OP come here

Thanks leaf


push north east into russia again

Fill southwestern Persia

Papal States [Allies: Franks, Orange, UNR] !xZtno0QzmQ (ID: mNQ9czGp) 04/20/17(Thu)18:44:40 No.122057099 ▶
If 10 build a factory in Rome, if under expand throughout the Iberian peninsula

Can I please us this role!

Unite the Union!

invade britain

Quickly invade turkey!

Invade USA

fixed name

If I can use those d u b s, use the extra to spread throughout Iberia

Expand north.east russia


Oranje, feel free to invade me and take my factories. I've got to go now. Unless someone takes my spot and plays along with you guys as allies. Cya Bros.

You may be able to cede the land automatically to him

No problem

last thread he said ''unite the union, invade the confederate states of america''

Aw it's alright m8, wp! see ya ^^

I will allow ceeding if you want too

do you want iberia completely? i wanted to have catalonia :/

invade CSA
last thread digits dont count you hick

If I could have Savoy area and Switzerland area that will be fine, just try to get their quick so op doesn't fill it

Never said they did, but I have enough humor to laugh about it. Silly yankee.

i think he left

Aye, seems he left. But it looks like he wanted Oranje to have his land


Sorry for any fuckups, first time OPing risk


South Africa
Boer Kingdom

Invade northern Mexico and southern Texas from the Gulf. I'm fairly sure I can do this.

I suggest you assist Confed in their battle against the dirty Euro Yanks

expand south west into china

Expand through Iberia, but leave Catalonia for the Franks

acutally you're right, next turn im gonna go help him out.

can you count my doubles plz
and for this roll, invade CSA

fill in southern england, expand southwards france


if over ten then make a industry at london

>Invade northern Mexico and southern Texas from the Gulf. I'm fairly sure I can do this.

You will have to be closer than that sorry bud

Invade the USA

Unite German clay with eastern europe clay and fill free t's there
if any of you friends want Turkey or the balkans, from the UNR, tell me and I'll gladly cede it to you

I'll take it, I shall use it to make the Mediterranean a Holy Lake, and to stage my march to Jerusalem

K :(
Connect my empire over land with those 4 territories in southern Persia. Fill Levantine coast.

Don't forget the trip, plus you have factories to add to your trip

Put #passwordofyourchoice directly after your name in case you didn't know

shiet the bonus tnx op
cool mate, you can take 1 or 2 factories in ukraine too

Why thank you, my friend

Mupdate like 14

OP you got room for Canada? I'll be black.

Connect my new eastern territories with my Italian lands

if OP allows you we should ally

expand in england and southern france, if i got enough make a factory in london

Fill Levantine coast

There are no rules for inter-player agreements

yea was using that, forgot to put it again while switching names. tnx for reminder
np, just it's gonna be more fair that i dont keep all the UNR possessions myself alone^^

close the gap between north russia and east russia and keep filling blank t's around there

Invade United States
I'd wait to choose until this civil war is over.

expand north east into russia

Conquer CSA

It depends, will you fuck my wife?

only if you watch me and wack it in the corner

Can you double the territory count per number or something OP? So instead of 1=1 and 2=2 etc, 1=2 and 2=4 etc. Just to speed the game up a little.


Nah sorry, i already started and to change rules mid-game is a bit of a pain

Unless it is unanimous


West mongolia, best mongolia

Continue filling in the land between the east and the west

Expand Cuckada.

Idk man I have a pretty busy job kissing feminists feet all day, are you sure you cant do it in private? it will make it more intimate

Destroy the USA

Fill island with 4 territories in southern Greece. Spill rest in Levantine coast.

my territories werent added.

in any case, keep expanding North East into Russia

if you kiss her cumsoaked lips once im thru with her, we have a deal

keep expanding east by connecting south and north of russia

My bad

I have made up my mind.

First person to get repeating numbers I shall ally with.

expand in southern france, take london

if i got enough make london a factory

Only from an offensive, not from a random post? I can understand you only want to be aligned with lucky people.

Would everyone agree to speed up the game by doubling the amount of territories you get per roll? Currently if you get a 1, you get 1 territory. I think we should double this.

Vote on this issue, include whether you want the game sped up or no

if you don't mention this, you will abstain from the vote


Another thread for risk over here

Invade the USA


Continue expanding Cuckada in Canada

Fill the Balkans and Greece

I vote yea on the proposal

Palis! Do I get anything?


also i want to cede all my territory to confederate states

Nope sorry friendo

gl buddy i'm giving you a helping hand as i leave.


unfair just make em white

Expand towards the Caspian and the Aral sea

Annihilate the CSA

do quads count?

i vote yes,
expand in southern and western france

its not unfair, i'm allied with him and vedam since the start.

leave already you cuck

It has been established that the ceding of land to other players is valid and legitimate

My territories weren't added
After doing that, fill southwestern Arabia

oops im still usa op

shut up kid fucker

Yeah was wondering.

Also anything over trips is just trips im afraid.

I'm only counting it on an actual roll

I think everyone voted yes on the proposal except CSA


All rolls are now doubled.


Be quiet you heathen, lest I excommunicate your lands!

Expand Cuckada across all the Canadas