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What proof do you want? I have plenty.
The fact that you can produce that question is proof that God exists
Fucking hell. It's called faith for a reason. Believing in something is when there is not sufficient evidence or no evidence at all. If you need it to believe in God, you're doing it wrong you fucking faggot
Can you prove God exists, that life has meaning?
Can you prove there is no God, that existence is meaningless?
That's because human beings are incapable of proving whether life has or lacks meaning. So, we must revolt against the chaos. Your best option is to live life authentically, as if it does have a greater spiritual significance - embrace religion, find a purpose.
You cant prove God, thats a logical fallacy. But there is mountains of evidence
>I have plenty.
Let's hear it then
God here, ask me anything
Shit up and worship out zombie jew faggot.
First let's find out what kind of proof you'll find acceptable so I don't waste my time bringing up things that you don't think are proof.
What kind of proof do you need?
It's the most logical explanation for why anything exists at all.
Look around you, man. Look at the world. Have you ever seen a flower? A baby? Have you ever blown on a dandelion to have the wind blow the fuzz back in your face, tickling your nose? Don't you realize that Saturn is really pretty and has rings around it?
And here you are asking for proof that there's a God.
I have proof for you that Homo Sapiens are primitive apes: GOD.
I already gave proof that god exists I'm God.
I exist.
>"no god"
>no proof of lack of god
>"silly theists can't prove god haha"
>First let's find out what kind of proof you'll find acceptable
Proof is undeniable
If you had proof you wouldn't be cringing, hiding in a corner like you are now. You're like a roach with the light shining upon you. Otherwise you'd just post your proof.
what color shirt am I wearing?
You can't really prove that anything exists. You could be a brain in a vat being fed sensory input making you believe that you are actually in a world such as this one.
Even proving that other people exist is dubious. For all I know, you are a bunch of NPCs in a simulated world like the matrix.
Proving that some fictional character exists from an old book written by dirty sand people is even harder.
But also... where is your proof that he doesn't exist?
Friendly reminder that Israel/CIA/Shariablue create religious threads in an attempt to cause infighting among us. It's classic D&C (divide and conquer). Ignore religion threads: the OP is NEVER sincere with his questions or points. It all just to start a fight.
Woah there
Don't you know it's a sin to make demands of God?
This guy is a cardiologist who researches NDE.
this is why agnosticism is the true religion, because how are you supposed to know which book t follow?
>ask me anything
So you want to be difficult
I know what you're thinking right now
Stop blaspheming.
We're all hiding in the corner. Tell me what kind of evidence you want and I'll produce it as long as it's not silly shit. I have a feeling it's going to be silly shit, but let's try and surprise me for once.
don't trust anyone from Holland idiot
Also, check 'em. Kek has spoken.
what Am I thinking then?
You're thinking that I don't know what you're thinking.
>Stop blaspheming
You can't tell god what to do.
Hell for you
Reminder to ridicule Christfags at every opportunity, like this fucking idiot. Holy shit how retarded do you have to be to type something like that and post it for others to see?
Oh yes, you can cherry pick evidence to "prove" your confirmation bias. But your hypothesis can never mean anything because you claim is completely unfalsifiable(which is a bad thing). Why is this a bad thing? Because any unfalsifiable claim to explain a confirmation bias is no better than any other unfalsifiable to explain the same confirmation bias. I.E. It wasn't jesus or god! It was Thor or Zues!
Why do you make fags and then hate them? Doesn't that seem counterproductive?
wrong, I was thinking about delicious boipussy
Some research on rebirth.
That question is not logic, just God is inside of you, not in heaven you will never see god if you dont want.
Nothing is undeniable :^)
why do mexicans exist?
You don't know anything about Thor or Zues other than what you've gleaned from some the culture and maybe a few wikipedia dives. This is pretty obvious to anyone who knows even a little bit about them. Comparing them to the Christ figure of the Scripture, or to God the Almighty Father; is just silly. There are ways in which certain aspects of Zues worship or Thor worship could be compared to the stories in the Bible, but otherwise there is no real connection.
This is why I'm asking for parameters of what kind of proof you want. I don't know my audiences education level so I need to know where to start before I can begin proving my thesis; which is falsifiable and indeed was put to the test and passed.
Wheres your proof a living organism formed from non living matter?
Keep living in the darkness, leaf.
Everything has a creator, nothing can be created or destroyed from null.
Here is my two cents. God is not a fucking dude. God is not a ghost.
Personally I feel like God is a personification of karma or something like that.
