike in europe that they ship shitskins by crate, they are built on site.
I forgot gene editing.
5. Gene editing allows us to select for higher IQ, higher compassion children. This will become available to all people as the cost of genetic editing drops to near $100.
People will all pick smarter offspring.
IQ and religiosity are inversely correlated.
That is to say as IQ increases, the amount of Muslims decrease.
I guess I side with the saying of not needing to help someone, not willing to help themselves. If they truly did not want this to happen, they would have stopped it, either by physical force, or legislative protest. The governments were the ones destroying themselves, being bribed by the idea to influx country numbers, divide and conquer the remainder, and divvy up leftovers between powers. If natives can't see, or are unwilling to remove the leeches, let them bleed out. In the long haul of humanity, I only see genocide being our savior. Eventually we will need to become 1 race, or else we will always live in conflict (to some degree).
Colonies will be like the wild west, there will be no law enforcement there for a long time.
>Europeans will slowly breed with the 5% of Muslims, eventually leaving none behind over a period of decades.
yes this is totally happening as you can see by the 1.1 babies european white woman have compared to the 4.5 shitskin babies mudslimes are having
fuckign retard
the only way this situation sorts them self out is mass deportations/genocide
You're mostly right, except for the breeding part. No way will we breed with them, and as people in first world nations have fewer children their numbers will drop too.
Literally none of this will happen, there will be yet another (((crisis))) in the middle east and africa and tens of millions of subhumans will rush to Europe. Until that happens there's already thousands coming in every day and having 5x children compared to the natives.
>gene coding for intelligence
Lol no. They are going to build low iq, improved muscle development, element resistance, and extended life through removal of aging. Toss in a impotence for good measure, and you have built yourself an organic slave incapable of resisting, unable to get hurt, unable to think, and willing to do all your work. Cope this with bionic advancements, and you get slave androids. I mean, we're already working towards slave labor for robotics, why not organic matter too (not to mention pedo bred lolis for the elite). I too, am hopeful for the positive improvements from new tech, but they will and always have been used for elite purposes first.
What music do you bastards listen to? I personally only like white noise. Country, folk, and classical fall close enough to this though. Keep it pure.
>implying governments will be relevant in the cyberpunk dystopia we're headed for
There is 1,3 billion niggers and dunecoons in africa and they are breeding like rabbits. What do?
It would take an exhibition of violence unprecedented in human history to set Europe in proper order. Auschwitz would need to look like Disney Land in comparison and your average European male doesn't quite have the stomach for that.
I had some hope for my country until now
A guy shot a policeman in the Champs Elysées, and people complain about the fact that the FN uses the event to get votes, and not about the fact that some guy was shot.
Where can I go? I must leave
I would normally agree, however :
The elites are not incentivised to turn humans into slaves at this point.
They have robots for that.
The elites will have nothing left to strive for (money + power) because Automation eradictes both.
Power is lost to AI governments that make all the decisions. This decision making AI will pervade all aspects of life: business, banking, medicine, law etc. No more jobs exist, no more opportunities for humans to acquire power.
Just like children can't acquire power in a world of adults, adults won't be able to when going up against an AI.
Europe is beyond fucked.
>more women in garbage bags than here in some areas
>more extreme muslims than here
>less effective law enforcement than here
Enjoy the show burgers.
>Oh waaah there's nothing we can do let's give up before we you guys. :((((
Nice despair shilling, kike.
White nationalism is on the rise and growing. If we play our cards right the kikes will never fuck with us again. Europe is completely salvageable.
Stop helping when Ebola is actually trying to do a good job of eradicating them
We have to continue fighting brother, they will do everything to paint the FN as the worst thing ever for France. And we'll let them just to let the normies their hypocrisy. Sheeple will wake up soon.
headed for? surely you mean living in.
every big town and city here is chock full of shit skins, i can easily say it's over here and has been for quite awhile.
you have to live in shit towns with absolutely nothing here to still see a majority of white people, no jobs here, nothing to do, old people retire here because it's by the sea (a shit pebble beach) no amenities by the beach lol
it's shit, and still there are chinese take aways and indians, and paki corner shops and the odd nig-nog or two that ruin my day just by observing their presence, i wish they would all just fuck off and go back to where they came from
unfortunately brexit never meant that's what's going to happen, for all the stupid idiots who voted for it all that will happen is prices will go up because taxes will go up and then it's harder to go on holiday abroad all the while the massive shit skin tide rolls in unabated.
>1. Automation improvements lead to 90% of low paying jobs being removed, ending the need to import 3rd world immigrants as cheap labor sources.
>2. Space travel and the colonisation of other planets becomes achievable. Only the high IQ rich people will be able to travel because of the cost.
