Venezuela Protests

I just realized, this is a prime example as in why we need the 2nd amendment. Maduro is giving weapons only to his supporters and no one else has anything to protest with. The reason we have the right to bear arms is to give us the power to overthrow the government if things go to shit.

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protect your 2nd amendment

once it's gone there is no getting back

>Maduro regime is reported to have used chemical weapons against its own peaceful, nonviolent citizens. Reports are comming in that the dictator Maduro attacked a children's daycare facility by dropping bombs containing sarin gas on the target, killing 2 gorillion children. State-owned Venezuelan fake news agencies report that the government bombed a rebel munitions depot.

>Venezuela has the world's largest known oil reserves
>twice the size of Iraq's
>almost four times more than Russia's
Oh, the irony. Why doesn't Venezuela work?




In my opinion owning a firearm is a civic duty akin to voting.

amen to that

Venezuala in America would be like Berkeley in every US state. Try to imagine that. This is why it's so important that it isn't allowed to spread.

It's a shame too. For the price of a weeks worth of groceries, you can get a cheap but perfectly reliable Mossberg or Hi-Point. There's no reason for a family unit to have at least one.

*not to have at least one

The 2nd amendment should also protect my right to build bombs.

and honestly own tanks, airplanes, and missiles as well.

How can we defend a gainst an oppressive government with our six shooters when they have a drone 10 miles up than can drop a bomb on you

I don't think it should. They have extreme potential to harm others and cause massive amounts of damage the state would have to fix.

The funniest part is that liberals on one hand say you don't need the 2nd amendment because something like this would never happen in the US.
Then in their next breath they compare Trump to Hitler with no hint of irony.


can I get a quick rundown on this please?


Imagine the improvement to education if everyone had to learn how to make bombs AND defuse them.

>hehehehe, yes, goyim, you have guns not to kill each other and keep yourselves living in fear of your fellow countryman, but to overthrow us. Aren't we nice?

>not to kill each other and keep yourselves living in fear
most of that is niggers killing niggers
if you are not a nigger living in niggertown you have little reason to worry in the US

they're saving it for us

No, really?

We have a discord group for venezuelan Sup Forumsacks

What is even the point of advertising?

What's the point of all those billboards in the picture?

People who can't buy toilet paper probably can't buy fancy dresses.

>live in an ethnically homogeneous country
>people in your country patiently stood in line waiting for water after a natural disaster
>decry the necessity of stupid burgers need of guns
You will never understand. Niggers tried to burn down a city because they didn't like the outcome of a trial.