For Catholics, Coptics, Anglicans, Orthodox, and Protestants alike, we are all brothers and sisters in Christ.
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For Catholics, Coptics, Anglicans, Orthodox, and Protestants alike, we are all brothers and sisters in Christ.
Previous Thread: Bible:
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This guy is live streaming on YouTube now. He is exposing all the abomonations against God. Go and give him money.
This is his livestream!
What would the plot/gameplay of this vidya game be?
>future post-automation society
>atheism and decadence runs rampant
>Christianity is basically dead
>no one can find joy or meaning in life anymore
>girl finds old dusty Bible
>reads through it, becomes a Christian
>decides to spread the gospel to all the miserable people in the world
>devil tries to stop her with 8 bit demons, she prays her enemies to death with faith
he looks like a faggot
Kikes are at it again
>tfw Jewish and Christ-Chan will never be your waifu
>"The Little Hours is an American comedy film written and directed by Jeff Baena"
>"How many nice Jewish boys from Miami make it big in Hollywood? And how many of those get to write and direct a star-studded zombie movie as their first big gig? Enter 37-year-old Coral Gables native Jeff Baena."
Surprise! The guy who made this was Jewish.
you can Convert, otherwise she would never date anyone who hates Christ as much as your people
Are journeying fedoras allowed to hang out in this thread?
>Not locating the last remaining bishop, emaciated, but alive, preserved in a ruined cathedral beneath the city, to anoint a new one and thus preserve apostolic succession
as long as you dont reeee about bad things in the bible
Where my Orthodox niggas at
Are you a religious Jew or simply an ethnic Jew?
>needing a bishop to spread the word of God
>thinking that a bishop would anoint a women
>She has party members she converts, obviously them
>But those sacraments user....
Ethnic and somewhat religious
>using any sacraments not used in the Bible
>needing a bishop at all
Don't be silly, user.
>tfw your church has no Eucharist
>thinking Protestants don't have the Eucharist
Never cling to a religion for traditional reasons. Do not cling to it because it is a sentimental thing. Sentimentality can be a form of idolotry. If you do not have empiracal theosophical evidence to support your religion, its time to get serious and start seeking the Lord for the true path. Many Christians need to learn this. Alot of them in my country are only christians because they were born into a christian family and raised in church. However, when it comes time for their faith to be tested they do not even have proper knowledge of theological matters, and they have not cultived spiritual fruit.
That is straw man; don't be fooled user, Transubstantiation is not a thing.
>apparently the Eucharist isn't a Eucharist unless it's served in authentic medieval cups from the Roman Empire.
But those Eucharistic Miracles user...
Is that a pile of shit in a cup?
>While they were eating, Jesus took bread, spoke a blessing and broke it, and gave it to the disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is My body.” Then He took the cup, gave thanks and gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. This is My blood of the covenant,d which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.
>"Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you; he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him"
>Nah man we just drink grape juice and crackers to remember Christ
>we just drink grape juice and crackers to remember Christ
>this is what he actually believes
Blasphemer. I hope I wouldn't need a stake, but I add another to the list.
Blood and heart tissue is better then symbolic wine in dixie cups, friend.
>Blood and heart tissue
Is that real blood and heart tissue? It just looked like someone took a crap in a cup to me.
You did eat the heart and drink the blood though, yes?
Interesting argument, that may actually hold some understandible compulsion. Most dissenters would argue that transubstantiation simply does not exist like I just stated, and they would claim that all of those documented miracles are just hoaxes. However, I think I may be able to propose an explination. Let me ask you, do you believe in the possibility of demonic poltergeist activit? I am assuming that you might believe in such things given that you obviously believe in Miracles. I believe in miracles too! But it is my view that the Catholic tradition is not of God, and actually facilitates much deception, and as a result demonic activity. I know this may sound offensive, but I think it may be possible that those 'miracles' are real, but they are administered by demon spirits.
Tests done on it seem to imply yes, it is blood and heart tissue.
Cool. So you ate the heart and drank the blood, I presume?
