Are you planning on having children Sup Forums?

are you planning on having children Sup Forums?

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Yes. I based my decision to have children on this single webm.

Read about Universe 25 again and can't shake the amount of parallels we share with vermin.

We live in an age of degeneracy and perversion. It is unlikely that any of us here will reproduce.

Maybe with a white girl. I need to breed the Amerindian out of my genepool.

I'd like to if it the zeitgeist ever turns optimistic again. not going to bring life into this world just so they can eat soylent and die of nuclear radiation.

Enjoy your child support.

Nope, I'm what you might refer to as 'on the spectrum.'

You have to put your dick in a vagina and not a dude's butthole for kids so Sup Forums remains childless.

I do. I am in love with a very cute Native American girl (who looks white), I am white and our children will undoubtedly be beautiful and precious.

No, I hate children.


At least 4.

>What is surrogacy


if you breed with a chug your baby will be a swig

Yes, minimum of 4.

best post itt

Child abuse.

Yes. My wife is pregnant. And I'm intending on making Generation Z love the suburbs again. (Pro-natal urban planning.)

Yeah, future looks fucking tremendous.

A baby with my genes and parenting? I highly doubt it.

i didn't realize how many arabs were in the states

If it will make guys who can't get ladies reproduce then I don't see the problem.

Also one is on the way for me, Since I have a lot of money I'm unironically aiming for 12. Might adopt a white child and make that the 13th.

If I can find a good white girl, or suitably white jap/korean

No, im too much of a selfish manchild and barely make any money.
Plus im not pure white stock so i would not be contributing to the dream anyway.

if we fix society then this won't be an issue

Heck yea I will. I get to pass on my ideas AND have my six figures, skinny, virgin before me, never nagging Korean wife for life.

I wish but I can't meet a girl. So no

yes, preferebly half korean or thai children

yes, but the only girls who are attracted to me are nonwhites.

We could also just make urban areas more child friendly, there are economic reasons that urbanization is common and its not just a social thing.

I have a lot of facial scars that scare off the desirable mates and the potential to pass a degenerative neurological condition to my offspring. No, I'm not.

No. Marriage is a fool's game these days, and raising a single kid cost too much.

the "right" looks just as pathetic and nu-male as the left

that would be fine if you were american, but don't ruin the english gene pool

Then you might want to use surrogacy if you want to keep genes from getting fucked.

It wouldn't be fine regardless


When I find a suitable partner.

and when I can sustain the costs.

Just like every person should do...

Yes. Having children is a duty of the present generation. Only only hedonists think of children as a vain burden

>the english gene pool


yeah but i might have to lower my standards a bit. the only girls i've fucked the past couple of years have been a mediocre looking, but smart girl, and a cute but literally aspergers girl. not sure which one i'd want a baby with

Yes, infact i already have one.

>the english gene pool

I've noticed this too, non-whites seem to be all over white men for some reason. I made a very bare tinder profile just to test it out and all my matches were non-white even though I just had one picture of just my face in bad light so its likely my whiteness is all they had to go on. For all the shit Sup Forums gives white women, I'm pretty sure white men are the bigger race mixers just based on how easy it would be.

Mind that you aren't trying to raise a kid when you're sixty, Hikaru.

If I can find a decent girl who wouldn't mind my shit genetics

I'm twenty you fucking Yankee.


Japan is in this natalism thing with us. I know about Japan's birthrate problem, is there any serious attempts to ""save japan"" like we are seeing in the west or is it just the japanese who have been watching the west go through our nationalist reawakening thing?

I'm not psychic, English teacher. Don't call me a Yankee.

>sure white men are the bigger race mixers
They are, and always have been. It wasn't white women fucking Indians, Abos, Africans,etc during the colonial days.

True. What I mean by "suburban" is fairly dense -- pic related. But it needs to retain that "let's have babies" pastoral feel.

Nah senpai I mean maybe one if I'm rich

My wife is pregnant with our first. Both sides keep asking us "when am I getting grand kids?" Or "how many are you going to have?"
You fags aren't going to like it though.

that is one sexy bitch

Can confirm. Teaching English in Est Asia is a great way to find a girl without the horrifying Western indoctrination. You just need to make sure she's intelligent enough to resist it once she comes back with you.

oh man that was very cute

I'll be adopting a brown baby, user. There are so many underprivileged people in Africa that it's the least I can do to ease the burden. Also it means my wife's vag doesn't have to get destroyed.
Who else from Sup Forums is doing this?

Fuck no. This world is fucked and I'll be damned if I'm pissing away 18 years of my life so another human being is forced to suffer in it.

>be white
>reaction like webm

>be nigger
>kill the pupper or sell it on the internet if pure race pupper

Was going to say something about lowering our collective IQ but since IQ is genetic it probably wouldn't actually make a difference.

