Operation Destiny's Child

It's safe to say that Destiny, the whiny, leftist faggot LOL streamer, got Jontron blacklisted for being to the right.
Today, MisterMetokur came on to debate Destiny, and in the middle of a bunch of screeching and strawmanning, Destiny basically was cowed by Jim/MrMetokur into admitting Racism is okay in certain circumstances, and announced his support for the idea of going to war in Mexico.

Destiny is sponsored by Vertigear, a gaming chair company (budget version of DXracer basically).
On top of that, a few years ago, Destiny shared naked pictures of a female fan on stream, calling her butterface and shrek.
>proof: reddit.com/r/ShitRedditSays/comments/ytijd/effortpost_starcraft_2_player_steve_bonnell_aka/
It's time a leftist streamer gets a taste of his own medicine.

I propose that in lieu of Destiny's warmongering, racist/sexist views coming to light, we push for a boycott of Vertagear on social media and mass-email them announcing our anger at their sponsoring a bigoted sexist who wants to drop bombs on Mexican soil.
Customer Service Email:
>[email protected]

Other urls found in this thread:


Bumping, here's an example email to send.

We can bring Destiny down.

what's wrong with war in Mexico exactly?


not your personal army

fuck mee-sa

The point is giving a leftist whiny bitch a taste of his own medicine.

hi steve

I want to see a link to the video where Jim eviscerates this faggot. I'm subscribed to him and have seen no such video

>a taste of his own medicine
a debate? destiny did nothing wrong. don't push him further left. embrace his hatred of spics



I work at EA. I'll email them from my work email for added "oomph"

hey steve


Stop watching this shit

And stop fucking posting about it here

What are you doing here?


Is it bad that I genuinely look like this


Fuck yeah dude, that's awesome. Thank you for your contribution

delet this

Wheres the stream?

>some woman got pregger by that

found this from about a week ago

He isn't doing it out of hatred of spics. He's doing it out of desire to make them like canada, and thinks launching sorties in mexico is the way to do it.

The goal is to make people think he's a bigot or racist, and respond accordingly, which will fuck with his career as punishment for fucking with conservatives. If anything, he'll get pushed to the right.

Jim debate Destiny a months or two ago. Stop lying OP.


whoa destiny lost that debate

hi korwin lad

you thicc

destiny was OBLITERATED in this debate

>no references or links
so why should they give a shit?



I agree this libcuck gets destroyed in every debate anyways

the fuck does he care about a shitty 200 chair sponsorship for?

you gotta report him to twitch.tv if you want to hurt his bottom line

I thought character assassination were only tools used by SJWs? Really makes you think.




uh oh looks like Steve has sent his low iq cultists

sage. The best thing to do is to ignore this manlet. The metakur debate was a long time ago. Destiny has been losing viewers on his own. Just ignore this faggot and he will kill himself.

He doesn't have a hatred of spics, he's cuban and his girlfriend is mexican.


Would anyone of you be man enough to hop and and debate him right now instead of talking shit like the cucks you are? Thought not.

This guy has already partaken in character assassination on multiple occasions. This is retribution

you guys try so damn hard, lol

sage. This guy loves attention no need to give him more.

He's a fucking twitch streamer. He makes money because people are retarded and throw money over him through donations and subscriptions. Sponsors mean nothing, especially gaming chair sponsors that most likely just sent him a fucking chair and that's it. You're just helping him by giving him more attention, you fucking retard.

>operation destiny's child
Kek, bump

Which character assassinations? If you're talking about people like Jon Tron the guy literally just said what he believed and it turns out Jon Tron is a fucking retard. Who should stick to making youtube videos instead of talking about politics or social issues.

user why must you lie? I can clearly see the thread in the background is from over a year ago.

>he's Cuban
He hates Mexicans then, no doubt about it

It's probably steven himself who posted the original pose. He's been losing viewers so he must be desperate now. Anyway, I hope this manlet dies of AIDS.

Most of his income comes from fan donations who know all about his history and subscribe to him because of it.

Twitch CEO is a friend, including alot of the staff.

He's farming alt right outrage for views and drama.

lmao, destiny's one shill is here. Oh boy.

prove it. Link the stream.

Christ, first Shia, then Moldylocks, then Bike Lock guy, now this.

I'm terrified of doing anything online in case I raise the Weaponised Autism of Sup Forums against me.

I've been on here for a decade now and recently I've been both impressed and terrified by how far people are willing to go.

But I support doing this just so we can see the left eat itself into a frenzy as it tries to work out where it should stand.

