INDONESIANS are peop...

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There's mines like that in North America too.

Indonesia is full of Chinese don't let the Muslim names fool you. Their pursuit of profit would even put a Jew to shame.

Can you prove that you don't partly provide the demand that encourages and sustains such behavior?

This is a copper and gold mine. These metals have special properties that make them very useful in electronics.

We need to have a better understanding of how what we buy is made, or this shit will continue in whichever 3rd world shithole loses their seat in globalist economic musical chairs.

The highest mountains in North America are being turned into giant open pit mines?

Yeah fuck mountains. Never did me any good

There's a lot getting torn up in West Virginia. Look at a satellite view and you can see the holes.

I understand the need and the process, and support it.

Hell, open air mines are probably the best type. Sure, you leave a big hole in the ground, but you don't have to worry about a bunch of holes in the ground catching fire, or collapsing.

Environmentally it's not the best option, but there are certainly worse mining methods. At least this one is efficient.

>West Virginia
>highest mountains

pick neither


Burning since 1962

>you don't have to worry about a bunch of holes in the ground catching fire, or collapsing.

Centrailia pls

This is correct sir.

Besides fracking it's also worse.

That was my point. Centralia is a strip mine.

Oldest mountains. Anyway why do you think we should tear down everything but the top 10 highest mountains?

Have you been to Kansas? That place fucking sucks

>Environmentally it's not the best option
It's fucking disastrous. These mines are to get at heavy metals. You dig them up, they get dumped into retainment pools like that beautiful turquoise pool in OP's image at the bottom right filled with Cu and all sorts of nasty other stuff. Not to mention the destruction of the mountain, landscape, and habitat. That shit is usually in a pond that cuts corners. Think of ponds in CO, TN, and NC that have busted (the later being coal ash ponds).

You think an open pit mine would do the same? The seams go underground.


The second largest, and deepest strip mine in the world is right next to Salt Lake. It's for copper.

>oldest mountains

>Have you been to Kansas? That place fucking sucks

I've been to Karney or however the fuck you spell it. It was nothing but a few grain silos and I-80. Hands down the worst place I've ever visited in the US and I've been to North Dakota

>Many scientists also believe that the Appalachian Mountains are the oldest mountains in the world

Jewgle it

The fires go out relatively quickly when you have a convection path to open air. The Centralia mine burns for so long because of restricted airflow.

That's also why there's so much CO around. A sufficiently aerated environment would yield CO2. CO is highly reactive, which has a lot to do with why it's so toxic, but without oxygen it can't react to form something safe.

A few strategically drilled holes could cut the centralia fire's burn time down by hundreds of years.

My bad, actually never been to Kansas. I was thinking Nebraska. So to answer your original question: No

Literally can't distinguish that from West Virginia

Pic related is in Utah.

Kansas = Nebraska. North Dakota does have some interesting parts from what I remember


Also, about a third of the air pollution we have in Utah comes directly from the mine.

I see nothing wrong with mining.

Who gives a shit. It's their mountain and as long as they don't pollute the air for the rest of us they can do whatever they want with it. Personally I'd mine that motherfucker too.

Americans aren't people either. What's your point?

There is no reason to mine coal anymore, thought, so coal seam files are a moot point. We should be moving towards renewable energy sources. If we have to dig anything out of the ground, we might as well make sure that it can be put to use for a long time and recycled.

just outside marquette, mi