What are some Sup Forums approved subreddits on reddit?
I assume /r/the_donald and /r/Sup Forums are obviously on the list but what are some others?
What are some Sup Forums approved subreddits on reddit?
I assume /r/the_donald and /r/Sup Forums are obviously on the list but what are some others?
>using reddit
Cool bait user, how long did it take you to think of this one?
>Sup Forums approved subreddits
>/r/Sup Forums
Fuck off.
None, kill yourself.
Not gonna lie. WTF is pretty good, or was in the past, been a while.
What about /r/traps?
I have tried to use it. Posts get auto deleted for any random reason, layout sucks, mods are gayer than eight guys fucking nine guys.
>Sup Forums approved
The only Sup Forums approved subs were fatpeoplehate and coontown.
"what is the Sup Forums approved hose with which to suck raw sewage?"
Stupid fucking question, kys for wasting bytes of storage space with this post.
Why don't you just go back to cuckbook and have Cuckerberg spoonfeed you the "real" news.
I usually browse /r/Sup Forums and Thedonald.
I found out about Sup Forums during the election, and guess what faggots? I'm here to stay as well as the other redditors.
Well, he got you to respond.
Sup Forums has always hated BLUMPF just FYI
Lmao you don't fit in here. Hillary lost, accept it.
We've found a redditor! may we burn him?
>/r/Sup Forums
u n d e r a g e d
Waifu subreddits like /r/voe or /r/liamariejohnson are the only reason anyone should go to reddit