What's the best place to live

Ameribros: what state?
Foreignors: what country?

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Not here. It's awful where I live. Don't ever come here. Tell all your friends. Stay out.



Massachusetts really is beautiful if you don't talk to anyone

St. Louis, MO Hardly any crime or niggers. I've never had it so good!


I live in san antonio. it sucks. which city?

Louisiana here.

We have the best food in the world bar non but coming to this state is like stepping 15 years into the past. Not just ethically but everything down to the roads and trends. This place is such a fucking shit hole.

Maine is good for now. Liberals will probably ruin it in the future


sounds cool to me. which areas?

I kind of want to live there. is it that great?

How is Virginia?
I'll be moving there in about 2 weeks.

El Paso



the problem of asking "what state" is that states are big and parts of some states are great while other parts are trash

washington has the best terrain and comfortable, nice-looking cities....but it's full of retarded liberals

which is a problem I encounter anytime I think about where I'd like to live; the places with the best terrain and climate are often chock full of liberals and other trash, whereas the places with the best systems and people are usually uninhabitable wastelands

anyway, as for other countries, I'd say if you were born swiss, stay there because you're a lucky bastard. If you're not swiss, moving to switzerland is basically not an option.

What's so great about Texas? You don't even have any mountains.


depends on the area. it is in the south which is cool but there are some shit areas

fuck that

Whereabouts? Tidewater or NoVA?

once I master German I will definitely look to move to Switzerland.

a few other countries have potential if they change a couple of laws


I don't think wyoming exists!
Tell me has pol ever meet someone from wyoming, no hence it doesn't exist!

I lived in Northern california for a while. Can only say nice things about the place (outside of the bay)



the empire state

We have just about everything else



I was in Louisiana for 2 months in a dock when I was in the merchant navy and by god it had to be the most boring place I've ever been to.

Do you guys have Flying sneks?

Stay north and to the coasts in the states. Usually pretty chill.

t. Mainefag w/ relatives in Oregon


your fucked m8

oh god no

is it nigger infested?

>tfw MA gun owner

Stay away from this bullshit state and go to NH

fuck off man, we don't need any more niggers or spics here.

>What's so great about Texas?
Nothing, the people there are retarded. Retarded people rarely know they're retarded, and if you surround them with other retards, they think they're "normal".

How's Minnesota? Apparently it has the whitest people in it.

Commie state of the Russian bear.

Best Dakota

Fucking god awful. They slapped Dems in a while ago and the state has turned into an Islamic shithole. Northern part of Idaho is waaaay better.

>NYC: $1 million
>LA: $10 million
>That moment when you have the perfect reason to kill yourself because you made the horrible decision to move to Ohio: priceless

Im from Wyoming you cuck


I want out. Recommendations?