One thing that I will tell you is that I do not understand people who willfully deny that there is at least *something* out there. you accept everything that youve come to known as set in stone, while we dont even know what dark matter is, how black holes work, or why we are even here. When you think of it, our very fucking existence is fucking insane, and t you it might not, because you were taught that the big bang happened, and organisms slowly evolved into more complex, bigger beings that eventually resulted in what we are now. We are literally atoms stuck together by some force that we have given a name and values to, but in reality no one knows what we really are, or anything is for that matter.
So if you dont think there is at least something out there, maybe a string of code or some shit (we have found binary out in space) then youre pretty naive. Im not saying that theres some ultimate being pulling the universe's strings, but at least something
(((Jesus))) junkies
Okay then. Please, enlighten me how one would go about empiracly disproving an almighty creator who exists outside of existance.
Does salt lower the boiling point of water?
Proof? are you retarded or something? Dude i've got this book written by a guy who said he rode around on a flying horse.
You are the proof.
Which one are we talking about exactly?
If His prophecies had not been fulfilled, and He had never revealed Himself to men, then by your flawed standard, he could be said to be "disproven".
(I make it clear that I do not agree with this standard, nor endorse it. Even though the prophecies were fulfilled and He was revealed, as we all now know).
Exactly. Try imagining how everything began. taking into account that time is real, which it very well may not, there is no way matter just popped out of nowhere. there is no way. try imagining empty space, and then matter just coming out of nowhere. that fuc cks my mind. and if youre going to say, "well everything came from the big bang" or "god made everything" you really have to think logically and think about what came before that. the big bang is supposed to be a bunch of matter that concentrated into one point and eventually just bursted right? well where did that matter come from? and god? where the hell did he come from? taking all this into account it is VERY FEASIBLE that we might as well be a simulation. Im not talking about Matrix shit so dont try to discredit me with that shit. We might as well be simulations from beings in the future trying to comprehend what this time was like. but even if that were true: where did THEY come from. It is an endless loop that leads to nowhere.
>Asking for objective proof of a concept that defies objectivity
Where's your proof?
>the Holocaust
>your gf
Not empiracle disproof.
Read about exorcisms
Okay, but this is as I said, a moot point. Jesus claimed to be the living Son of God. He was put to the test and passed those tests.
In order for this to be empirical. These predictions would need to be objectivily verifiable. We cannot even prove Jesus even existed outside of the bible.
wow, really fires up those neurons.
he cant even define what god is. unless he's one of those guys that thinks god is a literal magic old guy living in the sky who controls everything and makes up arbitrary guidelines or something, in which case he doesnt even know what god is. this is how a child understands santa clause, not how an adult should interpret religious texts. people love getting caught up in the personification and metaphors as if they were absolutely literal and to be read like a science textbook. a person who understands religion would realize that asking for proof of it fundamentally doesnt make sense
you cant differentiate between what god is and what god does
61 replies and STILL nothing substantial. This is why I remain an athiest.
I believe in God because I had a life changing experiencie at a church, that is the proof I need to believe
Of course you can just dissmiss it and call it bullshit, so I don't think it would be enough
Which God(s)?
>prove a negative
Hey christfags, you can't prove that God isn't a giant mentally ill frog with a deplorable sense of humor.
In fact I'd say there's pretty overwhelming evidence in my favor.
You just spunked all over my hippocampus
You are a conscious being. That cannot be explained by evolution by natural selection.
He was not tested OBJECTIVILY. Only in the bible. The bible alone is not a book of fact. Some amounts of ancient history are recorded in the bible. But other parts of the bible are inaccurate. The Bible alone can point in a direction to further research but any claims made by the bible cannot off-hand be used to empiricaly or objectivily prove or disprove any of the subject matter due to inaccuracies. The bible also does not cite any objective sources within its pages to references outside of the bible that can be used to corrulate any its claims.
If you are stupid enough to believe there is no Creator(s) and we are just here by accident then you are probably also stupid enough to believe that if a tornado passed though a junkyard enough times it would produce a fully functioning commercial jet. Have you ever even stopped and thought about uow complex a single cell of your body is? It's just a fucking accident that everything in your body works aboslutely perctly in tandem with one another? That life is symbiotic by design is an accident?
after being told the story of the boy who cried wolf, the religious person would understand that lying is bad, while the athiest would only be concerned with whether or not that story actually happened exactly that way and if it were accepted as historical fact
do you think that the ancient greeks literally thought that atlas held up the world? do you think that they literally believed that a guy in a flying chariot pulled the sun around every day? why would they make up those stories?
Copypasta angers the flying spagetti monster.
Here's one atheists:
Explain the nature of consciousness to me, and your ability to choose whether to look up or down at any time.
