Is George Soros the Final Boss?

Do you believe George Soros is the final boss against conservatism? Even if he is, who replaces him? He's getting older.

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Revenge

Nah the Rothschilds are the final boss(es)

He's just the vanguard, the brains are hidden.

Soros is a victim of his own excess.
Some people are very good at being leeches,while others need them in order to be useful.

I happen to think there is no 'final boss' but a final ideology, force of nature, or goal of some family. Think about it. The machinations of communist leftism span several lifetimes. This strongly indicates that one man is not behind it. It's either something genetic amongst certain groups of people, some family that is slowly trying to build and secure power or it's some ideology. My opinion.

Soros is just a stooge of the Rothschilds.
The Rothschilds are just stooges of Israel.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:





>Soros is just a stooge of the Rothschilds.
>The Rothschilds are just stooges of Israel.

>He's just the vanguard, the brains are hidden.
Best way to put it.

The final boss is Jacob Rothschild. At least in so far as we know.

There are many bosses worse the Soros though: the cia, nsa, various banker families, IMF, Federal Reserve etc.

Soros is a small fish by comparison.

The Rothschild family IS Israel. Without them the nation wouldn't even exist and WW1 would have ended very differently.

>Soros is a small fish

Fuck Soros

do you live there?

I mean by comparison. I'm not even sure if Soros is one of the dark occultist child murderers.

rothschilds are diasporic Jews. youre right about Israel not existing, but the rothschilds know their place and its behind the Sephardi.

There is never a final boss with these people.

Yes, and I'm thankful for it considering how fucked most major countries are.

soros is 100% anti israel you moron.

whats a day in the life like there?


there is no "anti-israel" jew.
its a front.

waste of quints

Pretty sure I know the answer

High wages, no real taxation (less than 10% even when I make over 120k a year), High prices, nearly impossible to pay rent or buy houses.

Probably top tier life right behind somewhere like Monaco or Leichenstein. Amazing weather and very Christian, conservative country. Lots of blacks (55%) but many are middle class and poor dangerous ones stay in two parts of the island. Very good life, but almost impossible to get citizenship. Came here from Portugal and got citizenship because I married a local.

you make no sense, r-tard.

Soros is anti-right wing jews. Israel is still a primary globalist tool, only rivaled as of late by Germany.

The Rothschilds aren't though.

Israel is an enemy of all whites, and it will burn in agony like every diaspora jew. Caesar and Jualinus should not have shown you rats mercy.


It's pretty obvious who the last boss is gonna be

>be israel
>push for immigration into white countries to reduce the white population aka white genocide
>use soros to fund the adventure while Israel keeps its hands clean

fuck off, rabbi.

>believing George Soros is the final boss
>not believing that George Soros isn't just a fall guy to keep the attention away from the rest of the NWO Jews
What kind of faggot are you?

Satan is the final boss, but the second in command is the Chief Elder of the Elders of Zion. Whoever that piece of filth is.

You may call him a stooge, but he controls the world. He specifically controlled Obama, Clinton, he is creating a new political party specifically for Obama. How can you call him a stooge? He (and his kids and foundation-collectively called Soros) literally controls everything that affects you on a daily basis

He isn't the final boss he is more like the mouth of Sauron from lotr

>Whoever that piece of filth is
next Israeli Prime Minister

>he controls the world
not true. he finances and preaches the Globalist agenda. he's a false teacher: what he tells Obama and the others about Globalism/Zionism is false. They actually think theyre doing good. But in the end they wont serve Soros but Israel.

Soros is a stooge of ISRAEL.

israel is the primary ENEMY of globalism, since the our dawn. israel IS nationalism, that why soros, ford foundation, the EU, the UN, and globalist foreign governments all undermine israel's existence using the islamic garbage.

You don't belong on Sup Forums you subversive kike.
No one likes your race,rat bastard.

Take your life.

No, there are people and forces behind him. The uninitiated likely don't even know the names of the top levels.

>israel is the primary ENEMY of globalism, since the our dawn. israel IS nationalism
Wrong. Israeli Nationalism IS Globalism. Israel seeks world domination.

>pic related

spiteful, nazi collaborator, properly laffin on goyish faces.

that's a classical false lead, the next ones will be worst than this rich polish kike

burn into the nearest oven, Untermensch

>The Rothschilds aren't though.
the Rothschilds gave money to israel when they believed it would remain a british colony.

.it will burn in agony
we will prevail long after your demise.

nah senpai
there's this old game for the SNES called metal combat's_Revenge

basically you progress fighting dudes on earth until you get to a pretty high-up dude on the moon, who tells you when you kill him that the final boss from the first game is waiting on mars

so you go to mars and kill him, and he reveals that he was always working for some other shitheads who are of course waiting on each of the planets further out. So you go kill all of them, and then the actual final boss emerges in a giant spaceship or some shit.

