Jewish Urheimat

Turns out the real ethnic homeland of Ashkenazi Jews (European Jews) is in Eastern Europe, in the Baltic states, Poland, Belarus, Russia, Romania, and Ukraine.

I propose that in the spirit of ethno-nationalism and bio-diversity, that Jews should return to their native habitat:

The Shtetl is a small mostly self-sufficient agricultural community located in the Pale of Settlement: this is where most non-urban Jews lived until almost every last one of these communities was destroyed by the Nazi regime during the Second World War.


>Inb4 the ethnic homeland of Jews is the gas chamber
>Inb4 Achmeds LARPing as Nazis
>Inb4 Israel and Zionism are suddenly supported by Sup Forums when the idea of Jews returning to their homeland comes up

Other urls found in this thread:

Here is a map of the Pale of Settlement for reference.

I believe that my family originates in this region in particular as do almost all Ashkenazi Jews including the ones currently inhabiting Israel and the USA and Western Europe.

There are very few Jews left in this region since the ethnic cleansing of the Second World War.

They have no home.
It is a small root less international clique.
Like demons, amok.

>I propose that in the spirit of ethno-nationalism and bio-diversity, that Jews should return to their native habitat:

Jews lost their right to a nation for their crimes. They must be exterminated .

No one should have to wander around and go crazy but nor should any one group of people be allowed to dominate global politics.

I propose the Jewish man be relocated back to his native habitat, the Eastern European Shtetl, to live peacefully a simple agrarian life under the watchful eye of his Slavic neighbor.

>Le edgy Nazi post

Good one.

the eternal kraut at it again

Individual Jews who have committed crimes should definitely be tried and punished but no one is guilty simply by virtue of their birth.


Every human nation deserves to live in peace and security in their ethnic homeland, including Jews and Palestinians.

Admitting that this is a universal rule, as Sup Forums tends to do but then seeking exceptions for Jews because "we don't like them" can only lead to more problems, more chaos, and more bloodshed.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a perfect example of what happens when people are pushed too far.

Tldr the Jews were brought into what was then an enormous Poland which stretched from the mid-baltic to the Black Sea, by the ruling class, to administer the giant estates and brutalize the peasantry. The Polish Constitution protected the Jews better than it protected Polish and Ukrainian peasants. The Jews effectively had their own government and abused their power to the full. This is the origin of anti-Semitism in Eastern Europe.

Shtetl culture is dead, it's been replaced by glorious manly Zionist culture

Not true. If you're born white then you're guilty of being a racist

A bit of antisemitism is a good thing, Slavs aren't likely to fall for multiculturalism, liberalism, or any other forms of degeneracy so it's safe for Jews to go live there they won't cause too many problems.

Kibbutz culture is basically a re-invention of Shtetl culture by urban Jews since almost all of the Shtetl Jews died during the War.

>native habitat
>the shtetl
First of all, you should only die in a fire. Secondly, why there and not any of the other places that Jews called home well before?

>First of all, you should only die in a fire.

Thanks for sharing your shittiness with me today, goy.

Any other emotions you care to spill out of your purse to strangers on the Internet? Some other personal frustrations you want to vent in my direction?

>Secondly, why there and not any of the other places that Jews called home well before?

That's where modern Ashkenazi Jews basically came about in their current ethnic form. It's why Jews don't look like Arabs.

Ashkenazi Jews lived in Eastern Europe for almost a thousand years until WW2.

Your fuckin crazy, we don't live in the 1900s anymore. If you are all romantic about Shtetl culture go watch Fiddler on the Roof. It's a great movie

Zionist culture is a better culture and more true to the original ancient Jewish spirit. The original Jew was a Zionist.

