Let's talk about niggers, folks

Let's talk about niggers, folks.

Why are they so fucking awful?

>Sitting at Wendy's
>Trying to eat my burger like a good American
>Two niggers come and sit down behind me and turn on some loud-ass rap music
>They attempt to rap along with the song, but they're loud as fuck
>One says "Nigga, we good as fuck at this rap thing, huh?"
>Three sheboons come and sit down at the table next to me
>Loudly talking about "Niggas be ruinin' Facebook wit they dumbass memes an shit"
>The five niggers begin to talk louder and louder in an effort to overpower each other
>Practically fucking shouting at this point
>Poor ol' elderly couple sitting next to me
>They're just trying to enjoy their salad and chicken nuggets in peace
>They look sad and defeated as fuck because they can't hear each other over the chimp noises

We need to band together, round up the niggers, and take them back to the jungle.
All we have to do is gather some shitty single-wide trailers, form little nigger communities (READ: Ghettos), and let them kill each other for stereos and shitty sneakers.

Nigger hate thread?


What state? For whatever reason, the Wendy's here in Houston are usually nigger free.

>eating out
>not just going through the drive-thru
>going to the nigger version of McD's
You had it coming, user.

>expecting civility at a fast food restaurant

I live in West Virginia. We have a pretty low nigger population, but it's pretty concentrated in my town. They've always got the fucking meanest, most sour look on their faces too.

But user! Don't you just like to sit quietly and dick around on Sup Forums?

I don't have this problem at fucking Chick-Fil-A. Do niggers like Chick-Fil-A?

Why can't white people eat real food?

>at Wendys in the first place

you belong with the niggers you disgusting piece of shit.

>sitting quietly and dicking around
Phone posting was a mistake, and anyway I could just do that at home from the comfort of my bedside laptop.
Real upright christian establishments drive off niggers. Family restaurants also don't have this issue unless your town is already planet of the apes.

dna makes a bigger difference than you think

I've wondered for a long time what the hell they're still doing here? Slavery ended a while back and they're still here. Why haven't we ever seen a serious repatriation movement? Marcus Garvey doesn't count since he was a buffoon. Is it just our gibs making it too comfy for them to stay?

We could pick out a relatively stable country in Atlantic west Africa like Angola with good geography and a decent climate and relative lack of HIV (for now) and subsidize repatriation. The US would provide political support and economic relief to that country making it all possible. Why hasn't this occurred to anyone but me?

>I've wondered for a long time what the hell they're still doing here?
Why are you white people still there?

M9 they've tried that and it's currently still a shithole.

>trying to eat my burger like a good American
But if you hate niggers so much you should probably donate some cash to the DNC. I like Trump and all, but Planned Parenthood, Rahm Emanuel, Public Schools, food stamps, welfare, CIA drugs are truely doing Gods work in thinning the herd, it was almost at the point of total implosion.

Hmm. Youre point is intrinsically invalid.

We won it.

>this meme
Niggers wouldn't know spicy if it hit them in the ass.. because they can't stand hot sauce.

Couldn't this situation apply to any race?

>__ sat behind me and did __ annoying thing
>loud and offensive behavior continues
>generally acting stupid
>other people annoyed

This could happen with any race or group of people, no? I've seen white people act exactly like this and black people act well mannered.

I'm not saying this behavior is rare for the black community, I see it constantly. But I also see whites and mostly Mexicans act the same way. I

'm just saying that this post is shit and meaningless and is simply a guy's blog entry.

That situation is almost always niggers you stupid faggot. Do you not live around any of them?

Wrong. Coat-hanger abortions kill 2 niggers with one stone. The child and the mom. Also, niglets at school can't shoot each other, and welfare is.. just bad.

I do and like I said I've seen blacks act this way a lot. But I still think it happens with plenty of other races too. It's more of shitty people being shitty.

Perhaps the large amount of blacks being raised in shitty environments skews it.

Still, this post just seems to convey hate and/or annoyance without addressing any real issues or solutions and generally seems meaningless discussion wise.

Unless your solution to a problem is kill everyone who causes that problem... In that case this thread is perfect...