this is leaf schools
>can we really blame them for being so dumb
Leaf (((education)))
Other urls found in this thread:
>there are people forced to do this retarded bullshit
this is why school shooters are a thing
>maple Ridge
Into the trash it goes
Fun fact by the time you finish that video atleast 3 girls from that school got knocked up and promptly got abortions
Fucking leafs.
why is there a nigger in the school?
>Being this triggered by a silly high school video
What a bunch of supreme faggots.
American bantz are terrible
visible sage
Honestly I regret not shooting up my school. Too late now I suppose. There's no way in hell I'm ever going back there now.
>reading comprehension
They can do whatever for all i care its just known that school is literal garbage and most girls there are coked out sluts
desu the one where they are normal at first and then start dancing like deranged fucktards is worse
>people moving
>people looking at the camera
why are leafs so shit even at the simplest things
kek, burger . "lol look how dumb leaf schools are"
But pay no attention to our (((schools))) in the US which are jewish re education facilities
Harlem shake i think
atleast we learn
>parents pay the government to do this
unless this is a private school and I'm too lazy to check
ya that's very gay.
just look at how good the schedule is
ya, at least we learn how to be obedient socialist goyims.
that's half the time my high school schedule was. christ.
I swear how they do the districts here is fucked you have schools like that no more than 10km away from my old one and nothing is standardized. For example my pe program was the only when were all students had to do 5k runs 2 days a week and they wonder how we beat everyone at track and didnt have schools full of fat lethargic fucktards
>burger judging other countries' education systems
this is truly the pot calling the kettle "nigger"
maple ditch is a fucking hole.
>leaf looks at pic
>sees nothing wrong with it
Ontop of that they pull that no child left behind bullshit where they'll pass you at 45% or higher so you get credits and graduate flooding the workforce with a bunch of retards who cant get into any post secondary and work at walmart for live or end up on the street
my local school made a thing where you cant get lower then a 56% so kids could technically pass with a D in any class if they do there homework because even if you get a 0 on a test it will be an automatic 56%
This is why you put your children at private Catholic schools.
Kek no wonder there's a brain drain in western civilization. My school had a similar thing but the fucking funniest thing was if you were between 50-59% and failed the provincial exam you would flunk the course but if you were 45-49% your fine cause they would pass you
This school is big as fuck.
Education in America is just as bad. I remember our school had fucking pajama day, wacky day, and a bunch of other shit. There were a lot of teachers that just didn't give a shit and would pass you no matter what too. It was the easiest shit ever, but whenever there was any challenge whatsoever every kid would bitch and complain.
be my gf
>flex time
What the absolute fuck is this? Is this recess or some shit in high school? What the fuck. I had a spare period between the odd class simply due to how my classes were scheduled and everyone's was different. They were never mandated by the school itself. Fucking christ.
Americans are fat retarded piles of diabetes. The fuck are you talking about
i actually unironically like that song
someone gib the sauce pls
Poco is okay
Pitt Meadows is nice
Maple Ridge is shit
Mission is shit
catholic school girls are the biggest whores
i lost my virginity to one and she ate my ass the same day we met
oy vey leafs
Having a properly funded education system is a good thing, though
flex time is gay as fuck though
>expecting me to read all that
damn those girls got a nice ass
Less bad than I expected but still kinda retarded. Just have regular classes, having the entire school go to a class of their choice seems kind of inefficient.
At least you had some form PE. For grades 11 and 12, they literally told us to do our own fitness shit outside of school and have our parents sign a sheet verifying what we did every week. It was so very clearly flawed and yet they gave credits for it anyways. It was maddening.
Oh shit, i think this is the school where the guy jumped on the Christmas tree from the second floor.
look at 5:50
See nothing wrong.
what the fuck I live in that city
nuke us
why is her ass censored? uh im asking for a friend
>all those white students
Are you sure that's Canada?
its BC
>nuke leafs
Nuke it.
german exchange student
this is fucking nuts
Live there. Can confirm
Maple ridge:. Leave your phone in you car, both will be stolen by fucking natives
>Fat kids
Nice VPN burger
Why does Canada have special basketball schools?
jesus christ i guess deranged suburban white sluts are country wide here.
i've seen the same useless bitches here in ONT as BC. what's wrong with western women
What does he mean by this?
