Virgin loser tax

Should there be a tax for white men over 20 who are still virgins?

The Western World needs as many white men making babies as possible right now but too many young men are mired in loserdom and social ineptitude.

A tax on virgin losers would provide additional incentive for them to man up and pursue women.

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You think that's the issue?

> virgins over 20 are a problem
> clearly they want to be virgins
> taxes will fix this

cont: seriously I have no idea what you're thinking if you figure that the solution for sad beta virgins is that they should be even poorer and more pathetic

>non-Chad tax
REEEEE the only thing you would do is accelerate the great wizard uprising.
Bring it on. Maybe this is what the Fourth Turning will be.
>inb4 No I hate it there. You guys seem to have fun here.

How would you verify this?


I know your fucking game.
There's a flaw, Goldberg. Taxes are still cheaper than alimony and child support.

Taxing NEETs sounds about as effective as shaming MGTOWs or farting in a tornado.

>wanting people to have children at 20
you sound like a nigger

>implying you can verify if men are virgins or not without violating their privacy
>incentivizing rape or fast unstable relationships to avoid tax
>thinking force will stop the problem

Men who remain virgins over 20 don't do it because they lack an incentive, they are generally undesirable and women don't want them.

Go ahead, tax me. I'm not going to pay and I have no income to garnish. NEET masterrace.

tax women for not having more

Could probably be determined by algorithms based on Internet browsing history.

Pretty sure Google already knows.

kek that'd be so alienating. If you don't fit in and you're not popular and/or unattractive, the computers know and you pay a tax because fuck you (figuratively). That will fix it.

Taxing waifus would be less harsh.

These taxes already exist. The losers will be paying property taxes, although they will not have children in the schools. People with children also get considerable tax subsidies. We should actually charge people with children higher taxes, since they put greater demands upon society's resources.

Chad quotas?

There have been recent calls to have a special "privilege tax" on ALL white men, virgins or not.

still cheaper than having a gf/wife

Surrogacy. Also woe unto them bearing child when Christ returns. 144,000 are special and won't have ever touched a vagina
>one of Sup Forums's many in-house rabbis says to procreate instead
It's like this is 6,000 years ago and nobody learned a damn thing about the serpent and the woman laying eachother. Oh well it's now in the skies near Virgo the vagina
>shekinah hoax
>the shape of the trees on trump tower
>the gold and purple divine feminine lapel pins his campaign team wore
>his favourite "religion" organises through the woman for some reason and only started that in the first few years after Christ
>Eve/Ishtar/isis/statue of liberty/fertility cults/Elliot Shimon
>the many vaginal diseases; the divorce rate; the contemplation of all the sins and lies created in these manners; the fact men and women simply do not get along
There is only Christ. You cannot make fun of widows or the barren. Virgins are on this level. And bisexuals and gays are too. Hetero is the temporary fix that created all death and sin but is also the most popular option. Oh well

> doesn't realize the fourth turning is as well argued as a horoscope

I don't think they want to be virgins, the culture is all fucked up. I am not a virgin but the women are shit, if they have been to college forget about it the damage is done.

They also contribute to society's future though. A LOT. If anything families don't get enough help as it is. Nuclear ones anyway.

That's the thing right now, the elite decided it's just cheaper to import humans than get their slaves to breed again because we got fussy over being too poor for it and we broke our culture.

the beatings will continue until morale improves

> having sex means having children

>You guys seem to have fun here.
It's OK. Just don't EVER call us normies.

We had a tax for unmarried over 21.
We need it back.

Well, it means you can get a woman to let you put your peen is her vag. That's a start. You really gotta get past that step if you want children (and want them to have a mother).

No one there receives neetbux tho

Shut up, i'm saving for wizard powers.

What if they didn't have a browsing history or if they had a dynamic IP?

For most of these men, they don't get laid because they're ugly or women simply aren't attracted to them for whatever reason. How is a tax going to fix that?

Is it man stuff? The right hates it now

Wouldn't that just push for legalized prostitution?

That's pretty bad for society.

are you absolved if you rape?

Society's future matters not to a man who will have no descendants. Once again, since the breeders and their descendants will enjoy the future, they should pay for it themselves.

No. This would damage the emerging men's movement. Technology will solve all reproduction problems soon anyway.

>not just paying the fine like obamacare
The vaginal Jew will never get its hands on me

>If anything families don't get enough help as it is.
Wrong. They get TOO much help. A tax rebate is cool. Welfare is not because it causes a self-propagating welfare crisis.

No, quite the opposite. If you're a Virgin past 16 a fuck mate should be appointed to you

>as in income or property
>white men over 20 who are still virgins
You can't get blood out of a turnip.

Why would you want to give out your own welfare $ every year for? I'm sure that your gay sex won't count anyway.

not necessarily, but that's what OP wants, who, of course is a 1 Post by this ID

>The Western World needs as many white men making babies as possible right now

as for OP: If you want a healthy western society, tax anyone who's unmarried and not a virgin anymore

>more government thieving my money
Kill yourself Ausfaggot

There was such tax in soviet block, idk about its effects

>What if they didn't have a browsing history
WTF are they doing then?
>or if they had a dynamic IP?
Seriously user, they're able to track through that. And then some.


degenerate whore tax seems more applicable.

Can confirm. They can be just friends with us while they hookup with more attractive guys. Girls can hookup with guys more attractive than they are, so unattractive guys are kind of not needed for this purpose.
pls no tax

Big businesses should be taxed for every qualification they ask from an applicant. And this tax should be doubled, if they have a high turnover of employees.