All you US /poltards/ are going to jail!!!!
Hate Speech Unconstitutional!
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Amerifats BTFO!
Bring it on, Schlomo. My prison gang will put your head on a spike just outside of town.
>Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
I don't see "No hate speech" in there.
So I guess you get to decide the definition of truth for the rest of us now, huh?
Scared little people, hurt by words.
That's the left thinking beyond the sale. There is no such thing as hate speech, but that's because there's no such thing as hate crime.
If you use hate crime unironically you really don't belong here.
wtf i love niggers now
Who's speaking and to who? We are typing in sands of time. This is just comedy, relax. Nobody forced you to read.
top kek. I didn't know Ann said that.
>Later in the interview, she expressed amusement at her recollections of the Times' gratuitousness in publishing two photos of George H. W. Bush throwing up at a diplomatic meeting in Japan, then said: "Is your tape recorder running? Turn it on! I got something to say...My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building." Gurley told her to be careful, to which she responded "You’re right, after 9/11 I shouldn’t say that"
wtf I love Ann Coulter now
kek, don't we all wish that?
I would marry that woman, even if she is a spooky skellington
All speech is defended by the first amendment. I see nothing in it about "hate speech". Any laws infringing free speech are themselves unconstitutional, and therefore legally unenforceable.
>ITT:waiting to go to jail
WE have hate speecha laws in Spain and people can go into prision for making a fucking joke.
Sup Forums would be closed or private and all IPs invstigated for this "crime"
I'm black and I support hate speech.
What better way to identify ignorant people?
Let them speak freely... I don't want to have to go through the trouble of finding out what they're really thinking. I'd rather it be encouraged.
It could even improve race relations in that by speaking ignorantly people can easily destroy such narratives with facts/intelligence.
Oh and fuck niggers..
Niggers btw come in all skin tones and ethnic group. I channel Robert Byrd (ex KKK member turned congressman) :
There are white niggers too.
Oh, and fuck pussy ass niggas who can't handle it..
AMA (African american who supports hate speech)
The only speech that is illegal is speech that is threatening in nature, or is inciting mob violence.
>Governor trying to interpret the constitution
That's what the SCOTUS is for you fucking huck (cuck+hack)
if you say, "I hate niggers" to a friend, that's not inciting a riot, but if you were to say "kill all em' niggers!" to a violent mob, that's illegal.
>my feelings overrule your constitutional rights
Nah nigger
>I'm black and I support hate speech.
making us simpatice with you
>There are white niggers too.
The real message
Nice try Shariablue
Why is your race so full of useless fucks? Seriously.
I suspect you are not useless yourself, so I'd like your opinion on the matter.
t. Curious Fucking White Male
Go get a job you useless "white" nigger. Your unemployment rate is a goddamn embarrassment.
Just a black user whose secure.
You can AMA me if you'd like.
Not Shariablue. We exist.
Free speech is free speech. The freedom to say the shit people do or don't like.
I tried?
>Niggers btw come in all skin tones and ethnic group
literally the spanish word for black
>comes in all colours
also, do you hate the jews?
You failed. A better point would be the subjective nature of "hate speech" or better yet, the fact that the constitution does not allow for the limiting of any speech.
See hangover effects of slavery and unequal civil rights. When a people's language and culture is destroyed they lack a foundational identity of confidence. This is the reason why African immigrants do better than African Americans who descended from slaves.
Culture and identity get rebuilt over multiple generations. I think most modern psychologist time it at 1972+90 years (3 generations) resulting in 2062.
That being said, one can do things to accelerate this timeline. It's mainly a mentality, community, and confidence issues. It's all in one's head.
I've encountered racism on many levels. I just never let it hold me back as I see such people as ignorant and beneath me.
Feel free to ask me any more questions.
I agree,just drunk and angry. Wanted to make it more personal to him than subjective to everyone.
Hence my request for advice.
you hotep? if not, what do you think of those guys?