Are you retarded there's plenty of fat fucks in bc
fuck teaching let's make videos
But the only thing wrong with our shit schools are black people and socialists. I guess you're technically correct desu
All that fucking administrative overhead, just retarded.
Greentext time (note: will put a * next to things that are not jokes or exaggerations that are literally done in Canadian schools. Also note exaggerations are based off truths. Tone down jokes by about 20 percent and they are accurate)
>be me
>Burnaby north secondary BC Canada
>Enter school
>School elections going on with asains making campaign paraphernalia out of the stalest memes imaginable signs everywhere with dat boi, harambe, le trump xddd*
> Walk to class
>Hallways packed with chinks*
>Literally 1 white kid for every 30 chinks*
>Check Snapchat stories
>Get to class in time to hear announcements
> "Here are your morning announcements but first we thank the musquim and coast Salish first Nations on whose native land we live learn and teach*
>History class spent learning about how Hitler invaded Poland for no reason besides he was just an evil power hungry dictator.*
>Learn about the 11 million who died in the holohoax*
> When not learning about that we learn about Canadian history where every situation somehow has a part on racist white people.*
>Go to English
>Reading Night by Ellie weisel*
>Have to write essay about the innocense of the Jews and how it was brutally taken from them by the Nazis and how we must never forget*
>Teacher is Marxist cunt who is constantly relating everything to gender and mug soggy knees and other Jew crap*
>Cafeteria smells like rice and oil due to 3 billion chinks packed into a room*
>Lunches made by retarded kids*
> Math
> Nothing really interesting in this class besides teacher being a suspected serial killer. (Not officially but if you met him you'd get it)
> Notice the amount of Marxist propaganda on school walls
>LGBTQ, islamiphobia, anti racism signs everywhere
>Weight training
>Only good part of day. Optional but all boys take it
> Girls take self defence classes
>3 o'clock bell.
This is a typical day I could write a whole other story about assemblys and student council
Where the fuck do you live in bc
>TFW face when you will never impregnate a teen
Why even live.
Do you actually thank the Natives in the morning?
When I was in highschool we just stood for the anthem and the Lord's Prayer.
I must've escaped public education before it became this shit.
It's a buyer's market for Pepes today.
Asians don't behave this way.
The West has sold out to the Jew-Masons and and deserve extinction.
>bunch of kids moving
Fucking fail.
fuckin bantz
@1:35 FAIL
They will all be transgenders soon, you can't stop them! are you scared yet
Are school shooters actually the redpilled ones?
They have the nerve to call us fat?
>MFW I see a post about Canada
yes they btfo roasties and normies
I felt the same way watching this video. If I see one more girl doing that stupid fucking slav squat pose im going to go postal. REEEEEEEEEEE
Is that how they demonstrate organization and cooperation? Lets see the leader of that project.
this is why you send your children to private schools (and as far away from canada as you can get)
Haram shake
>Makes fun of leaf educational system
>Cannot even write the date
>Spooky Jewish penis inches distance system
>Named itself just like continent, it would never cause any confusion... Right?
>Murrica is Cucked to Oblivion, blackest country in America
>Hates Mexicans even through they are the only people who will end up lending a hand when they fuck the shit up.
Op should be talking about his own country instead of mocking others.
Not like your stiff-as-a-board ice-queen, i guess then, eh? Flextime makes kids retarded so it has sex with other flextimes. Insert for x including youself and call it a fag. I bet you don't have a hygiene problem at all
There are no schools in USA/Canada where races are separated from each other and that makes every school a pain.
>Hahaha STACEY! Lets stick our ass's out and make it look like were posing for a picture!!! LOL THE WHOLE SCHOOL WILL SEE OUR BUTTS!!!
idk why this makes me hard
This faggot right here is literally me from high school.
>shit posture
>shit hair
>shit face
>stupid fucking hoodie you never take off
why an american football?
look at chad in the back
holy shit that's a nice school and im from a 90% plus white county