H.P Lovecraft

Outside of living the NEET life, are they're any notable views H.P Lovecraft had? I heard there are over 100k letters he himself written over his life. Have any of you read them and if so how far reaching was his xenophobia and similar views?

I'd love to know more about the guy but from what I can gather about his personal life hadn't been perpendicularly interesting. Did he just shit post letters all day and lead a quiet life?

Other urls found in this thread:


in one of his stories there iss a black cat named niggerman

He wrote for a paper called The Conservative, has some pretty fascist leanings to it

He was rabidly antisemitic but was so beta he had to marry a Jewish woman. Lel

He really hated niggers

>neet shit poster
>still finds a woman to marry

«When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.»

>Kept making antisemitic comments around her anyway.
>She had to keep reminding him she was Jewish.

The Ultimate and pure form of Satanism is somewhat Lovecraftian. and I mean Satanism Sinister Of The Dark Gods of Kaos... Which Dwell soemwhere in the Cosmic threshold...

I think he actually did have a cat named nigger.
Kind of a pity he buckled so easily cause of puss. Guess no woman was ever going to approach him who wasn't damaged goods themselves.

He was a racist so probably a conservative.

and Satanism is just a word the for the cults of the Sinister entities... name it Odin, Surtr, Dagon, Tiamat, Sekmet, Saturn, Kek...and many more..

Even reactionary. He idolized 18th century England

CERN is communicating with them, through the veil.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

Ia! Shove nigger-hat!

He literally considered everyone besides Anglos as subhumans.

He considered German/Dutch/French as the same level as Blacks.

Except he liked Spaniards for some odd reason.

>On the Creation of Niggers by H. P. Lovecraft
>When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Iove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
>The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;Yet were they too remote from humankind.
>To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
>A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

Spooky stuff man

He almost killed himself after living in New York for like a week because of all the DIVERSITY. Lots of his stories are how other cultures come to America and fuck up everything.

Being Swedish I can confirm he was utterly correct.

You mean the Nameless Avenger. The one riding the white horse, the horse head knight, He is here communicating with you leaf.
Cern is bullshit

people always spout the "haha Lovecraft hated niggers" meme without realizing that he hated literally everyone who wasn't from Boston or rural England

He was an anglo supremacist. He hated not only niggers, but everyone who wasn't british or american. Great man.


So he was, dare I say, an eternal anglo?

Read the horror at red hook.

I was thinking about it before,
how fucking lefties are obsessed with him and his books yet he was racist. Same as Disney. And those same fervent pro-abortion libs also like Philip K Dick. I'm sure there's more, and whenever they discover that they run with the same old "w-well it was n-normal b-back then, he would t-totally love black people/abortion/Jews if he were alive nowadays!!!" bs

Hitler Drunk a lot of Aryan blood get what I mean?! literally...

>Nothing must disturb my undiluted Englishry — God Save The King! I am naturally a Nordic — a chalk-white, bulky Teuton of the Scandinavian or North-German forests — a Vikinga berserk killer — a predatory rover of Hengist and Horsa — a conqueror of Celts and mongrels and founders of Empires — a son of the thunders and the arctic winds, and brother to the frosts and the auroras — a drinker of foemen’s blood from new picked skulls — a friend of the mountain buzzards and feeder of seacoast vultures — a blond beast of eternal snows and frozen oceans — a prayer to Odin and Thor and Woden and Alfadur, the raucous shouter of Niffelheim — a comrade of the wolves, and rider of nightmares — aye — I speak truly — for was I not born with yellow hair and blue eyes. ––from a letter written May 3, 1923

fucking cringe

>I do not claim to be 100% Teuton. My dark hair and eyes forbid me that honour. But when I reflect on the fact that hair and eyes are the first things to be chang’d in a blond race upon the least infusion of southern blood, and gold-and-blue scheme being very unstable and liable to revert to the more primitive and deeply hereditary brown or black scheme; I am content to survey my ample height and pallid complexion ( bleach’d by the deep Saxon forests and Scandinavian snows) and pronounce myself 99.9% Teutonick. This supposition is borne out by my coarse features–the rough-hewn physiognomy of a Viking warrior–and by my enthusiastick response to warlike and imperious stimuli. . . .

