Where should I move, Sup Forums?

I want to start a family. However, I do not want to raise a family in a country where my future generations will be a hated, targeted minority driven to the fringes of society.

I am:
>100% white Euromutt
>financially sound, able to work from anywhere
>not a "1488er", but would be considered "far right" by EU standards

My top options are:

Open to other options.


Go to Poland. They have the best girls.

Remove Italy, it's being hit hard by the migrant crisis.

Poland or Czechia would be the best choices. (Czech has a large sex industry if you want daughters would advise moving there)

Antarctica in 2030.


And the worst racial censorship laws. Eastern Europe is just as cucked as the west, if not more. You just don't see it as much because those countries are too poor for blacks and Muslims to move to.

Come to Poland. Just be sure to assimilate to the language and culture or people will hate you. Plus Polish girls.

Out of your mom's house

I lived in Slovakia for 2 years and on minimum wage here, I was a millionaire there. Definitely seek out the based/ Eastern European countries. You will have to learn the language though. Hungarians are useless, don't go there.

you would fit in better in argentina, europeans don't like americans moving to their countries

Bumping for interest. Planning on living in a few different central/eastern European countries this year (one week each) to scout possible burger export locations.

Yeah I know, I'm just a sucker for Med women

I am mostly Polack and I've been to Krakow, really liked it. The Poles in America...let's just say they're not sending their best. Most likely I'll end up in Poland.

What are best cities in your opinions?

Here's an actual answer.

None of the countries you listed will have you unless you have close, relevant and deeply rooted history there and can FULLY integrate into their culture. Sure you can move there and be among based nationalistic whites, but unless your one of "them" or blend in well enough, THE HATRED AND DISCRIMINATION YOU ARE FLEEING WILL BE 100X WORSE, especially if you're a typical Americafag. Europeans are nationalistic and xenophobic enough that being white ain't good enough, they fucking hate each other (and us) almost as much as they hate mud people.

So don't uproot your family and abandon your friends over your europe is a white paradise fantasy bullshit. Move to a rural (Christian) area with based people, find people in your own country to make your tribe, they'll accept you easier than Eurofags and there's plenty of them here - you just have to find them. The only thing you have to do to save your children is to keep them away from poisonous people.


We're full

Dude just move to New Hampshire.

than you will not mind if I come and take a qt wife with me back :), thanks glad we could work something out


most accurate response. In all honesty you dont have to leave the nation to find a woman you just have to look harder. However if you are going to move, pick Poland or Serbia.

I've been to Europe, and the strongest I ever felt like an outsider was France. Everywhere else was like home. People were nice, welcoming, outside of the occasional cranky bureaucrat. 100X more comfy than anywhere I've been in the US.

I don't expect to 100% integrate, but this is not just about me it's about my future generations.

"dude, just hide in the woods like a recluse while browns take over the nice parts."

Nah I'm good.

lol, close, I was born in Norway but moved here while young. Face it, I'm wife'ing one of your women and you will be less "full"

Why not just move to a different state?

what's he gonna find, girls taking selfies and "finding" themselves for 20 more years

Whites have been playing that game for 50 years, it's not gonna work forever lad.

the American woman is a meme. They think because they tattooed a bible verse on their wrist and shoot guns they're wife material.

Don't be a faggot and stay in your own damn country and make the best out of it.
That's what I'm doing and you can see I don't have it easier than you.

If it's about future generations, raise a good one here and stay and fight. Don't flee to some far off land like a pussy, save your fucking country.

I personally tried but I'm not settling for a 5 to 10 sex partner girl no matter what. I don't owe anyone an explanation because their excuses are just as irrelevant to me.

>hurr durr prop up your fake golem of a country so Israel can cuck the entire world

Did you miss the OP, leaf?

This isn't "my" country, and you can argue it's never really been my country, seeing as I'm not a liberal, Freemason, Jew, or Native American.

