You glorious bastards.

Other urls found in this thread:




>anti-fa thinks a dude wearing a siracha shirt is a fascist.
That nigger antifa professor just hit some guy who was probably a moderate or a non insane liberal. So much for fighting "fascism", but to a Marxist anything to the right of Communism is fascism.


Wake me up when there's more proof than a tweet. What are they even charging him with? Should be attempted murder. Those bike locks are heavy.

2:51 antifa dude loses mask, is allowed to run away
3:00 gets pepper sprayed and hit by skateboard by other antifa


Out fucking standing!

Third thread I posted this in but desu it took hours to make and I think it's of importance.

There were much more important figures right next to bike lock guy.

Agreed. Need more proof.





For someone who hates capitalism he sure seems to be enjoying its fruits. At this point I want their glorious revolution to succeed just so I can watch them all die with a confused look on their face.

Fuck yes! You know this dude is serious Sup Forums territory if he saw the doxxing.

good job anons, now to delete the hundreds of bookmarks I saved of antifa faggots and do it all over again next time.

Thank you, it is really important. I'm going to make some infographics from that to spread around before 4/27 because we need to target Felarca and her connections. I'm guessing the links to Soros and other finders are behind them and anons could find those easily.

The guy the Clanton attacked was acting as a peacemaker, reaching out (albeit humorously) for truces and preventing violence. Pic related, video related.

damn, dude just wanted to give a nigga a pepsi. Fucking kylie jenner.

ED: And yet these people who have been programmed and as you say [are] in place and who are favorable to an opening with the Soviet concept - these are the very people who would be marked for extermination in this country?

YURI: Most of them, yes. Simply because the psychological shock when they will see in [the] future what the beautiful society of EQUALITY and social justice means in practice, obviously they will revolt. They will be very unhappy [and] frustrated people, and Marxist-Leninist regime does not tolerate these people. Obviously they will join the [ranks] of dissenters; dissidents. Unlike the present United States there will be no place for dissent in future Marxist-Leninist America. [Now] you can get popular like Daniel Elsburg and filthy rich like Jane Fonda for being a dissident [and] for criticizing your Pentagon. In [the] future these people will simply be [he makes a squishy noise] squashed like cockroaches for criticizing the government. Nobody is going to pay them nothing for their beautiful [and] noble ideas of EQUALITY. This they don't understand and it will be the greatest shock for them, of course.

The demoralization process in the United States is basically completed already for the last 25 years. Actually, it's over fulfilled because demoralization now reaches such areas where not even Comrade Andropov and all his experts would even dream of such tremendous success. Most of it is done by Americans to Americans thanks to lack of moral standards. As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him, even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents and pictures. ...he will refuse to believe it.... That's the tragedy of the situation of demoralization.

Here you go

I know what he was really doing.

>2 criminal records in CA

I'm not convinced that that girl is Falarka (or whatever). Girl in braids does not look like the one interviewed as representing BAMN.

Is there any good video of antifa getting beaten up?

She's behind the girl in braids, the really short one being shielded

There are definitely more links to be made. The doxxing of bike lock guy will prove that and I was too lazy to go through the donor list thoroughly. Without a doubt there will be shady individuals or groups on there.

Also: what's on the 27th?

And if you could lowkey include my yt channel name or something in the infos if you take screenshots, that would be great. You don't have to, but it would boost my viewers

I've seen her face so many times and she is in the vid with her regular posse. If you find screenshots that prove otherwise send a message on my yt and I'll edit it.

What did the fucker slap him with to make him bleed? Didn't seem to hit hard, yet he's fucking bleeding.

It was kendal

Not that it fucking matters but I was corrected on it in public today kek

Is that the professional bike cunt?


HELL YES! i wonder if he'll join the Arian Brotherhood or get raped by a pack of niggers while in prison?

Metal bike lock

That'll cause gashes in the least, to potentially lethal fractures at worst.

I fucking hate champagne socialists/communists more than actual communists.

3rd strike?

noted. Also it's Kendall. Please continue

I stand corrected, thank you very much.

How is a guy with 2 criminal records even allowed to teach shit? lel

chekd and kekd. Shadilay, 3rd strike

>Sup Forums weaponized their autism to expose commie terrorists.
best timeline.

Why the fuck does it say "feminist tears" over his sriracha label?

Nice. I wish I could help, but I'm just watching all of this stuff from the sideline.

All those "professors" need to be hanged.

I know college professors tend to be liberal, but this is seriously fucking appalling.

(begin pasta)

We have video and pics of him hitting 6 people with bike U-lock, 4 of them on the head

Attack on Pepsi guy, no helmet, he caused some blood there.