I've seen Fiddler on the Roof, it's a great movie. Shtetl culture seems pretty based except for the Pogroms and shit.

they're Khazars

the most vicious psychopathic and dangerous race on the world

they do not settle ever

wherer they go they bring doom and despair

(((they))) should stay the fuck far out of europe

This is incoherent nonsense. Jews disrupt external culture, maintain their own culture, infiltrate government and commerce in an exclusive, conquering way, and then use whatever power they can get to attack others. They do this in every time and place. They should not be forcibly settled anywhere.

zionist memes you are zionist revisionist kike.
ashkenazim disappeared.
for you everyone are jew and bible old testament noah descendents fuck off putrid jew.
leaf kike rot

zionism is CANCER and needs to be removed from the earth in order for gods real chosen people to prosper

fuck off jdif
hope you burn in hell

Everyone needs to settle if people wander around they lose their roots and naturally become psychopathic and dangerous: see Muslims in Europe as a perfect example.

Shtetl's could be used to keep the Jews under reasonable level of control.

The fact of the matter is that Askenazi Jews ARE Europeans.

I like your picture but please don't make things up and be such a racist. They're not khazars moron.

Sup Forums these kikery the israeli tribes meme.
your old tescuckery will not win.
sage the thread
nice try kike

You know nothing about shtetl culture, it was bucolic and conformist, many of the rabbis were effectively cult leaders punishing dissent with torture. Everybody wanted to leave and stayed in out if fear that there was nothing better.
Let me guess, you are unaware of Stalin's role in "Life Is With People?"

A Jewish farmer working all day long on his farm in an isolated Shtetl is not going to disrupt or infiltrate anything.

That's kind of the point.

Fuck off idiot canuck. Urheimat means original, prehistoric homeland which was thousands of years before there were any Jews in the Pale of Settlement which was only the term the Russian empire used for the region where it allowed Jews in.

The Pale only existed for about a hundred years.

Which is why Zionism is so great. Do you think the goyim would fuck with the Shtetl if it had nukes with ICBMs? The fact is to survive in the world you need hard power.

Plus Israel is our real homeland, not Central Europe. That Khazar shit the Nazis keep pushing has been thoroughly debunked. If you are Ashkenazi or Sephardi for that matter your real homeland is Israel and 2000-3000 years ago your ancestors were living in it.

>Everyone needs to settle
(((they're))) already doing it full time in their ancient homeland Khazaria

i know literally everything that is to be known about the Khazar Jews, zionism, communism, masonery, and one world governement

without the doubt altough they're not literally lizzard people like david icke said, they have cold calculated lizard predator brain with zero emotions and emphaty

they're the harbringer of doom


I'm quite familiar with the sad and tragic history of Central and Eastern Europe. Nevertheless, I think the Shtetl, much like the Kibbutz, can be a re-vitalizing instrument by bringing the Jewish man back to Earth.

>The Pale only existed for about a hundred years.

Untrue, Jews have inhabited that region for multiple centuries, back to the Middle Ages.

The modern "Ashkenazi" Jewish ethnicity is a product of European symbiosis.

Israel is the homeland of Palestinian Arab suicide bombers. Nuclear weapons can't solve all of our problems, peaceful integration is the only way the Jewish race can possibly survive.

Our homeland is Central and Eastern Europe.

Source? Jew born in Eastern Europe, within walking distance of the graves of my grandparents and great-grandparents and (probably ) great-great-grandparents.

This is the stupidest thing i've ever read. Citation needed for all that bullshit you posted. It's not 1939 anymore, it's 2017. Stop being a racist.

Look at this incoherent drivel. Muslims are only dangerous because of travel? So you've been lying all this time about Palestinian terror?

This type of shill aims to disrupt board culture with effortless and endless gibberish. Imagine if I demanded to know what 2 + 2 was, insisted that I did not already know, refused to do any research on my own, rejected all of your work, and threw in a lot of namecalling and whole paragraphs of nonsense. Then I told normies that pol is full of idiots, citing my own posts.
That's what this guy is doing.



Moreso the reason they need to be settled and controlled and prevented from causing trouble for themselves and others.

THAT'S THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT. To settle Jews in agricultural communities with simple rural life and get them away from finance, media, politics, and all the other shit that causes problems.