My ancestors have been here ~100 years. The experiment failed.

it's clear western women only want this society saved so they can continue their degenerate lifestyles not because they have seen the light. I'm not dying so Stacey can continue to safely party on Saturday nights until she's 50

You are going to be really disappointed with Italian women if you go there. The women are just as bad if not worse than American women. Trust me. Do what I do, Get yourself a waifu, and adopt white poor Appalachian male foster kids.

You should consider getting a lobotomy instead.

% white Euromutt
what heritage specifically?

for instance, my ancestry is scottish/german.

though im american my father's side passed the german culture down better than my mother's scottish side. I'd reckon trying to reintegrate into the heritage i feel was passed down the most.

or go by religion. are you christian? if you go east you'd better be briefed on orthodoxy

Yeah I don't know why I even mentioned it. Love it as a travel destination, and appreciate groups like Casa Pound, but the reality is they've been thoroughly (((Westernized))).

Stacey ?!


Polish, Italian, German in that order.

I appreciate the symbolism within Christianity
more than the dogmatic/religious side. I'd get along just fine with Orthodox/Catholics.

that gif is funny, but a 3d is still my first choice.

I honestly thought I was gay as a kid because all I was exposed to was Italian and Italian-American women. As I got older and discovered Waifus and Pokemon, I found out I could be straight so long as a stayed away from women and just used Female pokemon as waifus.

Wow, turns out you are gay after all

What the fuck too talking about?

Ok, abandon your people. Fucking pussy faggot.

What? I said nothing gay. I am not attracted to dudes.

>And the worst racial censorship laws. Eastern Europe is just as cucked as the west, if not more.
Tell me how many people in Poland have been arrested for hate speech in the past 50 years. Practical free speech matters more than legalistic bullshit. Dude, a fucking American just got ARRESTED for posting a GIF on Twitter.

>You just don't see it as much because those countries are too poor for blacks and Muslims to move to.
Literally just a stupid Sup Forums meme. Muslims and blacks move to Detroit, they'll go anywhere they can get gibs retard.

>my people
>secular anti-Christian
>blacks, mexicans, Muslims
>literally the world police for Israel

Keep LARPing faggot.

Not yet anyway. Betcha traps aren't gay, right?

Yes, Poles are based and the women are attractive, but good luck learning the language. I think it's even more difficult than Russian.


main flaws:

left wing cuckland
filled with italians
slavic speaking germans
incomprehensible language
no flaws, absolute perfection

any more pictures of women like that? i find her very attractive

>good luck learning the language

Yeah, grew up around it, might as well be Mandarin.

But tough languages are kind of like a firewall for browns and blacks (unless you're like Sweden, where you don't even bother with immigrant literacy).


Poles are literal untermensch

Clearly you've never been to the good parts of the hegemonl

Good luck uncle Shecklestein.

Sorry, Uncle Goldman, I won't try it again

Argentna is pretty white. I would go there since I speak Spanish. If the U.S balkanizes then you should stay.
>inb4 wetback mestizo

Buy a farm and raise 40 children to a long beard, have a library, build a family record, have all the books for all the subjects, build a class room, etc..

Get some like minded friends to trade and specialize in different sectors, start clans.

t. Dr. Liu

>35% white
>muh based Texas

t. leaf

There are good parts, but you're ignoring bigger trends. It's like pointing out the "based black guy" in a sea of criminally insane negroids.

Do not come here we're fucking full.

full of abos and chinks, you keep it dingo

I will. Again, do not come here you aren't welcome.

Whatever you do, don't pick Italy. The native Italians are less cucked than Northwestern Europeans, but Italy is the first stop for most migrants

Import a European woman and move to Midwest or Pennsylvania. We are going to be white for a longtime. Thankfully we'll vote out Tom Wolf in 2018.

Wait hang on I thought drumpf was going to save the USA and white peolpe lmao

top kek

No need to import just grab a wife from a mid west farm or other white areas.

The RAISE act will be implemented anyways, We don't have to bother with mindless refugees or immigrants anymore.