>why havent you taken the homeschool pill with your kids yet
American (((education)))
Kids who are homeschooled always turn out to be socially awkward weirdos
8/10, looks like another prime doxing candidate
>go to public school
>go to college
>become a weed smoking hairy porn actor
At least you get action, homeschooled kids are usually perma-virgins
I take it you know this from personal experience?
>be "adult"
>wear that shit
Pick one plz
>West Virginians
We should have killed all of those traitors when they seceded from us (Virginians)
Yep, everyone iv met is a fucking autistic weirdo.
Homeschooling your kids guarantees they live in your basement for life
Many such cases
i was refrencing that girl who was punched..did you see her before and after college pics
>also i was home schooled i lived in AK and lived in a trailer int eh middle of the state
>im pretty adjusted besides my femdom and finger sounding fetsih
You're right. I was homeschooled all of highschool and my social skills went down the drain. I never left the house and am having trouble readjusting now that I'm in college
kill yourself my man
Soooooo cut funding when?
I was "homeschooled". It's worse than public school unless it's in a stable household with motivated parents.
>Ms. Judy parks that ass on your desk and lets a big stinky fart rip
>instant boner
I was homeschooled so my parents could "instill religous values"
I wanted to be like the normal kids and go to school but was not allowed. I am kind of socially awkward (I am here after all) and didn't lose my virginity or have any female friends until age 18 because I wasn't allowed.
I'm not a chad but I can interact pretty decently I guess, I am shy and have anxiety but nowhere near as badly as some autists I know, Also i'm not fat or ugly so that helps. Now I am kind of glad that I was home-schooled though
What school is this? From there, we can contact the administration and the school district to get this cunt fired
I know some people who homeschool their 4 kids. None of them can read.
decent people send their kids to private school.
>lost virginity at 18
you normie motherfuck
>desu for private school in my area its 23k for just 1 semester..so almost 70k for 1 year
A female teacher having a political stance is the quickest way to teach the kids the opposite, nothing wrong here.
14 here.. Chad nationalism
And? Poorfags shouldn't have kids.
Exactly. This is 100% true.
>pretty adjusted
pick one faggot
I'm not though, I have never been to college and look like an emo fag. I'm 22 and have only had sex with like 8 girls, most of them I met online. Also I spaghetti a lot but not as much as I used to
you'd fit in well at /k/, that's for sure
>to afford private school you need to make around 200k+
Sooooo glad I got out of teaching. Most annoying shit was during the primary.aries parents and their kids telling me all about Hillary and Bernie and how Hillary is gonna a win. Goddamn I fucking hated hearing my kids say that.
I took a completely neutral stance, and disallowed politics in my classroom. Worked most of the time, and kids that would pipe up about Hillary were shot down by other kids over time. Felt good then
>le funny bait
you can?
Yeah. I send two kids to private school. Worth every penny.
My kids are smart, polite and well on their way to a great future.
Because it would take me about 300-700k CHF and 2-4 years of fighting in court to get that while they have to attend a public school.
I took the catholic private school pill and pay 4.8k CHF per months for it just to get my kids out of the shitshow our public schools are.
>My kids are smart, polite and well on their way to a great future.
until they go to college
She's unintentionally redpilling her students who dislike her.
One is going to private college. They other one wants to take over family buisness.
2 boys. 12 and 17. Just because you are a failure doesn't mean we all are.
Actually that's incorrect, maybe 10 years ago that was true because your parents had to teach you themselves but now you just do everything online, and most hot/popular chicks do online because they don't want to deal with all the beta orbiters at school trying to hit on them, so they just do home school and then go party with 20 year old chads on the weekend
I was homeschooled from year 4 to year 6 because I was ">tfw too intelligent for this shitty low level maths" that they were teaching in the school, so my dad pulled me out and I started learning physics and maths at home, only 4 hours a day, shit was so cash
Didn't do SATs exams but I got into secondary school and did fine, currently at university studying physics.