Palestinians are defending themselves. Although I don't agree with their methods their cause is understandable.

Muslims in Europe are much more violent and dangerous than average Muslims in well-run Muslim countries like Iran or Turkey or Malaysia.

This is not spam, this is my cool idea.

>Israel is the homeland of Palestinian Arab suicide bombers. Nuclear weapons can't solve all of our problems
It's not their homeland, they are basically animals that moved in when we got kicked out and lived amogst the ruins of our great civilization in their own shit.

>only way the Jewish race can possibly survive.
"If the statistics are right, the Jews constitute but one quarter of one percent of the human race. It suggests a nebulous puff of star dust lost in the blaze of the Milky Way. Properly, the Jew ought hardly to be heard of, but he is heard of, has always been heard of. He is as prominent on the planet as any other people, and his importance is extravagantly out of proportion to the smallness of his bulk.

His contributions to the world’s list of great names in literature, science, art, music, finance, medicine and abstruse learning are also very out of proportion to the weakness of his numbers. He has made a marvelous fight in this world in all ages; and has done it with his hands tied behind him. He could be vain of himself and be excused for it. The Egyptians, the Babylonians and the Persians rose, filled the planet with sound and splendor, then faded to dream-stuff and passed away; the Greeks and Romans followed and made a vast noise, and they were gone; other people have sprung up and held their torch high for a time but it burned out, and they sit in twilight now, and have vanished.

The Jew saw them all, survived them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmities, of age, no weakening of his parts, no slowing of his energies, no dulling of his alert but aggressive mind. All things are mortal but the Jews; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?"
--Mark Twain

>It's not their homeland, they are basically animals that moved in when we got kicked out and lived amogst the ruins of our great civilization in their own shit.

I'm not a fan of the Palestinians or Arab Muslims in general but to deny that "Palestine" was an Arab Muslim country for centuries before the foundation of Israel is just plain bullshit.

>The Jew saw them all, survived them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmities, of age, no weakening of his parts, no slowing of his energies, no dulling of his alert but aggressive mind. All things are mortal but the Jews; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?"

That's what I'm saying, we're on the same side, I'm looking for a way that Jews can live in peace in harmony with our neighbors instead of always moving from place to place and getting Shoah'd and Pogrom'd and hated by all men great and small.

Yeah fuck you man. We've seen what you niggers do when you chill on the outskirts of our zones. You've got your little piece now sit in it.

>DNA Research Brings the Truth

>The undeniable evidence of this has become clear with the advent of DNA research. In 2001, Dr. Ariella Oppenheim and her team at Tel Aviv University released their study which found that the “Jews” were mainly Khazars, from Khazaria, a Caucasus country which is now called Kazakhstan, Georgia, and other names.

>The Khazarians converted from pagan religions to talmudic Judaism after the 8th century, but of course, racially they remain Khazars.

>The Khazars were and are a genome that is mainly Turkish and Mongolian blood.

>Thus today, when you see a “Jew,” what you are actually encountering is a Khazar who practices Judaism. The Khazar has no Israelite blood. His ancestors are not the Israelites of the Bible. They did not worship the God, Jehovah, but instead literally were a phallic cult. They worshipped Satan by means of the male penis idol. The Khazars were never in the land of Israel. They are not the seed of Abraham. They have no promise from God. Now we know this as absolute scientific fact.

long kike jew zionist tribalism memes and revisionism all info is disinfo and forged by rabbis.
sage the thread

Well, if you could managa that, it would be a blessing. But desu user, I don't think it would solve the deep, deep structural, philosophical, religious and economic problems of west.