>3. Medical advances allow wealthy westerners to drastically slow / reverse aging. This leaves Europe with a huge population of very old conservative people, with healthy brains, that can't die from aging.
>4. Brain / computer interfaces become implanted at a biological level, this allows people that are "plugged in" huge brain power increases, allowing them to easily outwit and control any subset of the population they dislike.
As a working class man, why should I be in favor of any of this? You rich scumbags have to be taken out before you can enslave us.
cyberpunk when?
We basically already live in a cyberpunk world (megacorps rule everything and life is shit), we just never got any of the cool shit.
Keep killing them until they are all dead or they kill their leaders. This is not brain surgery.
This is going to trigger people when I say this but :
It is in our interests to help Africans.
Hear me out :
The west needs to help Africa become a 1st world continent
>3rd world = high birth rates, high violence, high religiosity
>2nd world = medium birth rates, medium violence, high religiosity
>1st world = low birth rates, low violence, secularism
As this happens, Africa becomes dependent on the West for aid, clothing, food, education etc.
If we control their education and culture, we control them,
You see now? The aid is a form of colonization. A huge brainwashing opportunity Cultural replacement if you will.
Sorry user, it's gonna be way more mundane than that.
Our teenage population is growing more diverse every year. Pretty soon it'll reach a tipping point (in some areas it already has), at which point the social contract collapses. Police can't enforce order everywhere, they stick to the most affluent areas and us plebs are left to scrap it out. Article is about a middle-class family who didn't make the cut and are finding their lives suddenly enriched.
>Muslims make up < 5% of the total population.
>What is exponential growth
Go away kike.
Europe is only beyond saving in a political manner.
It might be.
You can't stop niggers from being niggers.
Or you know we let them die then take over and build first world countries all over africa with clever white people instead of retarded niggers
What's with Muslim girls to wear that shit? It's annoying as hell
worst timeline
Yes you can.
his son will tho
What would really fix things is a new ice age.
The niggers and other shitskins would first become sterile, the freeze to death.
Work towards it however you can, make the ice age happen.
Nuclear or otherwise.
No one disputes the 800 million figure.
Yeah, I think that was already tried, and failed miserably. You cannot civilize niggers. They've been in America for 400+ years and look at them. If they can't make something of themselves here, then there is no hope for their pathetic race. Africa needs to be wiped clean. Maybe the Chinese will do what the Euro colonists should have done.
Sure thing mister 62%
This is reasonable thinking.
They are already half way there with endless brainmelting tv, brainmelting 'education' and chemicals in all the artificial food.
The one point I don't think they will bother with is extending the life of the slaves. Making them replacable makes more sense.
Send all the poles to africa. They can take gibs, steal and makes places into shitholes even faster than a nigger.
they are under 0% lol
But the elite will bank on this progression. They are starting to impose the idea of taxes on the robotics being used as a slave. They will own all the companies emerging into this sector, which I will promise have a word in how they are coded. Robotics on't replace the human aspect people will strive for, where is why my android/bionic slave drones from dna coding come in. They will have those for the home front to control and work, where they send off robotics into space for harvesting and acquisition. The point being too, that dna coding only works for new offspring, not existing humans, which is very interesting to elites wanting to make a master and slave dynamic with the world they sit in. To replace natural humans with pigs who obey at any command is extremely lucrative to the elite wanting complete power and control. They don't have this yet, since humanity has the chaos factor.
I will agree that AI might not be to their interest, since they want non-thinking non-conscious beings to rule over. Perhaps lower bracket AI for automation, so they can remove humans demanding things since they are conscious objectors that need more than their robotic counterparts need. A movie that brings up cloning for space harvesting would be Moon, where as they cloned and replicated patient zero, and bred his body to "fail" after his harvesting time was up. Basis of dna coding to make organic slaves that think they are human, but are under complete control of their master (of course being a movie, he "breaks free").
Children can also obtain powers in the "adult world", just look at royal bloodlines. A rothschild newborn has more power and control in the world than you would ever live to have, for example.
>1. Automation improvements lead to 90% of low paying jobs being removed, ending the need to import 3rd world immigrants as cheap labor sources.
At which point you'll have souring unemployment. Have you seen what happened in those refugee camps when "they" didn't get the food their hearts desired? KEK, now please guess what will happen in the streets.
>2. Space travel and the colonisation of other planets becomes achievable. Only the high IQ rich people will be able to travel because of the cost.
Topkek, keep dreaming autist.
> 3. Medical advances allow wealthy westerners to drastically slow / reverse aging. This leaves Europe with a huge population of very old conservative people, with healthy brains, that can't die from aging.
Why would you think that?
>4. Brain / computer interfaces become implanted at a biological level, this allows people that are "plugged in" huge brain power increases, allowing them to easily outwit and control any subset of the population they dislike.
