Riddle me this

Riddle me this
>brexit goes ahead
>nothing happens
>trump gets elected
>goes back on all his promises (doesnt change anything)
>le pen gets elected
>nothing changes
>all right wing parties get elected in europe
>nothing changes

What do we do then Sup Forums? What do we do when all our guys fail and betray us? Im scared....

Other urls found in this thread:


>goes back on all his promises
I'd say Trump is just adapting to the presidency

Robot armies and meme jihad, base of operations Antarctica.

And his own party is subverting his efforts.

>what does the cat say son
>what does the sheep say son
>"change the system from within!"
why even vote desu

Maybe you should stop to support wing parties.
They are fake.

if elections changed anything they would be illegal.

>goes back on all his promises
Well he hasn't so thankfully we don't live in that timeline OP

>What do we do
You take the final redpill, which is: leadership is something you hedge against, not follow.


Too true. It hurts.

Except the success of brexit has yet to have its true effects realized outside of the market fallout because they have yet to actually leave, and Trump has already kept large number of promises, you can tell because the regressive left never stops yelling about it when it happens. Do you shills ever get bored or have they just started botting at this point.

Sort yourself out.

at that point we're back to 2008 and they will need to kart out a black islamic tranny to offset the same anger that led to OWS to begin with

The regressive left screams at anything they are eternally triggered by everything

Almost like this whole governing thing was harder than he anticipated.


34 promises in progress or accomplished
22 compromised on or broken
119 not yet started becase we aren't even 100 days into the campaign yet.

surprise surprise, he isn't a dictator and has his efforts stopped by the other branches occasionally because thats how the system works.

user, are you retarded or just not paying attention?

Don't promise what you can't back up.

American politics require some degree of compromise no mater who you are, which you wouldn't understand because you have no idea how the American government works on any real level, go back to you cuckmongering faggot

If your an united states president in the rrent age you automatically become a dictator not just oover the united states but the whole world whom has controll over the world economy and nations not though strenth but systems of controll being in place since ww2 the petro dollor being one example of one of these systems


almost like hes a shill

oh you mean the small contingent of congressional republicans that attempted to pull a power play over the gorsech nomination in order to negotiate more for their states needs? Or are you talking about republican cantidates who are in charge of traditionally democrat controlled areas who have to occasionally speak out against big bad trump in order to insure they don't lose out next election cycle? Yeah, no idea why those guys are posturing user, its a real mystery. Its not like the same shit happens under every administration/s

Like any leftist politician kept their promises.

Violent revolution would be a bad idea in the current geopolitical evirornment as soon as the country looks the outher way we would be attack as to keep us from riseing again

He wasnt supposed to be a politician

>>brexit goes ahead
>>nothing happens

Current infighting between politicians as well as setting an example for other nations. Disenfranchised masses now questioning "Could that be us?".

Ultimately, this lead to

>>trump gets elected
>goes back on all his promises (doesnt change anything)

First of all he dropped the biggest non-nuclear bomb ever used, and obliterated ISIS MSR which directly targets their biggest weaknesses (poor recruitment, lack of people - no resources transported = no people).

Secondly, he did something no one did in a long time. He actually got people talking and questioning the legitimacy over the rise of over-tolerance and virtue signalling. He caused a mass questioing over PC culture.

He brought from Sup Forums knowledge about Sweden, and handed it to the masses. If we're really lucky maybe Le pen will point out that Sweden is actually making mistakes that another country (that now supports trump) already made before... India (seriously 1970's, india elected feminist government. Look at that turned out).

>>le pen gets elected
>nothing changes

Except now the right wing would have more influence over three large western countries, the PC crowd loses their power of social shame and thus, people talk about things they couldn't talk about before.

It will also weaken the EU's influence (and therefore the influence of the German government, and deutsche bank). This means they will no longer be able to enable terror or rape as well as they have been doing.

>>all right wing parties get elected in europe
>nothing changes

Except terrorists lose out on human rights, no one gives a shit about them, we can deport people who cause trouble without hippy SJW's saving them, we can cut through red-tape and actually solve problems.

So why does it seem like "nothing has changed"?

Because, the melting pot is slowly boiling and we're all frogs. We don't notice the change, but it is happening.