I agree its just that american style suburbs are literally the least efficient and worse way to house people I can think of. Long commute times are one of the leading factors in unhappiness and unhappy people won't have babies

Thank god you aren't a burger

You seem upset, wanna talk about it?

Not really.

To be honest I think Japan will find its way around it.

Don't take this so truthfully.
Most chicks still want their own race.
Remember, no western indoctrination.

As many as I can afford.

No, because I'm an ugly mongrel.

it's a fuckin child u sick nigger.

Ideally, yes
The question becomes whether or not I can find a wife/good mother for them

Yep. My genes are too good to not pass on. But Im only 19 so Ive got a while

We're getting a Husky-Malamute mix romantic a neighbor who's breeding a litter that will be born at around the same time our child is born. Man's best friend is always a good idea for a family.
I feel you. My cousin has some nasty acne scars.
This can not be allowed to continue. Father your own offspring and tell her to bend over

hes talking about the dog you dumb potato nigger

No, only ethnic natives in monoethnic countries should do so. And to avoid degeneracy they'd have to make their kids avoid as much Americanization as possible.

Such a thing in America itself? Impossible.

So no, no kids ever.

only after i get a stable job a house and a car
i dont want to be a horny adult in my 20's with 2 kids and have to beat my wife because she wont search a job because mine at mcdonalds isnt paying me enough

i wasn't talking about the child.

>Remember, no western indoctrination
You are mostly correct here. However, you'd be hard pressed to deny that "love marriages" are idealized by the average East Asian female compared to traditional arranged marriages. That's the loophole for a white American like me to get a traditional wife who is also functional.

Nice answer


>having children

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




Id like them but I will never have them

Isn't a sudden spike down in population just a natural reaction against overpopulation? I've been to Japan and it was crowded as fuck with people crammed everywhere.

Why is this such an "epidemic"? Shouldn't the the population eventually equalize to be more fitting to the amount of space Japan has?

Sure. Tons of dark hair, light eyed, half Mexican kids. Seriously, date Latinas.


She's on the pill, I'm on tons of test and tren so my sperm count is low, and I pulled out. Chances she's pregnant?

flint stone vitamins isn't the correct pill and you can't get traps pregnant

No. I like kids, but they're expensive.
You have to rear them for 18 years, that's a lot of money.

I'd rather spend all of my resources on myself.

Faith/hope in the future creates fertile families, if we want white babies we need faith in society and a sense of heading towards common goals. There is a novel called "On The Beach" that describes what people from the 50s think a world without hope looks like and it pretty much just describes modern nihilistic degeneracy.

>started working at probation office

>cute 20 year old negra

>Acts and speaks white

>jungle fever symptom: dick is diamonds

>fast forward a month

>bust my load in that pink pussy

>found out shes 2 weeks preggo sauce

worth it, best sex ive ever had and seeing as im pale as fuck kid should be a nice caramel color to blend in among other races

Of course.
I will try to have a solid family by 30. Until then, my career has to get top-notch.

Yes, probably 3 or 4.

Yup. Blew it in a negress and now we're 6 months into our first. I fell for the swirlpill goys

yes, but the most important factor in that is finding a worthy mother for them

Asians look like rats.

Next time I have sex, I'm gonna bust a huge load in her because I want to become a father.
I have no idea when I'll have sex again though, it's been almost 4 years.

Wow more useless brown mongrels, The world totally needs more of these.

How does it feel knowing your kids are going to grow up to hate white people and love niggerbeats? That's what you get when you create more niggers. Consider fucking off to Brazil.

Is she white?

Ew, no thanks. Kids are just a huge waste of time and money. They grow up to rebel against you and then eventually barely ever talk to you again once they move out. Plus, they immensely stretch your vagina out. I'd rather spend more time exploring different things in the world with my boyfriend/husband.

I grew up in a very small, but very tight knit family. I only had one grandparent one uncle, mom, dad, and two sisters. While I'm incredibly grateful to be as close to my family as I am, I decided a long time ago that I wanted my children and grandchildren to have all the benefits of growing up with a large extended family. Lots of aunts and uncles to visit, lots of cousins to hang out with, huge holidays and reunions with the whole, big family coming together, etc.

Now if I can just find a decent woman who's comfortable with the idea of having six or seven kids.

>implying I give a shit about your opinion on my wife and kids
Sure chief. She's already a swirl herself with a white dad and a black mother and she hates niggers. I'm reasonably sure that our kids are going to be fine.

no, 29, divorced, never going to remarry, going to retire @ 40 and probably just bang whoors

What? What job do you have that you can afford 12 kids?


For a second I thought she was a full, whatever I wish your family the best. Hopefully you two have great genes.

As a kid from a huge family (12 total) fuck off. Staying fit isn't easy after giving birth but my mother did it anyway. After 12 kids. She's still fit even now.

sounds fuckin good senpai im actually kinda jelly

Probably 0 or 1.