So yeah, he's meant to look like the final boss, but he's actually a front.

you're talking about a country smaller than the state of NJ, that's willing to give a part of it to muzzies if they can ensure peace. so, the weird theory is just wrong, and pushed by globalists to disguise their moves.

Would you say Israel is one of the safer places to be assuming we are approaching some sort of calamity as a human race?

The Bogdanoffs are the final bosses.

No and he isn't the wealthiest or most influential either.

He is a public figure only because they need one. A lightning rod to draw and focus aggro. Red herring.

>israel is the primary ENEMY of globalism, since the our dawn. israel IS nationalism

Yes, but only for yourselves, slapnuts.

Your "chosen people" want the rest of the world to serve as their race-less, culture-less dumbed-down mud blood slaves on your prison planet.

Eat a dick.

Seeing as the Rothschild family had the Balfour Declaration MADE OUT TO THEM.. They essentially own and created Israel. Israel is Rothschild political presence in world affairs

too many muzzies (like in europa), african invaders (like in europa), and leftist "liberals" (like in europa).

i would say that places like romania, that are generally nationalist and not "tempting" to migrants are the best places to be, or something like new zealand.

>pushed by globalists to disguise their moves

Daily reminder that George Soros will die on 21 August which is exactly 7 months after Trump's first full day in office and during a total solar eclipse. Praise Kek! Shadilay! I

Interesting. Are you of Christian or Jewish faith? Also, do you believe the increasing number of people blaming Jews for everything is a sign that Jews really are the chosen people?

Sorry for the bombardment of questions, never talked to an Israelite before.

>final boss
TOPKEK, no. If you think Soros is the only problem, you have another thing coming. Soros is just one manifestation of World Jewry. Beat Soros, and others will spring up to take his place. Taking out one kike here or another kike there does nothing. You need to root them out as a group. If not, others will just keep on subverting the goyim. The jews have been the biggest threat to white civilization before Soros, and they'll continue being our greatest threat long after he's gone.

The best analogy I can think of is the mafia. Take out a mob boss, and someone else becomes the new boss. Take out a footsoldier, and they'll just recruit more. To beat the mafia, you need to nail them ALL with a RICO charge and take them all out together.

The final boss is globalism/marxism/zionism itself.

Like fighting Sauron, you will never meet him, but you will feel his presence in the shadows. You hear whispers of his name. His armies stretch far, yet he is never seen at the head. He is but a phantom of destruction, a tool of hate. It seeks to wipe out all hope from man and control all the world with its dominion, and it will use weak men as its pawns.

you are just filled with anger, and someone used you to channel your anger and frustration toward jews. it's all irrational.


No, he is a fucktard that has been punished by public exposure

How is it dumbed down? No one thinks all jewish people are "in on it". It's just very clear the Israeli Mossad are behind all of this subversive behavior that is fucking with the world.

I have no issues with Joe Schlomo down at the deli. I have issues with your ilk.

He's a boss, but not the final boss.

Fuck you, kike. Jewish nationalism is NOT the same as any other group's nationalism. The jew is an inherently nomadic and parasitic being. It's why the majority of kikes still choose to live in western countries instead of fucking off and doing their aliyah to israel. The jews stay in western countries because that allows them to subvert/control the goyim better. Can't do that if they all just go to israel. And through their manipulation of goy nations, they turn other nations into their zombified slaves that do nothing but fight Israel's wars, donation vast sums to israel, etc. Because Israel is not an independent nation. Israel is nothing but a central hub for World Jewry to conduct their operations from. It's a fucking safe haven for jews who get caught. It's why CIA spies for israel like Jon Pollard get to fuck off to israel to be safe. It's why so many jewish pedophiles and other sorts of spies and criminals always flee to israel, where they're kept safe by their complicit government. I could go on for hours about this.

I don't give a fuck if any low-level jewish peon isn't "in on it". That's not how it works. I don't give a fuck if you, Shmooley, personally are an actual nationalist and only care about Israel and want to end jewish influence and control over white civilization. But that's not indicative of jews or israel as a whole.

The distinction between israeli jew and diaspora jew is a FALSE DICHOTOMY. And yet, the israeli flags always pop up and try to convince the goyim that "#NotAllJews! Le zionist jews are BASED! "

>1 post by this id

How is he alive? One crazy person to end him is all it would take.

Two Steps From Hell music intensifies.


Juts two of ((((many))))

no problem. i'm a secular jew. i dont believe in "the chosen people" narrative and so does the majority of israelis. just like any other couture, we have our pride, but the "chosen people" narrative is just a religious symbol, it's not literally.
jews have always been blamed and prosecuted, since there were always forces in the world that wanted everyone to conform (empires, religions..) and jews would not. our perseverance to remain what we are is what created and still creating enemies.

>israel is the primary ENEMY of globalism, since the our dawn. israel IS nationalism

Sure. Pic related.

Israel = ISIS, RA, EL. Mystery Babylon. Older than the old testament.

What do you think is more likely. Catholic church with over 1 billion followers and trillions of income, safe houses all over the planet, etc., "oopsied" and let a few million people conquer them or the story goes deeper?

