Why can't Iran have nuclear weapons?

Why can't Iran have nuclear weapons?

Let me guess...Affluenza?

Because they're muslims. Only whites and Asians are allowed to have nukes.

explain india and pakistan

Why do you think? They'd use it against Israel.

UK fucked up bad but we can't put the genie back in the bottle

The kikes don't want them to.

because it completely changes the strategic balance of power, my countryman

Good question. They've been threatened with a nuclear first strike by the only country amoral enough to have actually used the damned things.
You'd think a country and culture that markets guns to children and has ethical issues keeping guns out of the hands of literal retards and psychos would somehow be a bit sympathetic to their situation.

Dude. Pakistan's nuclear programme is literally called The Islamic Bomb.

Because of this kind of shit

Oy Vey Goy, it's like 101 brainwashing, they are the evil side of the axis of evil, I mean they literally want to wipe Nethaniahu ass.

The Ayatollah Sean Connery.

Get the fuck out of here. Israel is the hostile and hotheaded country in that region, not Iran.

>sandniggers should have nukes because americans have guns xD checkmate racists

Ahh Sweden. Poor, poor Sweden.

Because they want their oil, and a nuclear weapon will mean that can't get their oil.

Nuclear weapons would allow their conventional military forces to operate with impunity in the region under the protection of a nuclear umbrella.

> muslim
> bomb
pick one

Because they don't exist.

>Sean Connery became the ayatollah of Iran
Shit, what timeline is this?

Why do you have to ask these silly questions goy?

Geopolitics like everything external when you look under the surface. They want to control the middle east with an islamic union. Other powers want to also control the middle east, therefore they won't let them develop one.