Blaming all of it on Jews, is not just a meme, but it's also an excuse for people who have no idea who to solve these underlying problems. Needless to say: neither do liberals or marxists have the answers.

just follow the money

behind every conspiracy there is interest and behind every interest are the group of well conected (((people))) in the sector of finance, media, inteligence agencies, politics, energy and education that always seems to stem to profit from the big world events, wars most notably
and you know what's the difference between conspiracy and news? it's 2-3 years

for fucks sake moron they are even spelling it out loud; read Zbigniew Brzezinski: The Grand Chessboard or David Rockfellers Memoars or George Soros Globalism, the shock doctrine, economic hitman

and also fuck your sthethl or whatever
also the word sthethel in my language means accident damage

This. I cannot believe zionists come on here. Fucking rude, right? It's like someone staring at a blue marble, and a guy comes up to him and say oy gevalt that marble's red, my favorite color, you stole that, give it back to me goy!

Jews should be relocated to an already uninhibited land. Madagascar had been proposed, and I find it agreeable.
If you let Jews have their supposed homeland in Europe, how is it different than their supposed homeland being in Palestine. They do not belong to Europe. They have been kicked out hundreds of time because they do not belong. They always try to subvert control. And in the end, all they want is the world. Thread null.

>These idiots arguing in my thread that Zionism is bad

Holy shit, learn to read, I'm not advocating for Zionism, I'm literally stating the opposite.

Are there any sand niggers who can get into this thread and explain?

>I don't think it would solve the deep, deep structural, philosophical, religious and economic problems of west.

Of course not, the problem with the West is pic related. This is designed to solve the problem of the Israeli-Arab conflict and of antisemitism in general.

kek. Stay strong, slav. Looks like kikes are looking to buy up your little zone.

>That's what I'm saying, we're on the same side, I'm looking for a way that Jews can live in peace in harmony with our neighbors instead of always moving from place to place and getting Shoah'd and Pogrom'd and hated by all men great and small.
It's not happening. The common goy will never accept the Jewish people's right to exist. The only solution is eternal struggle.

>I'm not a fan of the Palestinians or Arab Muslims in general but to deny that "Palestine" was an Arab Muslim country for centuries before the foundation of Israel is just plain bullshit.
It never was a country and the only time it was a country both today and 2000 years ago it was a Jewish country. It was always a Jewish country or an annexed territory of some expansionist empire. Never anything else. The Palestinians have zero claim to this land. Zero.

So what do you propose? Oh wait, I know:

>Gas the Yids even the Kids

Thanks for that shit, bud. Real nice. I'm sure you'd be willing to sacrifice your life and family to "make the World a better place."

Not a Zionist learn 2 read.

Shtetl Jews never subverted anyone, they were poor farmers.


>Kikes should move beyond the current containment field and not be converted to Christianity.



Fuck you kike. I'd call you a liar, but that's just redundant.

>The only solution is eternal struggle.

I'm tired of the eternal struggle, I think I got tired of it about 3 generations ago. Maybe around the time the goyim got the idea that just murdering us en masse was the best way of solving their problems.

>The Palestinians have zero claim to this land. Zero.

They tend to disagree.

>converted to Christianity.

Also an interesting idea.

>Hue hue let's kill people

I'm sure you'd be willing to die for the """"greater good""" right?

You not even reading what I wrote doesn't make me a liar, you're just fucking lazy.

Exactly, Ashkenazi Jews had been getting GOYED by Slavs for centuries until the Holocaust.

Can you convert Luciferians and godless Freemason communists too? They as well as Judaism are in direct line with Satan. Fundamentally anti-christian. Good luck with that.

>murdering us was the best way to solve their problems

Implying jews didn't do that way worse through Marxism.

That's also a big simplification. And one great contradiction is already in the image itself: the "strong men" in it fought, died and created the world order with its inherent problems we are all facing and the entire Anglo-Zionist world order with it. Capitalism was also rotten to the core back then, or rather what we call "rotten" are intrinsic principles of capitalism. God was also already dead back then. And when you think of all the people who say they are defending or want to defend Western Culture: How many still read the great classics? How many listen to symphonies? How many have whispered a silent prayer in the old cathedrals? How many know their country and its woods and castles? And now what is worshipped and consumed instead?

Western culture has been in a deep crisis for many decades before this anti-white, deeply decadent time, over a century actually, if we are being serious.