>NCV translation
never heard of it, just googled it
>The New Century Version (NCV) is an English translation of the Bible with roots extending to the English Version for the Deaf (EVD)
why do deaf people need a special version?
what's up with that?
they just gave protestants the same treatment.
Eucharistic miracles are understood as supplementary miracles, they do not render a the substance any more the Blood and Body of Christ as anything other instance of Eucharist, but merely further evidence of the same underlining Truth.
I do belive in in supernatural activities, good and bad. The question of whether an apparent supernatural event is the product of food or evil is a tricky issue, and one people have to carefully consider. Generally, one main point of consideration is whether the fruit of the event is good. This is a bit of draw, as you obviously view the church as heretical, it lending credibility to it would seem to you demonic. I would naturally be the opposite, the Church is the truth, and this supports it, and thus is good.
You do realize you may have just called the body and blood of Christ a pile of shit
It's preserved in a jar from the 8th century
That pisses me off too, as much as I disagree with and make fun of protestants they are Christian
Yeah but we Catholics are the one true church.
At Mass? Yes. That particular example of the Eucharist, ah, no, not that one.
>It's preserved in a jar from the 8th century
Why would you preserve it? Why didn't they eat and drink it at the time?
half of the one true church
that Catholic one pissed me off, couldn't even finish it. but this Brimstone one looked to have been higher budget, it had dakota fanning and that John Snow guy from game of thrones.
>thinking the Catholics and Orthodox are bros
>Daily reminder the filioque doesn't invalidate the old creed, which says "proceeds from the Father" not "proceeds exclusively from the Father"
that said I wish the two could get over their tiff
>a prottie is telling me about the relationship between the apostolic churches
It's pretty much impossible to mend the schism at this point.
Can somebody recommend me Christian literature and stuff for spirituality? I'm reading Augustine's confessions right now and I'm really liking it
Drop whatever you're doing and read Soren Kierkegaard- Fear and Trembling right now.
Like beginner stuff or something more advanced?
Let's not forget about the friendliness the See of Peter has with the See of Mark!
I'd say probably more beginner stuff but I'd also like to know what I could read later on when I'm more advanced
Thanks I'll definitely check this out.
I'd say for beginner by far Mere Christianity by CS Lewis is a must read. Hell even people who have been Christian for ages I tell people to read it if they haven't. It was definitely a book that helped me fight doubts I had about the faith.
>It's pretty much impossible to mend the schism at this point.
And that makes me sad because I can't decide between Orthodoxy and Catholicism.
Orthodoxy is the safer bet
the doodle series on youtube covers the chapters and are pretty good readings of it if you don't wanna go buy a book.
here's a good passage on sexual morality
>not an argument
Well Christ would probably want you to follow the one He founded on Saint Peter...
>hasn't changed as much as the Catholic church
>not subject to a single person like Francis screwing things up
>Catholics like Orthodox, but Orthodox hates Catholics, so even if you're an Orthodox the Catholics will still like you and believe that you are saved.
Not really an argument.
(neither is Matthew 16:18-19)
I'd agree actually since I grew up going to Ukrainian Catholic mass which is done in the byzantine rite which is basically orthodox and I also occasionally went to Roman Catholic mass but I found the byzantine (orthodox) rite to be much more solemn and spiritual
Orthodox have apostolic succession too.
Orthodox don't really Catholics that much. At most they'll note that they believe Catholics to be in error but I think the hostility is over exaggerated.
>but I think the hostility is over exaggerated.
not really
Orthodox tend to view the Catholics how the Catholics view the Protestants. In the words on an Orthodox user I met, "Catholics really underestimate how much they've changed"
Take the pagan pill and embrace your folkways my fellow aryans
Oh they do but I find that Orthodox hostility to Catholics is nowhere near as severe or harsh as Catholic hostility to Protestants or Protestant hostility to Catholics.
I'm in between denominations as well and I'm leaning orthodox.
