Literally BBC.
Other urls found in this thread:
Big Black Couch
I don't get it
Why art is so focused on being shocking now
Do you have ADHD
I went to an "elite" art school. They are only interested in subversion and shock. Beauty and sincerity are looked down upon as trite and kitschy.
Although I think I know the answer I'll still ask.
How braindead are the professors and stundents on average?
Art to me is the aesthetics of endeavor. There is no motivation for crafting penis-shaped lounge furniture that makes it rise to the threshold of endeavor.
THIS is fucking ART:
Honestly, it's a mix. There are a lot of high IQs, but as we know, that doesn't always guarantee lucidity. I would say a lot of the kids come in as normal, promising young people but the brainwashing is aggressive and effective. Professors are mostly crazy. Like legit crazy. But interesting.
The artists who make these were the kids who always drew dicks in their textbooks, but they never grew out of it and eventually started to think it was real art
And on another note, if I may ask, what exactly does one do all day at art school?
Is it nothing else but "pay 30k a year to draw deviantart tier bullshit and circlejerk all day" or do you actually learn how to art?
I don't believe art requires a functional purpose, but I do believe that art, engineering, and endeavor, as you put it, intersect often.
If you go to a good school, you learn a ton. Art history, weekly six hour drawing workshops, visiting artist workshops, visits to studios and museums, tons of practice and honing of skills, peer and professor critique. At a good school, you'll get out of it what you put in.
>I went to an "Elite" art school
Did they teach you how to double-bag mclarge orders?
art isn't aesthetics.
art is a way to communicate emotions through a craft. Intent is required too, so shit like "it's up to you to see what you want" modern shit isn't art.
I got my master's degree there, and landed a high-paying job upon graduating. My program accepted 12 students out of 1,000 applicants in my year.
Aesthetics can be part of art.
"Modern Art" is so degenerate.
>tfw architect so I get to make A E S T H E T I C things that actually serve a basic human purpose
does this hurt your cuck feelings?
Like many other stages in physical art history, this is being labeled as "unappealing" and "not art". It's the next stage in art: completely unintelligible and not ÆSTHETIC.
I'm a faithful married woman, so no.
cultural marxists will defend this
In the art world you get points for anything impossible to understand (because it conveys nothing) and also for exuding as much of an air of not giving a shit about anything as possible, both in your work and in your persona, especially in how you treat others.
Yeah, I don't get it, either.
Terribly sorry. Other guy is an uncultured degenerate. He meant how to double-bag Whoppers
Reminds me of...
No matter what you do, if you do it naked it's art.
Someone please tell me that's a woman's head photoshopped on a man's body
Especially if you're a woman and you incorporate your own menstrual blood.
It is art. It's God's masterpiece.
this is why i always poop naked.
Only if they're unattractive.
>I have to fund NPR because ???
I know a lot of anons like that shit but all of its politics are progressive.
Funny, in my country "elite" is the name of a brand of toilet paper.
The funny part is that your diploma is worth as much as toilet paper.
Do you still work in the art world?
Obligatory post on Rodger Scunton's Why Beauty Matters (why modern art is rubbish)
That's allah.
(((elite art school)))
Fucking plane geek
Or if something comes out of a vagina it's as well called "art"
Did you notice I put the word "elite" in quotations, user? This is because I am aware of the pretentiousness of academia.
Still, is your toilet paper worth 270k a year? Because that's how much my husband makes, and he graduated from the same school.
Not anymore, I got sick of the bullshit and we decided to start our family, so I'm home with my kids.
tits or gtfo
Jesus christ Sven, you even got that antonov to get you more somalis.
Considering that a nigger without studies working at McDonalds makes more in USA than a career engineer in Argentina I wouldn't laugh so much
t. PeruANO in Argentina
>why would anyone just post lies on the Internet?
>what is irony
People post lies on the internet all the time, but I'm not LARPing. My husband is insanely talented and makes a lot of money working for a huge (((media and entertainment))) corporation.
>[[[modern art]]]
One of the best definitions of art I have encountered was written by Jung.
>The creative process, so far as we are able to follow it at all, consists in the unconscious activation of an archetypal image, and in elaborating and shaping this image into the finished work. By giving it shape, the artist translates it into the language of the present, and so makes it possible for us to find our way back to the deepest springs of life. Therein lies the social significance of art: it is constantly at work educating the spirit of the age, conjuring up the forms in which the age is most lacking. The unsatisfied yearning of the artist reaches back to the primordial image in the unconscious which is best fitted to compensate the inadequacy and one-sidedness of the present. The artist seizes on this image, and in raising it from deepest unconsciousness he brings it into relation with conscious values, thereby transforming it until it can be accepted by the minds of his contemporaries according to their powers.
Although when you consider what is being produced today I am not sure if the definition holds true. Unless you consider the people producing the art so empty that there is nothing left but the sexual, and that is terribly depressing.
Enjoy this almond activating little skit:
All women prefer BBC. Even Nicole Aniston is doing BBC porn.
Lol, that's so disgusting, but it made me laugh hard.
I'm very impressed. Changed really.
your tits are not visible
Share your insight what are the people at elite art school like, what about the teachers?
What jobs do these elite artists do and how corrupt and political is it?
>post modernism
>that one person clapping
Is there a higher res of this, or one with sound? I need it for research purposes.
actually i'd say its more like a big navy blue cock
As if the craft of this plane does communicate the overwhelming emotion that is pride in the human spirit. What are you saying my baguette?
Ok I already know the answer but please circlejerk with me on our superior intelligence.