2:00 He hits hits guy with a blue helmet and blue shirt
2:10 He hits hits guy with a black shield

He hits the green bicycle helmet guy at 0.:37
He hits the green military style helmet at 0:53 in this one

Slow motion
He hits guy in blue shirt with green bicycle helmet
At 1:12 he brakes military style green helmet

In this video he can be seen smacking more people over the head with his lock, fortunately his mask comes off

(end pasta)

They weren't anything major, so no juicy dirt there

Boi is that about to change, though.

Are University Professors considered to be of a higher social status than (medicine) Doctors?

>Not reeee
>not nothing at all
Go back to rebbit


Oh yeah I'll definitely put in all the info I can. I want to dox the braids girl too- so I can call her out by name on the 27th. That's the next battle, when Ann Coulter comes to Berkeley. She said she's not canceling so I hope it's still on.
That's why we have to spread this stuff fast.

He's such an ugly monkey mouth looking retard though. Cracking somebody's skull over political differences is fucked up, but there's literally nothing wrong with bullying beta virgin losers for no reason.

it isnt happening. this guy doesnt know what he's talking about.
nothing has happened and this guy isnt even being investigated yet.

dude fuck bikes. I rode my bike to school today because my car is in the shop. It as 16 miles round trip and rained the entire time. bikes are for faggots

this board is fucking scary...

>I'm interested in helping to precipitate the end of civil society.
I may be a autistic beta but who the fuck writes this shit on a dating profile?

Fuck, didn't even know that. But it's clear they are easily linked through Facebook so with Eric Clantons fb you should be able to work your way down to most of them.

dang hes 28? he looks old as fuck for 28

i thought san francisco hipsters were supposed to be all into health and wellness

>Hover-handing single male academic tries to get pussy by being the point of the scythe in LA REVOLUTION
>Gets doxxed feeding a noncombatant a masterlock surprise by the Autism Unity collective
>Ends up taking black dicks and aryan blanket parties for 3-5 years instead

Caesar was an Autist.

We were always in charge

Depends on the Uni. and the doctor.

A nation's top cancer specialist>Award winning Harvard Professor of Economics

The Cancer Doc. probably teaches

lol no

lmao, I thought you alt righters were supposed to be tough guys, but it turns out you're nothing more than a bunch of snitches and cry babies.

I hope this sissy faggot doesnt show his face in the next protest. Dont go to the kitchen if you cant take the heat.

Trial of the millennium, Jaffa made it even better.

nice man :)

maor boops

[drugs] is one hell of a drug

Not a chance. Only one of the two types spends any time at all informing people that they aren't the other kind of doctor...and it's not the medical ones that do it.

Looks like a pretty nice cake. I give that guy props for effort. Spoiler: he's more of a man than you'll ever be pinko fuck. How about you take some .45 caliber aspirin?

cállate pajarón culiao y la conchetumare

anda a chuparle los meaos a Guillier sapo culiao

>Ends up taking black dicks and aryan blanket parties for 3-5 years instead

>ywn experience the zimmerman trial all over again for the first time

At the same time, Harvard econ prof>local general practitioner

RIP in piece your legs

Fuck yeah.

We are law enforcement's detectives now

Lol, I was thinking the same thing. I'm also thinking; how the fuck is a 28 year old a college professor. I'm guessing he never really got any real world experience he was hired directly as soon as he graduated.

Someone make this one video and post it here.

Trps confirm, he's gonna fucked

>t. wannabe Texas

A US State took your flag idea and somehow it still manages to be better than you

I think Pinochet missed one.


Could be a GTA. When you're working on a post-grad degree they can hire you to take on teaching freshman-level classes. Did it myself for a year when I was 23-24.

That's real retarded, serr.

need some larpers to play some fife and drum music during the next event

This is no different than Safety Squad.

If they're blatantly breaking the law, all the better.

>Antifa got BTFO
So glad we dont have those asses around here

He's just gotta stand up front and be a cheerleader for feminist.

Shouldn't police do their job? If police done their job at least partly like Sup Forums, there surely would be no drugs or ghettos in USA.

Yea, that's why I said
>Depends on the Uni. and the doctor.

Just used top echelons as an example to say that usually, the doctor is held in higher regard, generally. The doctor will end up teaching if he's "good" enough though.

pic related
vid not worthy of own thread

His work email: [email protected]

True. But most people are fucking morons who assume "Dr." automatically means M.D.

Great work.

The kid who got clocked did fucking nothing wrong and could have died.

This piece of shit antifas asshole deserves to rot in jail for assault with a deadly weapon and attempted murder.

he is a lecturer at a community college - he has a masters, not a PhD

Serbia you are my favorite US state. Keep doing you.

What point are you even trying to make here? Can you please lurk moar until you figure out how to express yourself properly? Thanks.

Hey autists, use your autism to find this girl. I want to fuck her.

Am I wrong? No I'm not. What a fucking fag.