Still wait for you to get the liberal cop cock out of your nigger, kike loving mouth. Just go outside and see that's not happening and there's nothing in the hell you can do about it.
how do you explain police barricades at rallies of hate groups such as kkk and black panthers?
they stand next to people preaching hate and protect them from harm
Literally as long as you are not conveying criminal intent it's not illegal.
I know the people who commonly claim to be jews are not jews. I don't hate. It's a pointless emotion.
Knowing that the mass of fake 'jews' are liars, thieves, and con-artists removes their power and allows you to spot their ways from miles away.
They're gaining the earth at the sacrifice of their soul. The penalty they're going to pay is punishment enough.
>blaming the past for your current failures
If blacks were respectable people, they'd do something else gang bang and rob stores.
>(insert form of speech) is not protected by first amendment
What retard thinks this?
Beer came out with some snot.
The poster in pic is retarded.
Hate speech cannot be directed at a publishing company.
Yes, pleaaaase try to pass hate speech legislation in America, faggots. See how that goes for you.
((((((Hate))) speech))) doesn't exist.
thank you for the response blackanon.
Best of luck to you in the future
Hi black user. If all the nations of the world agreed to take all non blacks out of Africa and send all blacks to Africa and support the development of the entire continent financially and materially (assuming they would actually follow through, hypothetical obviously) would you support it and how or how not would it improve the black situation?
objectively wrong
That's funny, because it actually legally IS protected by the first amendment. Howard Dean is a huge faggot.
Just looked up 'hotep'. First time hearing it. It means : "to be at peace".
Yeah sure, you no longer 'suffer' when you understand the cause and reason for it. Life is a journey, i'm just a traveler passing through.
> what do you think of those guys?
Hotep, enlightened, zen .. I guess there's many words to describe being at peace with your experience... It's really an amazing state of mind. You can eat all the red-pills you like and understand the state of mind of blue-pilled people without it staring you much. You get to shape your own experience amidst the chaos.
>removes their power
hmm, they still seem to own the media, the government, publishing, banking, hollywood, music industry etc
were you aware that jews dominated the slave trade and used their media power to pin the blame on Whites to try and make them feel guilty?
they even boast about it in their own history books
check out farrakhan, or david duke
'it' doesn't even exist. Hate speech is just a bullshit phrase they use to shout down right wing rhetoric. It's no different than 'racist'.
That said, I hope they pursue this. Go ahead democrats, anger the white man even more than you are currently. See how that works out!
Ok Howard. So no problem if we start arresting imams who preach hate?
There are no absolutes. History is history. It's impact on generations is proven science.
I can state that fact, understand its effects on me, without letting it hold me back. It's actually by truly understanding how the past impacts the present that allows you to rise above.
There are numerous respectable black people. There are numerous black niggers who gang bang and rob stores.
There are numerous respectable white people.
There are numerous white niggers who plunder the world for billions, trillions, and gang bang women, children, and innocent people.
What do you want me to say to that?
Niggers of all ethnic groups my friend.
Respectable people of all ethnic groups.
Just because the shit white niggers due is institutionalized doesn't make it any different than the nigger shit black people do on the streets.
I'm a black and I feel the same way.
I'll take it one step further; I believe that stores should be allowed to deny service to you for any reason including race and also any race should be allowed to form their own segregated communities if they purchase, say a small town or a bunch of land in the country, and deny any race or group of people they want from living in said town they build.
>fake 'jews'
so they're jew-ish?
You're probably a decent guy, but you just need to accept that black people have never built a meaningful civilization. There's a handful of empires built around slave trade and other little things like that, but nothing substantial. And sure, there are some intelligent, respectable blacks, but a society is made up of numerous individuals. In general, black simply don't have the genetics to form a society or succeed in one as a whole. You will always be a drain.
