Istanbul not constaniople

Istanbul not constaniople
Aya sofya mosque not haghia sofia church
La ilahe ilALLAH muhameden resulALLAH

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When will the day of the flip-flop come?

kys nigger

If we knew it would end up being infested with roaches we would never have conquered it.

Europe, clear the cockroaches and Constantinople is yours.

Our government has to warn us not to travel to your place, you're like the retarded jobless filth that live in the rough part of town that our parents told us not to talk to.

>Our government has to warn us not to travel to your place
Good, we don't need drunk inbred angloshits shitting up places.



Enjoy your civil war you dirty roach , i will send a pallet of RAID anti cockroaches spray to the kurds so they clean

t. Moor rapebaby

Daily reminder that Islam has built exactly Nothing of significance.

Everything they cherish was literally stolen from other, superior cultures.

Pic related.

Also Sage.

but wh*te subhumans are not superior, you were subhuman slaves back in ottoman empire, know your place,inferior slave.

Also Muslims are locked an eternal cycle of massive, mind shredding cognitive dissonance.

Their religion states in explicit - unequivocal terms - that they are the chosen of Allah, and that he is perfect, all merciful, etc. That everything is exactly as Allah wills, and can not be otherwise.


Muslims are massively inbred, with widespread genetic diseases as a result of over a thousand years of generation-after-generation systematic cousinfucking.

Their lands and nations are shitholes, mired in corruption and avarice. They slaughter each other over shit the rest of humanity got over tens of thousands of years ago.

They've been raped by literally every world power to come their way, and haven't been significant for over a century. And never will be again.

They're all 'muh Ottoman empire' - but even 21st century Muslims can't hold a candle to their last gasp of relevance and power, over a century ago. And they wont reclaim it, because they're too inbred, too stupid, too divided by their retarded religion, and too buttfucked by the rest of the world.

So, by their own logic, All of this is by Allah's will? It has to be, or they're Apostates and Allah commands their death.

So they're forever stuck in this loop of self loathing. Because the only logical conclusion is - Allah hates them, and has turned them into mutated dirt monkeys with no future beyond backsliding into an even worse state.

So no matter what else - be thankful you're not a Muslim. A dysgenic homonculus who can't even function on the same level their ancestors did, locked into endless self loathing, unable to escape because they'll be killed by each other even faster.


Pic related. Also Sage.


Give us back kekstaniople you cunts

top kek

>left wing turkish feels

The most beautiful and impressive building in the totality of Islamic civilization is a christian church they built some poles next to

Same here. I suppose it was already too full with local inbred already.

I mean I guess slavs are those balkan nomadic horse tribes are kind of white, but let's be honest dude, conquering a bunch of Bulgars and Serbs and acting like you beat white people is like conquering Malaysia and acting like you beat Japan since their both Asian

>doesnt know Ottoman army beat the shit out of Napoleon during Siege of Acre 1799

I came to your country when I was in the Navy and fucked one of your girls during the 2 days I spent there.

Sure you did.

I did, it was in Marmaris. Also there was alcohol there, and I didn't see a single person with a hijab, or men wearing dresses like in saudi arabia. I also but a nice leather jacket, because the stores would give you free beers to come shop there, just like they do in south america.

>he doesn't remember based Afonso


Wrong website retard

What in fuck does this even mean?


TR TR TR Turk will rule this dunya and remove ermani scum.

LOL, the gibberish at the end made me chuckle, I imagine it in a male near falsetto tone.

it means roaches don't know how to speak a human language

Kill the Turkroach.