Stop reading/watching scifi you autist, Europe will be a third world islamic shithole long before this happens with at best some brazil like gated communities for the dhimi elites.
In Canada we have full muslim communities, full chinese communities and no crime. The only crime comes from the Somalian and Jamaican communities, due to culture and music. I just have to say, the reason is not that muslims are here it's because it's not an open border there is an ocean in front and they do not allow single men to come over.
>glossing over the 100s of years of slavery
I'll explain in terms you'll understand, burger. The meat in a Big Mac can't grow if it's held in place by two white slices of bread.
On a societal level, you are right.
On a biological level - the European male is the absolute pinnacle hunter and destroyer of all life in this earth.
Pushed too far, he will gain momentum and sweep away anything in his path.
Look at how quickly Germany turned with the right leadership.
Those weren't the sons.
Think about it, with the minds that thrived in the ice ages of the past, that survived everything, and rose above the environment, all other animals and was in constant massive scale war with the other countries of Europe for thousands of years - a few negroids are no matter.
It just needs the right kind of push.
That push and the momentum that follows is exactly what the jews are desperate to prevent.
Longer lasting tools are better than ones which break after a month. It would be better in their interest to code longer lifespans, than to keep building new ones at a higher pace. Think of it like a bike chain, you can keep replacing the busted rusted old one, or just lube it from the start to decrease the cost to replace it. I mean, these replies are just theoretical "what if"s, but it's neat to think of all angles to the new tech.
Fight and never give up hope.
Don't let them fool you into believing your country is lost.
French are proud and defend their country, regardless of what (((Americans))) say from a distance.
Live well, make a family.
If necessary to thrive, move go a town in France with the least shitskins.
Once left to become ghetto, the areas with the most shitskins will collapse. Just like Detroit.
Yeah and Australian accents are so fucked up too. I can't even understand what they fuck they are saying.
Must be all that abbo DNA
You wish nigger.
I want to be a space racist.
This is now my one and only dream.
All the white Americans should move to Europe and gentrify every place that has been ruined by niggers.
Out-bid them at every turn.
Within 10 years Europe will be clean.
Then the Europeans will return the favour in the states.
I will become a space pirate
Stop sending food and gibs
White babies are a minority in America. You are royally fucked. Half of "British" Muslims live in London, and Muslims account for only 12% of the population of London.
>inb4 "Muslim mayor"
You had a nigger president for 8 years and he was probably Muslim. You are demographically fucked.
Move to Gibraltar.
Hey meatball, leave the food analogies to the real burgers. If the farmers market was selling me goods that I didn't know wanted to be cooked, why are the chefs trying to make master dishes to be blamed for? I can't control where my produce is grown from, so why should I not be able to make amazing dishes? It's only after the fact the produce markets start to bitch about the chefs because people would rather spend time in their restaurants eating their amazing dishes, rather than paying the money to by their raw materials first. They start to form labor unions to protest the buying of their goods unless the chefs cut deals with them. Now you got a food fight going on, and it all started when some chefs just wanted to make a spicy meatball pasta dish for others to enjoy.
>I will become a space pirate
Why not just settle for becoming a Somalian one? That at least is somewhat realistic.
Yeah, but then he'd be surrounded by niggers.
How would you fund a space program when you have to work till 80+ to fund gibs for the 3rd world in your streets.
not to mention the meme warfare of jews saying stuff like "for the cost of sending 100 colonists to mars we could have fed all of Africa for 2 weeks! think of the children!"
A small group of people can do a lot. Look at the American Revolution...There is many such examples
There is a colony of ants, surpassing the numbers of 1 exterminator at almost 3000:1. Who do you think wins that fight?
Almost every major NGO/charity is run by jews.
All the money, trillions, pipes through them.
From 1980 'feed the world' and 2000, africa's population went from 500 million to a billion.
Doubling in size.
All from do-gooders sending money over.
All it did was increase their spawn-rate and started Nightmare mode.
The supposed idea behind governments sending billions overseas, like UK sending 500 billion or whatever it was to pakistan, is by improving their countries, they don't invade ours.
What really happens is, they go over, feed the spawning grounds, teach them English, so they can write "death to Europe" on signs, and advertises the locations and the availability of goods and lifestyle quality to the nigger that would have lived and soon after died in the desert without ever knowing we exist.
Mainland Europe is beyond saving, War is inedible as the 'Union' has turned into 'Germany runs everything again'
Niggers and spics have guns as well as the whites. Only difference is, the niggers and spics will come for whites first. Gun laws will probably be (((stricter))) in the future as well. I honestly and sincerely wish that this wasn't the case, and that America will be safe, but it won't be.
