Fuck tobacco smoke weed
Fuck tobacco smoke weed
i like levulinic acid the best
you can smoke a cigarette and still safely drive a car. smoking weed will put you in 'pound me in the ass' prison
if youre a schmuck
i bet you think "drunk driving" is real lol
mmm don't you just love some ammonia and chromium up in your system? mmmmmmmmmm
Fuck yeah dude. Putting carcinogenic smoke induced with mind-altering chemicals is totally bad, in fact it's so bad that I'm going to put carcinogenic smoke induced with a different mind-altering chemical instead!
Fucking retard.
vape naysh dud
Exactly just vape the weed or nicotine
>Doesn't smoke cigarettes
Are you bullied, mentally handicapped or both?
>b-but it kills you
And? Was life a contest about who lives the longest?
>it's addicting!!!
It's not, as long as you're not under-aged and you can smoke in moderation
>it's....IT'S EXPENSIVE!!!
Who forces you to buy a pack every day, fucking peat-gavel
>vitamin B3
>lung cells regenerate themselves every three weeks
>black lung is only for coal miners
>countries that smoke more than us have less lung cancer and live longer
When you quit smoking you get sick or fat
t. degenerate
Oy vey goyim
>implying you have to combust cannabis
Weed is in breastmilk pretty much. Ban assault tits
>says literally anything
How do I fuck tobacco?
Nicotine when oxydised (aka burned) becomes vitamin b3. Niacin. Bodybuilders take that shit. You don't know what you're talking about limpdick
>When you're so fucking new you don't know the meme
Smoke rööki, faggot.
I love my vape pen. Happy 420 my good sir.
>not smoking pipe tobacco
What are you a faggot?
>drunk driving"
Uhh.. it's hella real and the main cause of accidents. I nearly lost a car because of a drunk driver.
Fuck tobacco and weed.
Do energy supplements.
Fuck smoking in general.
Inhaling burning plant matter is NEVER healthy, regardless of if it has carcinogens or not.
Edibles, if you do the devil's lettuce, or chewing tobacco if you do that side of it.
This has become a copypasta.
you realize chewing tabacco causes mouth throat and tongue cancer right???
>implying you have to combust tobacco
Why not both?
Im too much off a pussy to fuck with a physical addiction and vaping that ejuice shit dries you out
M80, I'm just pointing out that you shouldn't smoke ANYTHING, whether it's weed, tobacco, meth, crack doesn't matter. Inhaling smoke is BAD FOR YOU. There are other alternatives where you don't have to inhale smoke, but still get .
Leafs ARE cool after all
why not both
>when the leaf thinks he knows medicine (none of you do)
>when leaves unironically start shilling for big tobacco
No, bad drivers are the main cause of accidents. You'd have to be retarded to not be able to stay in between two lines idc how drunk you are.