We're in a representitive republic with 3 branches, all of which have the power to screw eachother in various ways, he issn't a dictator by definition, as far as world politics goes, yeah, we play policemen to the world because someone has to and we had the means to build a military industrial complex to back up our interests overseas. That said, we are stil to some degree subject to the will of other world powers. the only powers that lack power are third world shitholes, which will always exist as they always have. The president of the US has never been a dictator to anyone other then morons who speak in hyperbole. Not our fault we lucked out into being the last remaining superpower

>he dropped a big bomb only killed 34 "isis"
>pc culture is a pain in the ass still basicly nothing
>SWeeden they are still fucked and muslims are still comeing with little or no veting pc culture still controlls media

Say what you want about sweden but they're 100x less cucked than you are.

When people complain about reddit spacing there talking about what your doing.

haha, the only reason those stats move as much as they do is because they are counting anyone race-mixed as only the race that isn't white.

Oh yea Sweden letting in millions of refugees that will rape and murder them and having the politicians there more or less protect and fuck over the people that have been livening there for 100's of year's is a good thing. Shit guess I have been living in a shit hole this entire time.

That would be true if our government followed the constitution but they dont and we do controlle the world just not directly but through serigates like isreal and manufactured global "problems" though these methodes we dicide what hapoens next and we are slaves who cant own land we must pay tax on it and if we dont we loose it

Yea your right

Then we must call upon all the brothers for Kek's black crusade.

Not an argument

If our blacks covert like they do in prision we are screwed

Maybe youll finally understand that the Jews control everything. Hitler was the last chance at stopping complete control.

But that would mean no gibs from us if they genocided us. So they would kill themselves in the end



A-user...you are the nu/pol/...if you've been around on other boards one of the biggest indicators of a newfag is going around calling people newfags.

But they can push for serria law i dont know if i spelled that right

We won't know the downstream effects for years. Sit tight, work on yourself, and enjoy the lulz

Then you included yourself when you condemned me also

the only people trying to subvert the constitution are leftist judges like those in the 9th circuit who make judgement based on personal feeling instead of constitutional law, hence why the most recent addition to the supreme court is a strict constitutionalist. Also, the United States issn't the only country who manipulates who manipulates smaller countries, its any psudo world power who does that, its the benefit of being on top of the food chain.

I never claimed not to be a newfag however. Nor do i claim to not be an oldfag


>he thinks "half white" people exist
Sorry burger, if you're only half white you're not white.
Don't go talking about rape statistics you stupid burger.

Its shira law and that would still mean no gibs because you don't have welfare programs. It would be fend for yourself and cook your own food seeing how most of American food is process or cooked in the oven and grilled making things haram as they would say.

All outta gum RWDS

>>nothing changes
not possible

if the far right does not change things, there will be a race war once the whites are outnumbered and the shitskin mudslimes want to install their caliphate.

the only question is whether or not the shtiskins will be patient enough to just outbreed us or if they will seek to speed things up.

if they just outbreed us then we are in for a bad time.

You need to read the constitution and the bill of rights then because both sides are against us different ways but neither is good its not just all about sjws and mexicans and arabs though they are couseing problems are not the root



I live in the northern part of America where all the libtards are.like close to the U.K. And I am white. Shit I've been live in the whitest states possible.

It's us, dude. WE need to change things. It will be enough to do simple things like just speak up when some SJW spouts their bullshit. Call them out, oppose them. You see some ridiculous snowflake on the street dressed like a vagina or with a pussy hat, ridicule them. Laugh at them, point your finger at them.
A big reason why the left could undermine society to such a degree is that people either virtue-signal and agree or shut up, afraid to become some sort of pariah. Look at the US, look at Brexit, look at the rising numbers of right-wing parties. We are not alone.
But we need to speak up, or we might as well be. I'm not a fan of those stupid motivational platitudes, but: "Be the change you want to see in the world."

Blacks that convert are not smart they dont even know that muslems are one of the first people to inslave them and still do

This. An individual CAN change things. A group of individuals CAN change the world.

Apparently, Weebles wobble but they don't fall down.

>posting actual statistics mean I'm mad, meanwhile you saved that gay little Web comic just itching to post it
I'm not even European Lmao, Brexit bitch.
Uh huh sure buddy.

Elected politics don't matter because when the euros can't or won't continue to pay into the welfare system the muslims will begin open jihad. Then ww3 follows

It's muslims. I see what you are trying to say.

The mere act of winning and triggering the """left""" is breaking the conditioning. If the media keeps saying us winning is impossible and we keep doing it then they learn to distrust it.

Modern leftism based on intersectional feminism can be seen as a mind virus, it infects every it touches and destroys it in a storm of virtue signalling and group think.