>Tfw don't use art as positive word anymore
We should stop calling classical stuff art it justifies these braindead sub 80 iq degenerates
It's always this phony shock value too, as if depicting a woman's breasts is somehow taboo or subversive. It's self obsessed drive towards validation based out of a half baked attempt to be profound. Sex isn't shocking, violence can be but only realistic depictions, mental illness can be cool but not this paint by numbers I'm So Sad bull shit.
Trying to be subversive for appearances is the most trite kitschy shit you can do. It's all anyone pretends to do now.
I think it depends on the aircraft
The Big Black Comfy Couch
Fix your country, user, before be build a northern wall
I sincerely can't wait for the bombs to finally fall. We have taken our existence for granted and degenerate faggotry like this is a clear example. I hope these kids die painfully.
We have become Weimar Germany
couldn't think of a less obvious joke? you are just repeating other people
art has (arguably always has) aesthetics
but 'aesthetics' as a concept is not art
> there's no money for arts programs
> people won't create art
interesting conclusion
I remember that thread
What’s going on in arts today is actually simple to explain. There have always been two sides to art, one commercial and one at the frontier of innovation. Commercial art is forgotten by time and we basically solely talk about the latter side.
Innovation in art is usually entirely related to new techniques, and they are brought about by pioneers. Literally all known painters or musicians were absolute pioneers in what they did. It doesn’t really matter how exactly: it matters that they were. The artists who simply replicated others were, again, forgotten by time.
Now, before the beginning of the 20th century, all the innovations were slowly building a canon of beauty: art was supposed to please the most the human eye/year. What each author did before this period was getting closer to this ideal of perfect beauty little by little through new techniques. What happened, you might ask, then? Well, the “laws” of what makes something beautiful were found and thoroughly explored already. From this moment onwards, to do something fully respecting the canon of beauty was to be like those artists who just replicate others and are forgotten by time.
"shock" takes no talent.
Think of painters like John Grimshaw, Ivan Aivazovski or Albert Bierstadt, for instance, and you see that their works are near perfection when it comes to landscapes and urban scenes. Hence, painting them after 1900 became a cliché, kitsch and something nobody would be remembered for. And yet, these are still largely forgotten, as what they are doing is already not that innovative.
So, what’s happening in arts is that every artist is trying to create or belong to a new movement because not to do so is to be thrown into the trash bin of history even before your career is over. The point is to gain a name for yourself. In other words, what happened in the beginning of the 20th century was a large abandonment of the canon of beauty towards something else – anything else, actually. And they embraced the opposite. They started with surreal and largely non-representative art, which still somewhat followed the canon of beauty. But slowly it got more political, more mathematical, more anti-beauty. By the 60s, all traditional forms of art were largely abandoned, and modern musical compositions were a mess of dissonance and mathematical tricks; sculpture and painting were supposed to “make you think” about some social topic; and the more it shocked people and the uglier it was the better.
The people are a mix of awesome and horribly pretentious and crazy. Lots of social misfits turned narcissists. Teachers are often crazy narcissists too, but some of them are great and very well meaning and really root for their students. Some are just batshit and toxic as fuck. It's REALLY a mix. There's some good, and there's a lot of bad and worse.
Oh and departments are very political. Lots of interdepartmental politics. And everyone is a raging liberal.
Why am I not surprised
>Where are they now: kids that drew dicks on everything
>Oh and departments are very political. Lots of interdepartmental politics. And everyone is a raging liberal.
I can see why you got out of it
Of the people who get into these types of programs how many manage to make decent money off of it?
Any interesting stories you have about it or misconceptions others have about elite art school
Didn't you know?
We are literally incapable of doing things unless the government uses your tax money to pay for them!
thats a big plane...for ref(u)gees
I think most people who go to a decent (or better) art school and work hard are able to find work, from what I've seen. For many (including my husband and myself) that means working for a large corporation doing boring "creative" work. Not many make real money off their OWN personal art. That is rare. But with an art degree and a skill set, you can make enough to support yourself.
Interesting stories... There's a lot of degeneracy. A lot of students sleeping with professors. A lot of debauched parties full of naked people doing "performance" art. Some of the teachers love to drink and will drink with their students. We all got drunk in class on many occasions, usually for some kind of "special" occasion. Sometimes teachers have dramatic fallings out with other teachers or with students. One of my teachers stormed out on our class once. She also didn't show up to our graduation, even though we were HER class.
Not as many bitter lesbians as you would expect.
Some of the people are brilliant and very kind, just politically brainwashed.
you should've drawn a pair of tits on your note pad with your timestamp desu.
>you are supposed to a subversive artist
tfw I didn't think of that.
wow look at all that shitty art fucking up a nice space.
Part time '''''art''''' student. Wanted to refine my drawing and lean more towards a northern renaissance, germanic aesthetic. Class is 99% finger painters with a burr up their ass about trump and men. Started art theory, first class was 'why aernt there any female 'masters'?'
I just focus on my shit and use them for the facilities. Like everything else its being subverted against us.
Also, I noticed a trend, during my time there. More and more of the "art" didn't even look finished. Like it would literally just be a bunch of pieces of trash and cardboard and shit semi-strung up together and hanging from a hook or something. It seemed to be becoming more and more popular to create stuff that just looks like an arbitrary heap of shit. I think that's reflected in the "finished" work in the background of my OP.
That clearly proves your husband makes $270k
Good luck, user. You'll get enough out of it if you keep doing what you're doing.
Is that your work?