And going back to the Shtetle is pretty much the anarcho-primitivist Varg answer to the crisis of civilization.

Plenty of Jews have converted to Christianity over the years. The Spanish even had a name for it: "Conversados."

the apostle Paul was a faggot kike like them, but he became a g'boy.

amerilard the ruskies are hell bent not to allow (((them))) the sperg again to the nearest of the russia

the kikes are staying as far away as they can from moscow behind the 7 chmabers of gas camps

and i don't think they're interested in this shithole either, altough i know quiet few of them in my (((gumbnint))) and (((mainstream meteor)))
the Sup Forums showed me how to regognize them

Fuck you faggot. We've already got enough bullshit going on from where they are and the only faggots who are bitching are brown muslim shits.
Leave them in Israel. Fuck muslims.

This. But yeah most of them just pretended and went back to their evil usurious and demonic ways.

Of course, Jews are capable of murder and violence and even ethnic cleansing too. We're not special.

>Western culture has been in a deep crisis for many decades before this anti-white, deeply decadent time, over a century actually, if we are being serious.

Have you read Spengler's "The Decline of the West"? Pic related. It addressed many of these issues.

This hooked nose kike needs an heavy gas therapy asap

Thank God for Russia. My country is Fuuuuuuged.









I don't see what he's saying that's so bad.

Sure, he's a bit hard on the Palestinians but it's not like we don't have very good reasons to dislike them.

You guys are pretty fucking good at it. It took me years to figure out your bullshit. The propaganda is strong in this jew-stink of a country.

Jews do not have a homeland seeing as their own claim to Israel is religious. Diasporic Jews certainly don't have a homeland, as neither Europe nor Israel is native to them.

God has orphaned the Jew.

No. Kikes don't deserve a homeland.

Can't believe so many people is so foolish.

Bigger problem is the international jew.

All the rest is little threat compared to the ever-conspiring kike.

I hate this 'there are different kinds of jews that have very different and opposite philosophies' meme. Lies.

Not read it, but aware of its existence and general premise. And the issue with Spengler and Nietzsche in general is, that, even though they denied it, their logical conclusion were Hitler, Mussolini, the Reich and the attempt to revive the Roman Empire. It failed due to the barbarism of the greater industrial power. And it also had its interior contradictions.

So it was tried to salvage Western civilization and, without nagging too much about who and who not should have won the war and what not: I don't think that there is really a way back after all the necessary and consequential outcomes of history, the seven decades of post WW2 modernity and all its implications. There's never really a way back in a romanticized past - as much as you may want it.

>Of course, Jews are capable of murder and violence and even ethnic cleansing too. We're not special.
yes we know

also we were saving your asses in WW2 and hiding you and shieth and you returned the favor by doing everything in croatia interest by giving them land, whole coastline and sheks for development even though CROATS WERE FUCKING NAZIS WHITE MALE that commited MUH HOLOCAUST ON YOU

you have no shame nor honnor

stay the fuck away from europe

Jews have no place in Baltics.

It's funny how the USA has some of the highest proportion of Jews and is a very prosperous country and the most powerful in the World.

USA also has some of the lowest rates of antisemitism among Western countries.

You'd think with a massive population "nation-wrecking" Jews it would be a shit-hole but it's not whereas the glorious red-pilled "Juden-frei" countries are mostly shit-holes.

I'm not suggesting we should be allowed to take over Eastern Europe but merely that Jews with Eastern European heritage should go home and leave Israel, the USA, Canada, and Western Europe alone.

We are cousins, after all. For example, I am a Polish citizen with somewhere between 25 and 50 % Polish blood and the rest are Jews who have lived in Poland for centuries.

False. Every day I walk into my church or read the bible I'm transported back to the goodness of the past. Pessimists like you are just sadists.

But I am European... I was born in Europe, my parents were born in Europe, my grandparents were born in Europe...

Many Jews lived in the Baltics before the Soviet and Nazi war machines cleansed the area.