I'll wait.
Yahweh, Jesus and Allah are myths. The Abrahamic Religions are cancers to mankind. Learn the truth and the truth will set you free.
>why would they make up those stories?
So that plebeians like you keep those collections baskets full.
Don't worry, I know it's not an argument, I just wanted to point it out.
You can't prove that he doesn't exists, i lose absolutely nothing believing in god and i might get a chance in the afterlife, while you don't, you lose atheist
I'm sure you believe in macroevolution, but don't you know there's zero proof of it? It has not been repeated, demonstrated, or tested.
Who created said creator then, retard?
Yes let's all have an argument over something which cannot be proved
Find the nature of your consiousness on your own. If science can tell us anything about consiousnesd it would tell us each one is unique(but also shared. Each action upon the universe has an equal but opposite reaction.) And that referencing an ancient book of barbarious nomads to use as a tool of self discovery can only be self defeating.
God is eternal and uncreated. He is self-existent.
Stop making me really think
logic and reason are the ultimate redpill. Yo see the most powerful man on earth they don't use paranormal stuff even when they do bad shit, all the mess that they have been created in this world is using money, people and knowlege (science).
And you heard this from some mere mortal in bible class and decided 'yeah, that sounds about right'
>the truth
Which is?
Who said there has to be if the nature of its existence is something you cannot and will never know until you finally do know?
Perhaps we are all a part of God manifesting himself. We are all tiny slivers of God.
What's the point then, without it?
Come on. You play video games, fag. What's at the end of it all?
top kek
An empty tomb is objectively verifiable. Hands in the wounds of a living man who was killed and buried is objectively verifiable.
I asked for a standard. Give me one or think about why you can't.
Why do you believe that parts of the Bible are inaccurate? Because other men wrote down that it was? When did you go verify their claims? Are you an archaeologist? If you are, then produce your own evidence for your claim of inaccuracy, for now it is you who makes the accusation. If you are not then you have chosen to believe men who wrote these things rather than the men who wrote these other things. You are not objective, but are perfectly biased and so should not ask for objectivity, no?
No, I read it in the Bible.
Haha top kek
You could say the same about the universe, retard.
>Come on. You play video games, fag. What's at the end of it all?
Postgame? Usually there is actuslly nothing at the end of the game, nothing of relevance at least.
>tfw God IS a giant mentally ill frog with a deplorable sense of humor
I know it's bait, but I'll respond for posterity's sake.
No, a tornado in a junkyard could never produce a functioning jet. The forces at play in a tornado do not create scenarios that would build the system. It can't bend or weld metal efficiently, for example. Also there are likely not enough of the proper materials lying around in a scrapyard, such as all the metals and rubbers used in wiring. If there is glass, it isn't in the correct shape, and like I said the tornado doesn't have the ability to morph glass into new shapes, aside from shattering it into smaller pieces.
You're using the tornado as an analogy for pure randomness, and the scrap yard for the materials needed for the universe. In both of these ways your argument is flawed.
If a device that can do literally anything at random was used an infinite number of times on a pile of materials that consist of everything needed to create a jet, it is a statistical FACT that the machine would build a jet sooner or later, and in fact if it continued from there it would eventually dismantle that plane, then rebuild it into another jet that has the words "God isn't real" welded onto the wings.
>incoming mental gymnastics
so you're part of the "takes religion seriously and literally" camp i take it? you believe that people who knew more about the star systems than the average person today believed that the orbit of the sun was because a few horses were pulling it. seems plausible
>metaphorical representations of complex natural phenomenons that usually heavily simplifies them for better comprehension and understanding still cannot penetrate my thick skull
here is more fundamental failure to understand what religion even is. and grouping a kike subverted monotheistic religion like christianity two polytheistic european ones is silly, but of course i wouldnt expect you to understand why
Do you say it about the Universe?
Earth is the only planet to have only one moon. One moon that is just far enough away to enable it to completely block the sun during eclipse.
Among the many other things that would lead one to believe there is an ultimate creator that is one of the most perplexing. As science advances i think eventually they'll have to come to terms that it wasnt all random.
I don't believe in God but I keep an open mind.
>Atheists think an old man in the sky is ridiculous
>continues to believe the universe started from nothing and then exploded
>>An empty tomb is objectively verifiable. Hands in the wounds of a living man who was killed and buried is objectively verifiable.
Really? There a museum I can find it in? Or photo of hands in his wounds? No? Got bad news for you buddy. Its not objectifiably verifiable.
>>Why do you believe that parts of the Bible are inaccurate?
The bible has a story about a man being eaten by a giant fucking fish dude.