Yeah cause a single man did San Bernardino, Boston bombings, and Orlando club shooting etc.....
>Why save Europe when you could just build another one?
I keep telling people we need to merge with machines and leave this planet to the apes and the kikes who want to rule them.
Once we merge with machines we can live forever anyway so it doesn't matter if the next liveable planet is light years away. Hell we could live on Mars if we had to.
>Muslims make up < 5% of the total population
get outside more please
Member nations of the EU to soothe populist uprisings pass the Brown-out law. If you have Brown skin you must get out of Europe by 2020 or face being shot on site.
>as the 'Union' has turned into 'Germany runs everything again'
This burger actually knows.
Point being, whites hold a more powerful stance in society than minorities. We're only at a crux where whites are being plastered as big ol' baddie, but it will come to pass. The lion knows he's the apex predator, so when a couple hyenas come to fuck with him, he will retain his figure and ignore it, till a time comes where he genocides the said hyena pack to remind the other critters who is really in power. Might sound keyboard warrior bullshit, but it's true that white honestly do not care, because they know who is really in power. It's not until that power is challenged that whites would give 2 shits bout some minority calling them ad homs.
Sad fact is that even if you become aware of the problem, nothing will change because white women WANT the West to be a multicultural shithole and they want to have black and brown babies. As long as women are free to vote and free to choose, they will choose brown immigrants every time.
The White hunters of America make up the largest militia in the world, surpassing even the United States. You don't understand America.
Well people keep voting for these politicians that flood the whole place with third-worlders but promise free stuff.
Stop voting for people like Hollande, Merkel, Rutte, etc.
I'm not coming over to pay your welfare, Tyrone.
>and they want to have black and brown babies. As long as women are free to vote and free to choose, they will choose brown immigrants every time.
You alright there Eliot?
It's the same in most of Europe. Whites still hold all the cards as of right now. Right now. It will change in my country as it is changing in yours. Niggers and spics are becoming more ferocious and whites are becoming more marginalised in your country. This will happen in both of our nations, but I suspect it will to yours first. It already is in your cities.
Haha ok Mr 48%
What about the nigger gangs and the cartels? They are large as well and have a lot of power. I honestly believe that American gun laws will become stricter and think that the majority or at least half of Americans want it that way (look at how many voted Clinton, regardless of supposed voter fraud).
Can they stop civilian sub sonic air planes that come for your brittle and poorly engineered asbestos buildings?
What I saw even in the 90s was the police are cowards and don't go near gangs of any size.
They rather pick on normal people so they can exert their power without being in any danger.
Notice also that women are the ones using everything now.
Men are barely seen.
Take a look at the people doing sports, water sports, winter sports.
Majority female.
Somehow the men have been swept away.
Probably all typing away on these sites.
whatever 28% white America
>Article is about a middle-class family who didn't make the cut and are finding their lives suddenly enriched.
Absolutely marvelous, just imagine these poor sobs having to live in a homogeneous culturally English community, what a sad and boring hellish existence that would have been! Thanks globalists!
its amuses me when autistic "futurists" naively show how ignorant they are of how things really work in the upper echelons of government and big business
automation is going to leave a fuckton of people unemployed and competing with muslims and other ethnic groups; this is when ethnic conflict breaks out, when they are put against each other for resources. this is going to happen in 5-10 years now, europe already has issues assimilating refugees who have high rate of unemployment. the issue is going to get much worse than it already is
they arent going to share any of that aging technology. the planet wont be able to sustain this many people for much longer; powers to be arent going to let them stay alive longer to further pillage the earth and drain welfare systems (and thusly the economies of the world). wont surprise me if a pathogen (((suddenly comes out of nowhere))) and decimates a significant portion of the earths population
your last point is going to be the point in technological advancement where the elites completely takes over the world and dominates it for the rest of time because they're technologically supreme. again, they arent going to share this with you, you are a random smuck and they dont want anyone to have this tech to rival them.
humanity is at a technological cross roads and its not going to be shared with the masses
Based Lao Yang can get those lazy blacks to work.
All the science shows what niggers are.
The problem is that the European culture became so civilised that it would empathise with almost anything.
We have the tendency to anthropromorphise. Cats, dogs, birds, apes.
The nigger is a different species, it is violent, base, greedy and lazy and extremely short sighted.
It has shorter development time and shorter lifespan, it breeds faster, has a higher rate of twins - litters of young.
It is an animal and it is an unworthy competitor in our food chain.
It is not suitable as a pet, as has been shown.
It is obsolete as a farm animal.
Send them all back and seal the continent of Africa, do not let them above the Sahara.
Dismantle all infrastructure there, and provide no support or have any communication with the apes.
hitler almost did it, pretty fucking sure its possible