Feels good being Greek

They use the USA. Once we've collectively been redpilled on the jews, they'll blast out on the international press how 'oppressed' they are, and convince foreign powers to wreck the US. This pattern has been repeated hundreds of times.

make me you utter faggot


The wandering jew has been acute enough to gobble down the goyish throat the following chutzpah (jewish trick):

- jews aren't a religion, as their semitic laws are matriarcal, so they are bound by blood.

- jews aren't a race, as they follow the laws or torah/talmud/satanic bible

- jews aren't a race, as they wander everywhere the shekel call them

Reality is that current year's jews aren't jews at all, their grandad lives in Lithuania or Poland.

Reality is today's jews are mostly godless.

The real semitic people are the Palestinian people, they are no threat to anyone.

>Sup Forums is unaware of vid/pic related

Feels bad being Jewish, m8, all the hate and none of the shekkels.

>they'll blast out on the international press how 'oppressed' they are, and convince foreign powers to wreck the US.

Bullshit, no one likes Jews or wants to help them except the US. This scenario is pure speculation you just pulled it out of your ass in this instant.



PS why are the captchas so fucking annoying tonight ?

at least you're fighting

you've chosen the path of freedom and i know a lot of jelly buthurth goyims are giving you the shit about it with: MUH "FREEEEEDOMS"

but i finally realize the point of the obssesion with freedoms and Americans

your founding fathers were amongst the most based and sound minded people in history of the civilisation

but it's exactly what jews did in germany. And it's exactly what that kike nigger in Israel did by calling in all those fake bomb threats. They're building a new narrative now that we're getting redpilled on them.

>This maple-nigga basically posts a slightly-off version of the Khazarian Empire from circa 800CE


>but (((they))) say it's a """hoax""" and """anti-semitic canard"""!!!

JEWS HATE talking about the Khazars because the ***ONLY*** people who EVER bring it up untill VERY recent (post 1980) history) ARE ANTI-ZIONIST (aka "cool") JEWS and ANTI-SEMITES!!

fucking kek!

>Maybe around the time the goyim got the idea that just murdering us en masse was the best way of solving their problems.

No problem. Swallow the red pill of the Kalegri plan (not to oppose it). We are only like 20-30 years from it completing.

>it's not like we don't have very good reasons to dislike them.
hating someone for fighting back when you steal his land isn't a 'very good' reason, moshe.

Celt here, jews aint shit, think you've had to endure? Try holding back the expansion of the entire roman empire for hundreds of years and living to tell the tale. Your plight doesn't impress me in the slightest. You lost your homeland and bought it back while we always remained on these islands ya gay jew cunt.

>your founding fathers were amongst the most based and sound minded people in history of the civilisation

Strongly agree, Murica is based. European anti-Americanism is stupid.

Lol, it's a stupid plan if it is one, NO ONE likes Jews and NO ONE is going to come like... rushing to our fucking rescue and go fight America to help the poor oppressed Jews.

If it's true, than the average Jewish IQ needs to be revised down 20 points.

Good, so we agree.

you're tretarous kike

you have no emotoins, no human connection, no empathy, no drive for art, liberty, creativity

you can't create anything meaningfull that can inspire

you can only wreck chaos

the (((USA))). The country that produced those goyims hasn't existed since Jackson. Maybe it never existed at all. Nobody here is on the same side. They're all petty and keep to themselves. Christianity is more like 'how do I make money from these other zionist christians.' It's disgusting man. The only solace I get is from reading works like picrelated anymore. I'm really sad. I think they're going to kill us next. They're trying to force the US into nuclear war with Russia--to kill the people who know.

If the Kaligeri Plan is real (highly doubt it) it's not only disgusting and unethical, but ultimately suicidal for the Jewish people.

Like I said earlier in the thread, I think their cause is just, but their means are often unethical.

It's hard for me to sympathize with people who say "kill all Jews" and murder Jewish civilians in Israel and abroad.

Do you have any actual questions about this and why you're not quite right?
