Spot the testosterone

Spot the testosterone

protip, you can't

So brave to stand up against nazism

Genetic dead ends that wish to destroy Western Civilization. Get the helicopters


>Burn Israel Burn
>No Nazi tho

Oh okay

Have some more antifa.

Antifa are literally establishment goons, like henchmen from old movies.


>swallow tattoo on face
That faggot has never spent time in jail.

Least it'll stop him ever getting a job tho.

They look fine dude. Im sure you are overweight and have a huge nose and a genetically busted face and a micro penis

It's uncanny how much they resemble "skin heads"

Not implying "duh left iz da reel fashests xxDDDDDDDD"

>tfw this is what it's come to
sad day to be a scandi


>all naked

Lots of estrogen there, tho.


>this isn't a vagina

those guys look to be in shape and don't look retarded

Pro tip you can, no hairs on arms -> lack of testosterone.

>look like skinheads
No, they are TRYING to look like skinheads.

They are out of shape, low-T, pussy bois.

If you are fooled by their pathetic attempts you must be some major weeny material

Antifa are the skinheads these days.


Skin heads and antifascists came out of the same punk movement. It was all about throwing a tantrum and shocking the "establishment" by making edgy political statements, all orchestrated by some creepy Jew in the background. Not much has changed.