His girlfriend is a beaner...Are you one of those faggots from his discord? Are you so much of a loser that you're trying to help this pos manlet get viewers because you noticed he's not as popular? Fuck off.

we are the jews now and don't you forget it

No you fucking sperg, I hardly even know who the fag is, but I've never seen an encounter between a spic and a Cuban that didn't end in a fight

probably because it's too easy to do so, this thread is a great example of that.

so much asspain lol

>announced his support for the idea of going to war in Mexico.

It's not about going to war in Mexico, it's giving military aid to mexico to remove the cartels so mexico isn't such a shit-hole and people won't feel the need to flee to the US. It's the most effective way to stop illegal immigration.

If a water line breaks do you just keep putting towels down on the ground to soak water or do you actually fix the fucking problem?

Go to bed Destiny

Dawg, what are you saying dawg? Dawg dawg dawg can we agree that I'm the best streamer? Dawg

Destiny sent his cult to attack our girl


Watch her videos if you want to support

I don't actually like Destiny, I just shitpost his memes to trigger people here.

If you actually want to do something to hurt him, there might be ONE way. There isn't much Destiny is scared to talk about, but if there ever was one thing, then that is the Day9-story. Destiny supposedly was involved with some horrible scandalous event with Day9, and has repeatedly silenced anyone who attempts to dig into it. Day9 is too scared to talk, and anyone who claimed to have gotten somewhere in their investigations have ended up missing.

If this story gets out, then I imagine that's the end of Destiny (and possibly day9).

user has a point. Good effort though.

>which will fuck with his career
He's not in the same position as JonTron. Even if you could make all sponsors only support SJWs, he'd still be fine.

>If anything, he'll get pushed to the right.
He's been there. This isn't your fairytale story about a kid who was raised progressive getting redpilled.

The Liberal fantasy is that Mexico would cooperate with military action, but Mexico is not open to that, so it would be messy because it would be war AGAINST Mexico. I mean of course the PR machine wouldn't spin it that explicit, but that's what it would be.

What did Kek mean by this?

What the fuck is Day9?

>implying day9's career isn't already done

>bi-polar, alcoholic
Seems like daddy issues is the only thing that attacked this degenerate

you mean the paranoid persecution complex girl who got called out to debate destiny and came out looking like a retard by her own admission

Day9 was a starcraft commentator/content creator, and was sometimes involved in the same events as Destiny.

What happened to jontron was his own fault

Metokur debated him again?

Everyone here upset over a manlet jesus christ Sup Forumstards are the literal worst.

>Mister Metokur
What? That debate was ages ago

it's kind of like a food chain, when you think about it

beta manlets will feed on beta manlets, because it's the only target they can take, anyone over 6 foot and it's too intimidating

OP here, I don't know if this is going to take him down, but we can at least put pressure on this bitch if we email his sponsor en masse.

>Said she wanted to be anonymous
>Constantly gave hints during the debate of how to find out who she was
>Hit a cop car with her own while driving high
That was one funny discussion

careful... he doesn't like it when people go snooping around...

You realize that the Destiny vs Jim debate was literally like months ago? And by saying that he is racist against white people and especially saying that he wants to go to war vs Mexico, you are taking what he said out of context and misrepresenting it to put it mildly.

Same, Jim is one of the only legit YouTube-commentary people I actually subscribe to

It's offensive to the shitskin that made this thread


the definition of reddit or fag or low t cuck



what he said is true lol


He sounds logical until you play him the June 2015 clip of Trump's illegal immigrant speech and he'll either deny or shift the argument when you state that Trump was implying illegal immigrants are mostly rapists and thieves. Out of all the bullshit things the media made up about Trump, the reaction against those statements was least ridiculous (though they did stretch it to ALL mexicans).

Most of these youtube stars are charlatans who can't process information real time. Sargon can't even list socio-economic issues that might play into marriage rates, Shapiro is pants on head retarded about Israel, all of the girl shills have argumentative skills of a wet napkin, Paul Joseph Watson gives you a skewed view of things by showing you the statistics that vibes with his viewers and etc.

The reason why these e-celebs shill here is because there's actually very little you have to do impress you guys. Somehow the black pidgeon guy has a following just from regurgitating talking points and having a funny voice.



When will EA make good games again? And did they ruin the new battlefront game yet?

That's an older one. I think OP is referring to a more recent debate.

Don't forget that he used to say nigger and faggot a lot.
And currently, I think he tells people to kill themselves.
He also has his dick pics online.

What a meanie

>He sounds logical until you play him the June 2015 clip of Trump's illegal immigrant speech and he'll either deny or shift the argument when you state that Trump was implying illegal immigrants are mostly rapists and thieves.

its 2017 and shitlibs STILL haven't gotten used to Trump's excessive use of hyperbole? read Art of the Deal. get educated.


he's not, he referenced the part where destiny was advocating the bombing of mexico.

there is no recent debate. op is a total faggot, as usual.