>No modernism (ie. Vatican I and II)
>only first 7 ecunumrical councils are dogma
>maintains the structure of the early church
>no pope figure, power is divide among churches, with one leader as first among equals
>apostolic church (the Antiochan church was founded by St. Peter as well so Catholics don't have full claim to the Peter)
>in confession you confess directly to Christ while guided by a priest, instead of confessing to priest
>Priests look like wizards
it would be Deus Ex 1 and 2 as the female protag nonlethal the whole game.
I listened to the entire king james bible on audio book dramatized
ask me anything
You can't look inside of yourself and say,"Thor (or any other pagan "deity") exists!" without the statement being an internal lie.
Especially when Pagan Mythology is plain illogical. You can't say that you REALLY believe that horses named Árvakr and Alsviðr drag a chariot containing the sun across the sky, causing it to rise and set. It is just absurd!
>how do you worship Thor? is he like in the sky or something LMAO????
Your god was killed by my God
If you leave Baptists off the list one more time...
That wasn't even my argument.
>For Catholics, Coptics, Anglicans, Orthodox, and Protestants alike, we are all brothers and sisters in Christ.
Baptists are Protestants.
>special snowflake protestants acting like special snowflakes
More news at 11
You are literally revering a JEWISH god from the desert
I have to admit I like that they separate the Anglicans from the other Protestants since they're like a Catholic-Protestant hybrid. Anglo-Catholics like CS Lewis seem like great people.
Yeah, but the difference is he exists.
I'm a Southern Baptist, I don't really enjoy the label Protestant in that being grouped in with mormons/jehovah witness and other psuedo-papist non-sola fide/scriptura faiths offends me... but it's w/e.
>God is from the desert
>God is ethnic
I can't blame you for wanting to worship Thor. +1 to Nature checks is handy when your're sodomizing boys in the woods
Hello friends, do any born again anons know any good sermons? I'm a new Christian and I don't know where to start
Do Baptists actually believe that they are the original church aren't protestant?
1 Timothy 2:4
>who desires ALL men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Tell me, you choose to be Pagan as a way to reaching to your ancestors, right? (atleast that is the excuse for most Pagans)
Can you think of a single ancestor of yours who was Pagan? Now, think of how many were Christian.
You see my point.
Right here! Tons of 'em! Also music like you've never heard!
Protestant is basically just anything that isn't Catholicism or Orthodoxy for most people. The op would be typing all week if he had to list every Christian denomination individually.
Well, the main reason why they are separated, I assume, is that Anglicans aren't so much in "protest" of the Catholic Church, they are just in Schism. Protestant is a term reserved for those in schism due to their protest, mainly due to theological differences.
>insert george constanza face
Ah, i've see you've been jewed by (((Greenberg))) and his unbiased view on pre christian European religion
My ancestors were all pagan up until around 900 years ago. I come from northern Sweden you see. My ancestors were pagans for millenia.
The Syriac Catholics and Syriac Orthodox seem to get along. That may be due to necessity however.
I second ,but also, the LDS Movement and Jehovah's Witnesses are not Protestant, they are restorationist.
thanks man
JWs and Mormons are both Millenarian sects which are not actually identfiable with historical Protestantism in any meaningful way desu.
why did they grab swords like that sometimes?
Well Anglicans had their issues with the Catholic Church even before Henry VIII split them off over divorce. Anglicanism is pretty fascinating though. I wish to an Anglo-Catholic service and it's definitely interesting how elements of Catholicism, Orthodoxy, and Protestantism all blend together into it's own identity.
I agree in that first an foremost we aren't Papists, but there are many main-line Protestant churches that have bishops, confession, and many of the same idolotries and worship of saints/mary that offend us. They are basically papists that just didn't want to bow to Rome but recreate it. Then there are the 'protestants' that don't even hold Jesus as Lord like mormons/j.w.
There really needs to either be a name for those evangelicals that have believer Baptism and sola scriptura/sola fide. That's a clear dividing line that isn't necessarily Baptist exclusive, but is well defined and Biblically defensible.