The mind virus can only be defeated by people questioning what they think is true and by winning make them do just that.

Oh shit right. I forgot that there were baiters in threads. I fell for it. Oh well here your (You) Achmed

this. we need to become /ourguys/

First off you didn't link a source so i could just say you pulled that out of your ass. I am inclined to believe you however due to the fact America definitely does have a nigger problem. Second you clearly are acting like the hothead in the pic evidenced by the fact you didn't believe when he stated his claim. A claim that is very valid due to many states in America being 96 percent white. You are clouded by your anger (probably about the lack of guns in the EU) and have bought into the meme of
>le ebin 56% XD
Its more like 65-75 (at most) it's not very mixed like your "clever" 56% picture implies. Another falsehood. So get off it pal. I'm not claiming America doesn't have problems but Europe is far more fucked than America is.

that wont be for ages, ill probably be dead by then


Yeah, I have read them and done quite a bit of research into the founding fathers and the time they lived in, and outside of emerging fields of freedom, like that found in wild west zones like the internet, only one party in full force is trying to infringe in the rights described in either document by attacking gurenteed rights like the 2nd. Blame the money in politics for smaller scale bills that attack rights, there are plenty of good people trying to defend the laws as written. (oh and by the by, you can thank Trump for A lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government, insuring less direct lobbying for outside forces at the congressional level

People need to understand that america not being white is not as big a deal as sweden not being white. Sweden is literally the only homeland of swedes, and they are letting in strangers who don't respect their home. Sweden could have had almost no non-whites if it was not cucked, but America just has to deal with the fact that non-whites live in it.

PC culture is a scourge that's going to plunge this country into a civil war because of virtue signalling

don't underestimate the retard strength of liberals in large numbers

is there a tracker similar to this for obama?

Have any of you nigger even read that?
>Broken If I become president, we're all going to be saying 'Merry Christmas' again.
These people might be retards

Pretty much this. I would definitely prefer whites overwhelmingly, and while America IS my homeland and I would die for it 100 times if i could, it isn't the ancestral land of the Swedes or Germans or Anglos. It's like if humans colonized space. Whatever planet we settled on we would ALL know Earth as our spiritual home and to lose it would be a traumatic experience for every human in the galaxy.

Goddamn the sjw's who said it was racist to ask non-whites what their ethnic backgroundwas. We do that shit all the time with whites, its just a north american thing, we weren't trying to imply they were not welcome, its just an american thing to do goddammit. Everything was so much better before the sjw bullshit started happening. When we secure the borders the next thing we need to do is get rid of the frankfurt school and critical theory so they stop churning them out with the socjus courses.

I hope to be able to contribute to that in the future. I want to personally be involved with their destruction.

Further segregation of countries into smaller countries I guess...Assuming nothing happens.

Yea the life time ban is great but there are plenty of outher lobbying problems that dosn't have anything to do with foreign powers like the private prision lobby that sessions seems to love and push for one of there favorite things the drug war it disnt matter if it was made a law and the law itself is unconstitutional and the president takes an outh to defend it if he dosn't he breaks the outh and it dosnt matter how long the law has been there installing people who are constitutionaly illiterate was not what i voted for

Politifact kind of has one, but politifact leans left so its more forgiving individually on promises. There was so much interest in the controversy in this election that people are paying more attention to the github list that I posted.

Yeah, its because they only care about the big number of "promises" kept or not kept, so they threw every bullshit thing he ever threw out there in order to slant the list, its still helpful though if you read it all and judge for yourself

of the 4 main things:

keeping supreme court from turning us into europeans
the wall
tax reform
killing obamacare

he's already got one judge in and they're getting bids on the wall right now

killing obamacare has been a complete failure and tax reform cant really happen until it's done

all in all i give him a B- so far. would be a B+ if he hadn't supported obamacare lite

Lol y u mad tho

white hispanics aren't white

Only because the media includeing the conservitive media puts a camera on them and is now useing them as a political cash cow by causeing fights and riots by riling them up it dosnt matter if we have the right to do the things they hate but we still have the choice to to not do them and let them just burn out because they have nothing to feed on let them burn and break all they want it only hurts there side

>trump is purging the judges.. SHADILAY

>lel le ur mad i trole u
I thought you bongs were better than that.

>Trump going back on promises

Excuse me, when did this happen, since that'd be news to those of us who know that nothing has been stopped, and all systems are go.