Soros is so far down the totem pole he is barely worth mentioning.

"doesn't believe Jews are the chosen people"

You are an innocent naive child

very shortsighted idea
his plans and assets are not unique to him, they'll just get moved around
not to mention he's an old fucking man and will croak soon anyway

The Rothschilds aren't stooges of Israel - they literally created Israel.

trips of truth, only correct answer

people seem to forget that the rothschilds are their servants

>secular jew
>we secular jews don't believe that "we the chosen people, must subvert the goyim" stuff
topkek. I guess all those marxist atheist jews who controlled the USSR and persecuted millions of christian russians were based, right?

The problem with jews is in YOUR VERY DNA. You are genetically selected to be saboteurs and subversive pieces of shit.

Definitely someone in the Rothchild family

George Soros is the final boss, but the Rothschild family is the secret boss that you fight at the top of Mt Moon.

>i'm a secular jew
No shit?!?! Wow! WTF, I love JIDF now!


He's kind of right you know. Henry Ford hated jews, yet the Ford Foundation that he founded currently promotes all of the same shit that the jews are accused of doing (look it up). These people just aren't solely jews.

Soros is a rat-errand boy for the 12 families
>the FIRST boss

resistance organizations that kicked the scum british empire out of my land is who created israel.
the british leeches didnt want to leave, and wanted to make israel into a muslim colony, so we had to kick them out.

i can feel you're being sarcastic.

The Ford family has little to do with how the foundation is managed or who they give money to. It was captured by the left decades ago.

You see, he pulled that "anti-semitism is irrational" trope that they get away with so often. That was invented by the Jews of the Frankfurt School.

The audacity of this kike. The british were (stupidly) kind enough to carve out a country for you out of palestine, even though this has led to the west having a shitload of problems because of you kikes, and all you do is have utter contempt for them anyway.

This is why nobody likes jews. Give them an inch, and they take a mile while simultaneously stabbing you in the back and calling you a bigot.

Ford died in 1947, you dimwitted hymie.

Just like, believe it or not, Walt Disney hated kikes with a passion... now Disney is jew propaganda central.

That's what you parasites do... infiltrate from within the host. You're good at it. You prey on the kindness and gullibility of others not as evil as you.

Similar thing happened with Disney. Walt Disney didn't like the Jews one bit, because they were always pushing degenerate trash and he just wanted to make wholesome family entertainment. And what happens after he dies? Well, eventually a jew gets on the board. And then he pulls strings to hire other fellow members of the tribe. And then they throw their weight around to get even more noses onboard. Next thing you know, the entire thing is completely controlled by yids. And what do they do? Well, they begin pushing out precisely the sort of degenerate garbage that Walt stood against.

You made up the Schlomocaust myth so that everybody would feel sorry for you and give you Palestine. Israel was founded on a lie.

How do you feel knowing there is no heaven for kikes? That you will burn in hell for eternity after you die?

Correction: The liberal Jews live in western countries. Any redpilled Jew supports Israel and nationalism and is in the fight against globalism, hates soros, etc.

you stupid cum chugger. modern zionizm, meaning the return of jews to zion, started in the late 1800's. back then the criminal ottoman empire were occupying my land. after WW1 the criminal british empire invaded my land and latet blocked jews from coming to israel and helped muzzies murder jews.
in 1938 the published the 'White Paper of 1939' to end the aspirations of jews having a state.
the criminal british empire had to go.

No he is a lesser boss, above him you get in dark jews, they exist but cannot see them YET

But it's not all controlled by jews...the key people especially aren't jews. Not even a majority of it's board of trustees are white. How do you guys even know that they're jews? Are you guys purely judging someone's jewish ancestry on their last name? I'm not even saying there aren't jewish groups, but they're not ALL jewish.

You didn't read a damn thing I wrote. There is no difference between "based nationalist jews in israel" and globalist diaspora jews. They are one and the same. They both serve their roles to advance the jews and subvert the goyim.

Tell me, is Jonathan Pollard a based nationalist jew or a bad diaspora jew for working for the CIA and feeding state secrets to israel?





Jews support nationalism only when it's their own nationalism. Other people's nationalism? They try to destroy it.

now are you sure about that?

Where do you think you are? This sort of incredibly basic bluepill tactics might work on reddit or facebook, but not on Sup Forums.

>our land
wew lad, top kek. Also nothing you said changes anything in my post. You're a despicable ungrateful piece of shit kike. Britain carved out israel for you, even though it's caused us nothing but trouble, and yet you spit at their feet. Go fuck yourself.

Exactly. And on top of that "israeli nationalism" means having dual citizenship in israel and america, and using your influence to buy off american lawmakers to help advance israel's own agendas at the expensive of the american people.

jewish nationalism is inherently parasitic. Whether the israeli jews or the diaspora jews.

Blue-pilled goys as window dressing. The ones who really pull the strings stay behind the curtain.