For Fucks sake finally Happening?
Other urls found in this thread:
blah blah blah
They have said before that they will not support NK. They are most likely ready to destroy all traces of NK refugees.
H-6 fleet is on combat alert.
No one knows why.
China is going to invade NK before we do so they can turn it into a puppet state or just strait annex it for all that coal.
>mercenaries 1 & 2 going to happen irl back to back
Where's the Russian mob faction?
So what? If any military should be precieved as a threat than America would be guilty every day.
People will lose their shit over this, meanwhile the us is bombing 5 different countries and has military bases all over the world
Darn, looks like seven airfields effected by alert are sprea out across China and not in the Northeastern part of China along NK border...it's drills and exercises.
The coal but also all dem rare earth minerals.
Squatting behind the bushes.
Mark my words:
China is going to Finlandize North Korea. Wouldn't be surprised if they coordinated a coup and replaced him with someone from the military, who doesn't happen to be schizophrenic. They still keep their satellite state, buffer between US/South Korea, and open up a new market for Chinese goods.
They made a new Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.
China gets Korea, Russia gets Finland.
probably smuggling refugees and the last batches of north korean made meth
Everyone on the high command it's insane by now.
Besides that it sounds reasonable.
>"rare" earth minerals
Wew kiddo.
The long term plan is to make China wealthy, so then companies will leave back to the US. Plus Latin America is beyond repair unless they all have civil wars, so they are also out of the question. 64D Yahtzee
They carry anti-ship missiles, you know?
>finally Happening
The Board Who Cried Happening :^)
I wish these shitty threads would get banned onsite, but I guess putting them on autosage is a start.
>Board Who Cried Happening
>Not knowing the happening eternal
Get Ahmed's dick out of your mouth for a second and read.