It's not my problem if retarded shills and autists were dumb enough to actually believe that Trump could complete every task in just 3 months in office, so wise up, bong, and allow major projects to take time.

We need to distinguish between liberals and progressives. I was a liberal before all the shit started happening, it is based on liberalism, which is also the basis of conservatism and libertarianism, and is based around the idea of freedom. I'm interested in protecting the white race because I believe that islam, feminism, and marxism are existential threats to the idea of liberalism itself. While liberalism might live on in other races, its important to protect liberalism where it already exists, and that is in the west. I believe that anyone can adopt liberalism and can live with us, but evidence has shown me that not everyone can and so ethnic replacement through mass immigration and outbreeding would kill liberalism itself.

Progressives have a vision of a world and are working towards it, for a long time progressives and liberals were working together as back in the 2000s I saw Social Christian Conservatism and Neo-conservatism as a threat to liberty, but the progressives saw it as a threat to their vision. Around the time of gamergate the divide between progressives and liberals started to widen and progressives started using terms like "white liberal". Eventually this all cumulated into me becoming what the progressives see as a nazi. That is how fucked social justice is.

Yes keep hope we will fufill promises

Prisoners have very limited rights under the constitution (other then cruel and unusiol punishment. I don't like the private prison system and the war on drugs either, but they don't violate either document because most of the content those documents don't apply to the victims of them. Also, the president doesn't have to be constitutionally literate, the system implys that when he violates the constitution that the judiciary branch will check him with their power, as they hypothetically did when they shot down his ban on 7 countries. The system isn't perfect because no system is, but it is built to withstand these sorts of problems.

>I'm not even European Lmao, Brexit bitch

>Being this retarded

>I'm not even European Lmao, Brexit bitch.

Thats like saying you arn't North American because you'r from Mexico

Brexit is going ahead. May has already said she'd cut immigration to the UK.

Trump is doing all sorts of stuff. He's deporting Pacos left and right.

Get LePen elected and watch the fun.

>but it is built to withstand these sorts of problems
It was built to slowdown theses problems
And the govenment was never given the power to controll goods just prices between the states privet prisons are just a bad idea also the food is crule and unusual punishment i dont care who you killed you should not have to eat dog food

checked bong confirmed faggot

Probably all too worried for being accused of being nazi's

Thank God the legacy media is dying then. The problem is the goddamn kikes brainwashing people into stupid infighting and bullshit political ideology to distract the goyim from the kikes assfucking everyone, and any other of their real problems like the spic invasion. Most modern leftism is a thought scam made up by Jews.

right, I understand the definition of classical liberalism, and in a vacuum agree with most of the principles because monarchs and dictators are usually assholes

In a society of white people, it would be a great thing. The problem comes when you let in kikes and niggers and they start abusing your deference for "individual freedoms" for their own selfish advantage. The Jews are 1000x better at this than niggers but it's about the same for both.

I was using the "American liberal" definition, a social liberal, a neoliberal, progressive, etc. It's unfortunate that they are known as liberals, although I think "progressive" is a distinct subset of "American liberal" so it's hard to decide on a name.

>Everything was so much better before the sjw bullshit started happening.
I fucking hate SJWs and the American left but they helped redpill a lot of people with their ridiculous faggotry.


Its not dying only transforming into somthing even harder to tell its fake in my opiniion.but i think its the end of the west this just our Alamo

And this pic is our tactic

>I fucking hate SJWs and the American left but they helped redpill a lot of people with their ridiculous faggotry.

One of the hardest redpills I swallowed was admiting that Breivik the norwegian who shot up the left wing party in response to immigration was right. I obviously don't agree with his actions, but everything he said about his justifications ended up being true. I laughed at the time that he though immigration was cultural suicide and all the other stuff, but really the guy was aware of what was going on before any the sjw craze. Its interesting to think about whether it would have been even possible to reawaken white indenty if it was not for it being thrust upon us by idiots claiming we had white privileged.

Before sjw's I and probably most whites believed "race doesn't matter", but the sjw's insistence that it did matter and the fact that despite all their best efforts to get equality of outcome through regressive policies it couldn't happen essentially proved Sup Forums right.

Plus the assault on video games in gamergate set many people on the path we see now.

I truly believe that if the cultural marxist bullshit did not try to accelerate so quickly recently most people would have ignored it and the cultural marxists could have won. But intersectional feminism is a mind virus that destroys everything it touches including feminism itself.