The level of retardation and virtue signaling from the left, has pushed me from being to the right of Marx, listening to bullshit from The Young Turks to wanting to punch hairy sluts, illegal immigrants and people who come to this country (fucking America), or anyone who doesn't hold western values.
Being new on this side,
What the fuck do I do now?
Ex lefty
>wanting to punch hairy sluts, illegal immigrants and people who come to this country
nice try antifag
Try reading some books instead if being a violent manchild. We don't need people who will just drag us down.
>The major writings by Locke/Burke/Hobbes
>Anything by Thomas Sowell
>Ben Shapiro's near-daily podcast
>At least two news sources, one on the left and one on the right
>dont follow ecelebs or "podcasts" because theyre all Israeli controlled opposition
>realize you're now the minority in a Jew controlled world secretly operating under Globalism/Zionism while maintaining a democratic front
>avoid nihilism -- its not too late to save your People
>remember the Matrix still has you
Don't punch anyone unless they punch you first.
We're the side of law and order. That's why we want illegals to go back to their home countries.
BING BONG BING so simple.
I'll start on the books. I've been listening to Bens podcast. Been looking at Rebel Media but I see you guys have a divide on it. Still get news updates from my phone from mainstream.
What about Ben Shapiro or Sam Harris (mostly about his view on islam)
I get that. Just boils the blood when an asshole is yelling at a veteran in a wheelchair. Or that fucking guy and his bike lock.
fuck off you pathetic faggot, call yourselves anarchists but you need to be protected and organized by the state
>Ben Shapiro's near-daily podcast
Nice try, ((((((neocon))))))) kike shill. Might as well recommend him ((((((((BILL KRISTOOOOOOL))))))))
I don't agree with Shapiro on everything, but he has a set of principles which he applies evenly, rather than just clinging to a political party and sucking their dicks constantly, unlike (seemingly) everyone else. He also has a lot of legal knowledge and does good guest interviews.
His extreme Jewishness is probably his worst quality - he's overly generous to Israel and his 'bible talk' segments are by far his weakest. I would prefer a secular Shapiro, but I'm not aware of one.
Fuck this shilling bullshit. (((Ben Shapiro))), (((Sam Harris))), etc. THERE ARE NO GOOD JEWS. This is now a red pill thread about them.
(((((Ben Shapirooooooo)))))), Rebel Media by ((((((((EZRA LEVAAAAANT))))), (((((((SAM HAAAAAAARRIS)))))), (((((((((ANDREW KLAVAAAAAN)))))))))) et al are controlled opposition to keep the bad goyim from drifting into ideas that threaten their grip on western civilization.
the (((COHENcidences))) never end
Kill yourself. Your idiot president got elected on a fluke. You're already outnumbered by the math of future brown births, women are going to cuck you hard for the next century in all economic sectors, the elites will never let you be anything but a helpless piece of human capital meat and you're probably a fucking short manlet or single dad because you're so full of rage.
Face it -- you're the same as Antifa. You're fighting over the fucking scraps that have been left for you because you were too asleep to protect your asshole.
Um, try reading and watching something that's actually reality-based. Not the shill shake of the right. You know they're all actors, just trying to get your views, right?
Read about fascism, national socialism, Hoppean libertarianism, etc. to get an idea of what the ultimate goal is, the rest is a matter of gathering the requisite knowledge to prove your points to others. Eventually be prepared to mobilize irl. Basically read some books and don't be a nigger.
Watch 'The Greatest Story Never Told'. Yes, the entire thing.
>I'll start on the books.
Since you're a former leftist, read Prussianism and Socialism by Oswald Spengler. Not everyone here is a shill for ((((CAPITALISM)))).
>This is profound to non-whites
>Ben Shapiro
>Sam Harris
Books are for fags. Get on Twitter and call Bill Kristol a kike.