WTF, this is so deep

WTF, this is so deep.

Other urls found in this thread:

i mean it *is* an accurate representation of the simplistic rendition of reality found in the delusions of many leftists

Deep in the minds of the delusional

sage your a fucking retard

plz post the fixed versions, I forgot to save them

Heh yeah. When I saw that I thought "holy shit, they really believe that".

>this is what leftists actually believe

meanwhile in reality...

I see what you did there.

>posting the cropped version

>top left corner
very deep indeed

>not posting the original

appropriately childish worldview




Op is a twink. Bring it on the 2nd. I'm done with you cucomies.

The only winning move is not to play my friend.

>Not posting the original

Why are there no Americans on the left?

what's so deep about a bunch of animals with different colors

Took me a second to see it

give me a break OP, they can't even identify their own.

Real version

Sry didn't see you posted it already

team red looks so much cooler


Ah you see, those guys on the right are actually just a bunch of rad creatures and aliens just trying to have a good time, fear that which veils itself as innocent !

>Dehumanizing the downtrodden
Antifa truly are the brownshirts of our generation

>Posed like Zeus
>Ready to take action

Blue pills:
>Walking around with meaningless signs in a glazed eye zombie like state

Original is kek approved.

>lose one identifying piece
>comrades unable to infer by behaviour
>beats one of their own
Fucking savages. They're worse than animals.

kek subtle
I hope this image gets spread around like this

Man they make being on the right look fucking rad

>picture shows 3 muslim women up front
>no female refuges in any real pics

top left made me lol tho

Fuck (((you)))


>the muslims are peaceful
>the christians are the evil killers
Fuck this subversive bullshit. Fucking leftists always saying "can't blame islam what about MUH CHRISTIANITY". Retarded fucks.

>making fun of this when people make God Emperor Trump images and shop pepe's head onto SS
Can't win tbqh

Top left


>making the trump side look badass

why do leftys make this mistake so often?

Oh I saw, it's still subversive bullshit.


>when you miss the real subversion and look like an ass

>black son
Wew, hope she's ready to pay the toll.

Wait, Trump has werewolves? I've always kinda wanted to fuck a werewolf.

Every since based Trump blew the fuck out of the globalist subhuman Putin and his puppet ASSad, /POL has been raided repeatedly with garbage like pic related and other manufactured memes trying to drive a wedge between us and our allies at /r/the_donald and defaming the characters of key Trump allies such as /ourguy/ Kushner.

This is no coincidence, fellow centipedes - we are under attack by paid Kremlin shills who want Emperor Trump out now that they realise he is incorruptible and is willing to use military force to keep the commies and their arab allies in line

Don't fall for it! Everything Trump is doing is 4d chess that most people can't understand but its all part of his nationalist plan. MAGA!!

>subtle merchant
>subtle kek

well done

Both are equally cringe

>/ourguy/ Kushner
I wonder who could be behind this post

This is fucking stupid. Kill yourself.