Daily reminder that weed is degenerate and a gateway drug

Get comfy as disgusting skunk reeking potheads get triggered.

>muh phd and 18372 IQ
>hurr durr not addictive, i just need another bowl because i'm bored dude haha
>le health benefits of inhaling smoke into my lungs
>suh dude george washington's teeth were made of hemp or something, whoaaa volcanoes are like earth pimples

mad because bad.

everyone here smokes weed lmao and we're cool

pick one

pick one

pick one

if you smoked weed, you wouldn't be so filled with anxt and rage. just smoke weed man and keep the peace bruddeh

>instead of anxt and rage it will be rage and schizophrenia

pick one

pick one

pick one

I did smoke weed """"bruddeh"""" and it brought nothing good to me nor anyone I've ever known. Life is a million times better since I quit. Finished my degree, got a great job, and stopped relying on filling my lungs with smoke to have a good time.

You're still a leaf, and a faggot.

You can be against pot all you want,doesn't change anything besides, my smoking ain't hurting you.

but i thought weed is good and probation is the problem

>my smoking ain't hurting you.
when you have to quit your job because you need an oxygen tank with you 24/7 dont ask for welfare then

I choose to smoke Cigarettes anyways, I know my fate. And those are legal.

Whats your point? I know this will kill me, and cigs are honestly shit for me. Probably quit those before weed.

true point desu

Who gives a fuck if someone smokes weed you faggot. As long as you aren't smoking in public (no better than bums drinking in public) who honestly cares?

It is when you smell like ass and giggle louder than a schoolgirl while holding up a line at the grocery store because you realized it's monday instead of friday.


we should stop paying for people who get in car accidents too, everyone knows the risks of driving

what a dumb argument

You're assuming everyone has the same reaction my friend.

Weed makes me feel better about life, makes me happy. But the giggling? Come on man. I go to public and no one notices get pulled over and cops can't tell.

We behave bro.

drugs are best enjoyed outdoors though, not like it actually affects other people to be high outside if you have some self control

pick one

I apologize for you it's obvious you have weed induced retardation.

it wasn't an argument, but why should anyone pay for things people choose to do?

if some fat bitch who'd be better off walking chooses to drive somewhere within walking distance and gets in an accident why pay for her laziness?

what's the difference between her and a smoker?

His main point was that we shouldn't pay for the care for people who willingly damage themselves.

And I get that, I don't think anyone should expect a hand out. But that kinda goes back to the fact that people who Smoke cigs for example are in worse shape than strictly pot smokers. Theyd have the same welfare

That gateway drug argument is a Sup Forums-tier meme at this point. It's been debunked quite a few times.

>Zero citations
>No coherent argument
I'm high right now and even I think you're retarded

Most people in my town smoke it but not me

in general terms the difference is that cars are now an everyday necessity, smoking is not

with your specific example of the fat bitch I don't think she should get welfare either

cars are only a necessity in some instances, errands and commutes that are too far to walk

Gets pulled over for some shit he would have noticed if he wasn't zoinked out of his mind

Gateway to what? Cheetos?




>be me
>high af
>read this thread
>green text

look at the back of a $20 bill and tell me what you see

I have no cash on me