What do you think this achieves? I have a dark skin tone. I'm educated, respectable, and hard working. Me and my family grew up as legal citizens in the U.S. I'm a U.S citizen just as any other light skinned American is. My culture is American. What is achieved by sending me to a foreign land and a foreign culture?
I don't think it would improve the situation.
The cultural identity was stripped long ago and African Americans are working to reconstruct their identity in American based on layers of American foundation...
Sending them to Africa after so many layers has been established would cause a reset to ground level.
The real issue is that we have no true leadership in this country. I think people of all ethnic groups and skin tones suffer as a result. We have a bunch of liars, thieves, and faggots who aren't aiming to truly solve problems... That's the root issue. Want to solve race relations? Get someone who isn't a faggot the mic to talk about the real issues.
yea hes not on the supreme court so he can go fuck himself. hes probably to busy sucking nigger dicks to think straight.
its probably the combination of aids and all ways being on his knees affecting his circulation to his upper body making act like a faggot
Hate speech doesnt exist.
You take Sup Forums way too seriously m8, grow thicker skin.
lol. By his own logic he can't say anything bad about the North Vietnamese that killed his brother.
> hmm, they still seem to own the media, the government, publishing, banking, hollywood, music industry etc
There's a lot of stuff they don't own. They don't own your mind. They don't own your vote. They don't own your free will. They can only 'influence' it if you're dumb enough to let them.
> Media ..
Most of their shit propaganda is exactly that. Those that consume it willingly when there are other options are accountable for their fall
> Government, publishing, banking, music industry
Yeah, and people vote for them. Were in a democracy. It fails when you fail to realize your power in shaping things.
The average pleb begged for bailouts. Average plebs support it.. So they get abused
There's tons of non-false jew music. You have to seek the quality amidst the trash.
> were you aware that jews dominated the slave trade and used their media power to pin the blame on Whites to try and make them feel guilty?
Yes, I am fully aware. The false-jew is quite the snake
> they even boast about it in their own history books
Thankfully we live in the age of information. It really is, more than ever, on the individual to commit to seeking truth and understanding. A lot are going to be done for having not when it is literally at their finger tips.
Any speech that is black humor, cynisism, parody, or said in anger without serious intent behind it is HATE SPEECH and youre going to BADMAN JAIL!! RAAAAAUUUGHHHH!!.
he's getting blasted in the twitter comments lmao
Denying x,y,z based on how much melanin someone has in their skin is ignorant and against nature. I don't support such dickhead shit. Causing conflicts with nature results in conflicts and destruction.
The denial of service can instead be based on non-skin tone rules :
> Don't act like a fuckn nigger in my store
> Pay for the service
> Don't be a loud asshole
> Don't disrupt other customers
> Etc
This solves the root issue.
Half the people on here are white nigglets.
White trash fucks in the ranch house drinking Miller Lite.
Angry white puss with his one little boy in his FB pics because he wife left his sorry underwear-stained, one-minute, limp three-incher.
Fucking grunting neanderthal assholes who hate their family and hang out in a garage or shed.
Fat fucking midwestern MAGA manlets with no fucking girlfriend ever
Bored idiots who've adopted paganism or whatever the fuck esoteric bullshit they're using to pre-occupy their three brain cells since growing out of Nintendo addiction
the rest are manlet Mexicans and Asians. Also niggers.
Hate speech to Liberals is saying you prefer vanilla pudding to chocolate these days
>You're probably a decent guy, but you just need to accept that black people have never built a meaningful civilization.
I don't accept lies. I am far too educated to accept such nonsense. If you want to debate that, I'd be more than happy to drop MOAB level red pills down your throat. The Homo-sapien blood line derived from the African continent. The one that you see all around you currently. The Neanderthal blood line went extinct some time ago. They inhabited what is now known as Europe. So, per your blood, you're actually a nigger. Feel free to source anything you can find to contest that.
> In general, black simply don't have the genetics to form a society or succeed in one as a whole. You will always be a drain.