Shit's easy, let me not lie now blud
I'm not socially autistic in the slightest, actually very popular
Yes I will stay home and homeschool my children while my wife goes and works as the head of the neurology department of our local hospital.
Also all of my children will be DNA tested.
Home schooling was pretty much me hanging out at the skate park all day/travelling with people twice my age. Nights were comp tia certs and glass blowing. I have no real education, only trades skills and extremely specific networking opportunities. Send your kids to a private school people. Generally I'm very well off but I despise my parents for not allowing me to compete with peers till my late teens.
You're probably around 50, and you enjoy calling people the same age as your kids "failures". Imagine being that petty.
I'm the name of our presiden, may we destroy her for his glory
i'd say that it isn't school appropriate to wear anti-government political propaganda in a state funded school. but since some teachers think it's okay to do stuff like pic related in a zero tolerance gun policy educational establishment, i'm really wondering when we'll have an overhaul of the standards for hiring teachers amidst a society that is currently wondering if it's racist to have basic educational requirements for educators since blacks/hispanics end up being underrepresented because they can't pass at the same rates as whites
>anecdotes are useful
so this is the power of public education!
>politicizing school
Americans are the worst
I am 41.
fantastic private german lutheran school in my area cost 300$ a month, 2 people on minimum wage could afford to send their kids there
Underaged, b&
im jewish
>Ms. Judy
age old unmarried libtard dressing like a 15 y/o hipster
surprise surprise
I am 30 you fucking nigger. Learn some reading comprehension you fucking kike lover
Your parents didn't enroll you in any group actives or sports? I'm planning on homeschooling, but my child will have some exposure to the real world.
>Your parents didn't enroll you in any group actives or sports?
Cuz me and the missus have jobs you fucking layabouts
And that's why you're on Sup Forums
That creature needs a helicopter ride.
what the fuck are you doing then
children leading children
teachers need to be a male dominated field again since women seem incapable of keeping their alarmist lefty politics away from school and stick to unbiased lessons. The old goat female teachers that threw chalk at kids I had were fine compared to todays feminazi teachers.
I come here when I'm in a rut and I want to feel shittier about myself. I then think 'man it can't get any worse than 32 year old me arguing with a bunch of teenagers' and I've always been right. The NEETs I encounter here always make me realize that shit, I'm not so bad off after all
I've never come into contact with an education major who left me thinking, "they seem really bright."
Good catch!
>Was homeschooled
>Always envyed normal kids.
>First year at uni was hard to make friends
>Have painic attacks still at age 20
>Slowly becoming normal
>Girls love my asshole personality
>Pretend to be mysterious and shady
>Get pussy any day of the week
Homeschooling sucked. Has made me a better, individual thinker. Not a sheep.
It's shocking how many are hired just because they have a vag. Work in government IT and every single fucking chick in the field is fucking useless and causes me more work.
I hate that the leftists have invaded places like WV and KY to poison the kids with their ideology. I wish they would have tarred and feathered this cunt and put her on the next train out of town.
Kek homeschool weirdos also can't handle bantz because they're social outcasts
Did you take part in any social clubs like Boy Scouts or a sports team?
If not, do you think it would have helped?
>trying to decide what to do with my kids
>don't want them to be sheep
>but also don't want them to be social outcasts with high social anxiety
I played soccer and did a shit ton of stuff. The key after being homeschooled is to never tell, nor come across as homeschooled. No one can properly process that kind of info.
Nice meme ya faggot. I was homeschooled and my parents made me join lacrosse (didn't need to go to the school to join) got my socializing skills there.
Thanks anons, this is what I was looking for.
>No one can properly process that kind of info.
Teens don't care or they say you're lucky.
Blaming being home schooled for being a anti social freak is emo-fag tier. If the parents are smart they'd set up play dates or make you go to kindergarten when you are little, thats when socializing is the most important in a childs life.
I played hockey with a homeschooled kid he was real cool actually.