As to the artistick capacity of the Nordick in general, I will freely admit that it does not take the most obvious and characteristick forms. The masses of a Nordick race are not so aesthetically responsive as the Mediterranean masses–though even here we have to reckon with the acute musical sensibility of the Germans. But having made all concessions, I now pause to inquire why artistick capacity is any proper measure of value for race-stock? To my simple old mind, art is merely a more or less unsatisfactory substitute for real life; and when we consider life and action, deeds and conquests, governments and administrations, what race since the Romans can compare with us? Did we not pour down out of our native forests and reclaim a degenerate Europe where civilisation, under effete Mediterranean dregs, was dying out? My God! The very name of France comes from our huge yellow-bearded Franks, and in Spain they call a gentleman a hidalgo–hijo del goda–son of the Goth–the huge blue-eyed, conquering Nordick! Fancy a world without Clovis–or its Charlemagne–the Teuton Karlomann, and the Vikings and the Norsemen . . . ho for the frozen seas and the epick* of sleet and blood, strange lands and far wonders! Greenland, Iceland, Normandy, England, Sicily–the world was ours.

I'm a big fan of him, I always wonder what would have happened if he had seen USSR and Hitler.

Roman and Greek culture had a similar aproach from a meta spiritual sense.. You are not Pagan.

He predicted flight to the moon, and came up with a workable plan to fly to the moon, as early as 1902.

The problem was his plan involved a giant spinning magnet, and it wasn't financially feasible at the time due to the long time back it happened in.

I came here for a giggle, but again you ruined the fun, dad.

maybe because Spaniards conquered much of the known world and have an entire continent and part of ours one under their influence

The Unnameable is the worst Lovecraft story.

Horror at Red Hook or The Rats in the Walls is the best.

I was trying to post that image and got the duplicate error for the first time in like six years.

Call Me Master...

>got the duplicate error for the first time in like six years.

Kek, glad of being part of your experience senpai

Stop drinking, dad.

what did he think of leafs?

>not The Thing on the Doorstep
>not The Dreams in the Witch House

cosmic horror is the best concept ever come up with in fiction

never fails to be interesting

you are a fool, the earth is bleeding from your throats.
I drink from its soil.
Do not commit the same mistake twice.

>As for Handsome Adolf [Hitler]—in saying he is sincere, & that there is a certain basis behind some phases of the attitude he represents, I do not mean to imply that his actual progamme is not extreme, grotesque, & occasionally barbarous. His attempt to banish arbitrarily all literature he does not like is of course essentially uncivilised—while his ethnological theories (as distinguished from any defence of a purely Aryan culture) are contrary to the maturest beliefs of science. I doubt if he is actually a Jew, though—for that sort of story follows a familiar folklore pattern. It would be too aptly dramatic if he actually did represent the group he opposes. ––from a letter written August 14, 1933.


he frequently mentions haunted woods that were inhabited by French Canadians. He never talks about the Anglos but he thought the Quebecois were attracted to eldritch locales

>not the Shadow Out Of Time

>Lovecraft was woke to the (((Shikelgruber))) false flag
is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

have you ever stopped and wondered if hitler was a jew?

questioning does not mean that is an affirmation.
look at Hitler's parents pictures and ask yourself.
science at that time was very dubious as it is today.

I always thought it was funny that Lovecraft found New England to be spooky. I worked in Maine and Vermont and the entire state is just a beautiful garden or a strip mall, with not much in between.

The desert in the Southwest was always spookier to me.

I actually enjoyed Dreams in the Witch House. Color out of Space, though...

While we're at it: Why don't we discuss Robert E. Howard?

what could be scary about a desert senpai?

high visability

I actually find the original Conan stories kind of shitty. The Robert Jordan ones are good.

You're a horrible person and I hate you. Granted, Howard was hardly a luminary, but still - I hate you.

this man was a genial, all hail Crom...
Every man at this very moment should aim to be Conan and King Kull

I don't really know, I guess it's just the irregularity of everything. In a forest there are hostile things, but in a desert the entire environment is hostile.

Really gud one.

And I love the story of life about him, I plan to do like him.

i suppose it's all just what we're used to hey

high wild grass does it for me, can't see snakes, spiders, usually there's a tonne of mosquitos and it's swampy pretty often

His grandfather was a Freemason so there's that

Colour Out of Space was also really good

The shadow over Innsmouth, inspired by interracial marriage.

Oh shit, I know what it was. I was camping in Joshua Tree National Park in the boy scouts and I saw the shit out of a UFO one night when I was out for a piss. Everyone thought I was making it up but I barely slept again the entire trip.


the ass burgers is real

Didn't she marry Aleister Crowley at some point?

this man would wear a fedora and jerk off to anime if he was born 50 years later

Never read anything from him t.b.h.

Not sure if good enough to be read since his works are almost a century old.

By sci-fi measurements, this is way too much.