Please don't try to push that nonsense on me. The modern human = Homo Sapien.
Surely you haven't hit all the types yet. Why did you stop so soon?
I take /pol however I like to take pol. Why so serious leaf?
OK, now you're just being willfully ignorant and disregarding the facts. Blacks and eurasians were separated by tens of thousands of years and evolved differently in different environments. Don't pretend we're all equal and the same.
Post sources. I'd love to debate you. Maybe I should create a mother of all BTFO threads to shut every piece of nonsense that gets spread around here down.
All you have stated so far is a misinformed opinion. No matter how many times you repeat it, it doesn't become a fact.
* Believing that you're superior because you have some surface level attribute differences is a sad way to live life my friend.
Having a dissenting opinion is not hate speech
Just because you get ass-blasted over it does not make it hate speech
so islam can be banned?
>howard dean
Created an AMA thread :
>> 122080477
Lets get it going.
*settles in
>A connection between a version of the monoamine oxidase A gene (3R) and several types of antisocial behavior has been found. Maltreated children with genes causing high levels of MAO-A were less likely to develop antisocial behavior.[24] Low MAO-A activity in combination with abuse experienced during childhood results in an increased risk of aggressive behaviour as an adult,[25] and there is evidence suggesting that men with the low activity MAOA allele are more genetically vulnerable even to punitive discipline as a predictor of antisocial behaviour.[26] High testosterone, maternal tobacco smoking during pregnancy, poor material living standards, dropping out of school, and low IQ also predicts violent behavior in men with the low-activity alleles (which are overwhelmingly the 3R allele).[27][28]
>34% of Caucasian men carried the 3R allele, while 5.5% of Black men, 0.1% of Caucasian men, and 0.00067% of Asian men carried the 2R allele.
Just one of the many differences.
>ctrl f: hate speech
>not found
Fuck you
hate speech is a social construct
SJWs considered anything that doesn't align with their views to be hostile threatening speech.
The Supreme Court has already ruled that "hate speech" (whatever that means) is in fact protected by the First Amendment.
Opinion written by based Justice Scalia, no less.
>We have a bunch of liars, thieves, and faggots
yes, and they are the ones that brought you here and agitated you against the Whites, and are also bringing a tsunami of spics
the end goal is to wipe out Whites, are you for or against this?
>They don't own your mind. They don't own your vote. They don't own your free will. They can only 'influence' it if you're dumb enough to let them
well obviously, not mine, but they still control the masses
>Yeah, and people vote for them. Were in a democracy
is they have both sides in their pockets, how is that democracy?
The march towards despotic global socialism never looked so interesting
>The Neanderthal blood line went extinct some time ago. They inhabited what is now known as Europe. So, per your blood, you're actually a nigger
Every race but for blacks have 1-4% neanderthal DNA. Are we even the same species?
that difference is around the same as with chimps. humans share 98% dna with chimps
finally, do you really believe that skin tone/facial features are the only differences between the races?
did you know that Whites spend on average 1 week longer in the womb?
google black white gestation
Hate Speech is supposed to be speech that causes a strong reaction. Liberals are so fragile that of course anything that is slightly outside their narrow world view evokes a strong reaction from them.
The problem is that (((they))) are deciding what is hate speech. Just like those crazy Antifa people decide anyone they don't like is a Nazi, as it gives them (at least in their minds) justification to attack them.
you are dumb
Something called the "clear and present danger," or Brandenburg, test.
It protects hate speech unless it is literally a credible call for immediate violence which will certainly be acted upon.
you're a literal shitskin.
"She married Howard Dean in 1981. They have two children, Paul and Anne, both of whom have been raised in the Jewish faith.[1]"
The of the press part needs to be removed. Those fucking kikes got it put in there because they owned all the newspapers.
(((White niggers)))
Next step
>free speech is unconstitutional
Why are more people not calling out the left for being so anti-free speech?