What do you guys want him to do?
What do you guys want him to do?
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Nuke Israel.
Hernandez himself
nuke west bank
Keep developing sickkkk solid fuel road mobile ballistic missiles of course.
he should actually bomb the trump luxury hotel in seoul, that would send the right message to everyone
Nuke California
Invade the South, finish the Korean war, so that one way or another the Korean people can be united in one country, one nation.
Invade the South and force those faggots with their Kpop and their Starcraft and their surgically enhanced chins to submit to Juche.
nuke montreal
Nuke Austin Texas and release the Alexjoneszilla
Nuke LA
Accidental nuke strike on his own capital
Just do it already
Have a massive coronary from glutting himself while his people starved.
Gibs me qt slanted pussy refugees.
Get deposed by China, and replaced with a China-lite puppet government that opens the borders andshuts down the concentration camps.
Nuke Mecca
Nuke all of commiefornia
Nuke NYC
Nuke DC
Nuke soros
Nuke the duke
Trump 2024
This, or at least Seattle.
Nuke everything he can before he gets his skull kicked in by a chinaman.
cut his own head off and livestream it
simon didn't say
>he thinks gooks are attractive
Stop watching porn
Nuke Israel and the UK, Switzerland where the Rothschilds live.
Kim is rather symmetrical.
i want him to give up, free travel to and from his country, tell his people the truth, that he has lied to them and kept from them many many things, and to dismantle his nuclear weaponry, tear down his father's and grandfather's statues, and live the rest of his years in a minimum security prison for crimes against mankind.
gimme at least 3 more weeks to get outta this PC shit hole state...then he can have at it. I'm THIS close to blowing this commie popsicle stand
Either invade the South or shut up
Take it. They'll hate you for it, but that's the point of North Korea, it can be the outcast.
Bring about the Calexit.
Reunite with the south under his leadership.
He'll nuke California this weekend.
He's such a odd looking character.
About your question, I want him to
STAHP waxing his damn eyebrows!
hand the throne over to his autistic sister
Build working ICBMs to protect his system from the imperialist.
After that break the propaganda from the west.
Does the carpet match the brows?
If Trump was in office during the downfall of North Korea, then we get to meme about how President Trump's administration was responsible for the greatest humanitarian act that the United States has been involved with in, at least, decades. Because that's what liberation of the Nork people would be.
You know, I wonder what North Korea would be like if it weren't a dictatorship.
Be glorious supreme emperor of best korea
Honestly he needs to be killed.
I don't see any benefit for Russia or China to get rid of their neighbor.
I want America to free all NK qts
sharpie in pooper
Want him to die
I don't think he has many options other than to sit down and shut up or exit from power, intentionally or not.
Get rid of California
He's doing what any dictator in his position would do, developing a nuclear deterrent to the forces of Zionism. What he should do is blow his brains out because even a limited nuclear exchange won't stop the evil cunts that wan't him gone.
>sharpie in the pooper
Just fucking agree to six party talks and cut a massive economic aid deal with the West, Russia and China. Give up the weapons, sign a mutual defense treaty with China and provide manufacturing resources to all three powers.
He wants to be a legend/hero/god to his people? Feed them and raise their standard of living. He'd be surprised at the results, and would probably be pretty frustrated with his predecessors.
He's essentially one of us who won the cosmic lottery and now gets to run his own country. We all get that right?
since this country (fake Isr--l is NOT a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and is known to have nukes, perhaps North Korea should bring this up at the UN and have the world community impose the same sanctions and potential military action against ALL these countries that have NOT signed the NPT. Iran is a signer to the NPT ,Is-ra-hell has NOT signed the NPT, hypocritical ,huh? Perhaps a coalition of "willing" nations will carry out these sanctions and military actions even if the unwilling won't.
fuck could you imagine? what would Trump even do
Send nudes to Trump
if you really want to keep a regime, make your country rich. Look at what Putin did.
Keeping your country poor is the mark of a shitty leader and dictator.
He should just say fuck it, and launch every nuke NK has at the USA and Japan.
Then launch a massive land invasion of South Korea.
Total Fucking War.
I would have mad respect for him if he did that. But I doubt he has the fucking balls. Al these tinpot dictators never do shit except desperately try to hold onto their power.
eat a steamed vegetable once in a fucking while
take a poop