Identify antifa theif/attacker

there is a guy here with a maga shield and helmet, antifa pulled him behind the black block and savagely beat him and a black guy with blue gloves stole his helmet then wore it and taunted us shouting "thanks for the helmet" I know absolutely nothing about Sup Forums, but I want this guy identified and I don't know how.

Other urls found in this thread: Red Rose Way, Bakersfield, CA 93312/@35.3774605,-119.1381369,44a,35y,180h,39.53t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x80ea438096e3b1a5:0x7807e292d89cce4b!8m2!3d35.3770857!4d-119.1381424

>276x183 Red Rose Way, Bakersfield, CA 93312/@35.3774605,-119.1381369,44a,35y,180h,39.53t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x80ea438096e3b1a5:0x7807e292d89cce4b!8m2!3d35.3770857!4d-119.1381424

He shouldn't have went out there suited and booted if he was just gonna get fucked up like a little bitch, take your larping ass to rëddit, come back when you're ready to take up arms.

You want us to identify the Trump supporter?

Fuck off antifa.


Thank you for protecting the people at the rally Berkeley PD! Your strategy of not doing anything, excellent work.

I thought this was clear but I want the antifa who stole his helmet and beat him identified

Antifa Bike Lock Fag is bashing people again in this. This one needs to go in the evidence folder.

Oh right, I get you now.

There really should be a general for this sort of thing.

The dude in green and white helmet is a friend of mine, he dragged several Antifa bodies aroundnwhile people stomped on them

it's cool, we have a ton of footage of him and his crimes, the the geniuses on this site could track down the bike lock guy, this should be easy

I fought Antifa in Berkeley and will do it again for ann colters speech.

DESU i wouldn't do that but they came to fuck up our event and were way more violent, so i am glad to hear that

Her speech got cancelled


she's going anyways, we have a vanguard of 3 going so far, gavin mcinnes will be there to lead us with proud boy backup


who gives a shit? clearly he was up for some fighting

the other bloke were just standing around and got attacked randomly for no reason


April 20 at 5:20 PM

Officials at the University of California at Berkeley on Thursday reversed their decision to cancel a speech by conservative firebrand Ann Coulter.

It's back on, Berkeley reversed the decision. Let the libtard blood flow in the streets, anons.

That was me. Thanks again for the helmet.

I feel we should do this.
At least find the nigger.

I'm in.

We should start one on full-chan.
Then i dont have to do this stupid captcha the entire fucking time..

>The police are my personal army, paid to protect me while I lawlessly chimp out.
What year of law school are you on my dude?

I think he is behind the dumpster at 7:08

I think some ppl are a little exhausted from tracing down bike lock man can't the newfags takeover?

Boo hoo you faggot you showed up to the brawl and ended up getting your ass beat don't be such a little bitch about it.

Thank God Auburn police didn't let them pull shit. Had them all remove their masks, early arrests, guys watching from rooftops, attack dogs on short leashes, undercover cops pulling undesirables out of the attendance line. Damn it felt good.

I've been thinking about putting together a searchable antifa database, might help identify the professional protesters who turn up in multiple cities. what does Sup Forums think?

seems like an interesting idea, but a lot of effort goes into just identifying one person, that's why 4 chan usually focuses on the scumbags

wouldn't need to necessarily name that person on the site, just identify that the same person is showing up all over the country

but yeah it is a lot of effort. hmm. If only I were a billionaire with money to burn


Dont ask pol to track anyone down. the only thing they do is troll. They just found a guy in a picture said he bad and worked 2 days finding this random fuck real name and address. They are in the process of fucking his life up now

Shoo shoo Eric.


What? the evidence seem good to me...