Make Antifa sexy again!
Make Antifa sexy again!
>brown eyes
Sup Forums is not gonna like this one bit
Seems to be a new photoshoot
>no ass
I'll pass. Next thread.
Day of the Rake when?
this post turned me into an anti-anti-antifag
Look familiar?
what did she mean by this??
Antifa are the bagel throwers. What does it mean?
Sup Forums getting spanked?
Most boar wants moar
Give her a day of rope. Fucking her while she's tied, all the while doing the Nazi salute.
Typical antifa, one of them gets caught out doing porn so they use it to promote
>muh wimmens freedom my body my choice xd
God I can't wait for Kim to nuke us all.
It's the same person
How long before one of these LARPers ends up dead from being shot? They get away with their antics in Europe because the populous is unarmed. Swing a bat at a redneck here and you get a stomach full of lead. It's going to happen and probably sooner than later.
No Truedough, no one on here can tell who it is at all.
Please let us know who this is.
"Mary Mary quite contrary Trim that snatch, it's so damn hairy!"
She looks different with a fist not buried into her face
>freedom of speach
Why do slavs always squat?
this is like a JIDF "hot isralei (white european emigrant mutt)" thread
Checks out.
It means they are fucking jews in disguise.
absolutely degenerate
wtf I love ANTIFA now
Of course antifa are into femdom. Degenerate cucks
SO complicated.
Where is this photo shoot posted at?
Did she at least shave?
great desu desu senpai
How are nazis and commies that much different? One the government is controlled by business, and the other the government owns the business.
The ethiopian is the only attractive thing in that image.
ANTIFA are actually fascists:
>violence for political aims
>violence to disrupt any dissent
>most are socially socialist
>most rely on the fruits of capitalism
It's the ironic thing.
The benches in Russia are very cold. During work breaks from factory jobs, they would smoke and drink together squatting cause the benches were too cold
Well played, Moldylocks; well played. You get some respect from this oldfag at least. Whoever came up with the idea, /nod.
>nu-pol, you retarded faggots. This is the first time these pics have been posted online
>this girl has just proven herself to be a greater shitlord than any of you nerdvirgins could ever hope to be
>she even posed as a leaf!
>a fucking leaf...
That made sense to Huey Long.
i would literally honor kill my daughter if i ever had one and she turned out like this. you can do porn without being a subversive pos, so it's not that aspect of it.
LMFAO!!! Never happen. I mean unless you like fat, hairy unwashed, body odor skanks with a billion STDs and 12 half-nigger low IQ kids (by 30 different niggers with no name). Hmmm? no wonder American cunts like that shit since they can relate to being a nasty ass all the time.
"If fascism ever comes to America, it will come wrapped in an American flag." Huey Long
What a waste of good dreadlocks.
Left-wing politics is Babylon. She should cut the dreads if she's going to embrace the Left (or the Right). Better yet, she should keep the dreads, cut the politricks, and seek Jah.
It's got to be on or the other. It cannot be both.
Also, only cowards, agents provocateur, and undercover officers cover their faces at a protest.
Leave her aloooooooone!
>We're the hero's the working class deserve, but didn't want or ask for... or even deserve when you think about it.
>no one cared who we were until we put on the mask
yeah, na, no one gives a fuck.
Bunch of LARPing faggots.
Moldylocks likes the same cuck book as Bikelockfag.
>be commie
goddamn it guys
Based Flair left his mark I'd say...
That faggot got worked.
Why did she break up with her "bf" one that exact day and even makes it public?
Did he left her alone for being fisted and ran like a pussy?
I'd probably go on a date with her. I honestly think she's pretty hot. The dreads are nasty but I could overlook them.
None of you nu-pol faggots has worked it out yet, have you?
She literally published these pics to Sup Forums. They aren't hosted anywhere else...
She is trolling you, quite magnificently, it has to be said.
this is nupol r le dolan tier insight here. Fascist groups formed as a reaction against communist violence. All the brown, black or blue shirt groups were formed to protect their speeches and rallies from communists. Pls get gud at history before you guys throw out this pseudoinsightful centrist bullshit
Why can't antifa leftist so.lazy and u hygienic and use" muh feminism " as an excuse
Even the dudes are pussies
If that's the case,...
OP, do not waste your vigor and youth on politricks and rage. The Establishment is leading you down the path of destruction so effectively that not only will you be destroyed, you will vigorously defend your own destruction.
Instead the answer is to turn inward and look upon your own soul. Cultivate inner peace and strength, which comes from God, and eschew the rage and false urgency that the Devil and his agents have instilled in you.
Pray. Meditate. Embrace wisdom and reason. Reject anger. Find your inner peace.
I want to rip that nose ring off her face but she'd probably enjoy it.
>Posted by a leaf, and I don't think Moldylocks knows how to use a VPN
Trips of truth confirm the words of Jah
They got goof'd.
smells like:
>old fish and
>spoiled cheese
with subtle hints of
>indian garbage
bitch take a shower
There is now antifa porn. I truly cannot believe the power of rule 34.
O, what a time to be alive!
Excuse me while I go rub one out. In the meantime, moar!
OH! pleasant exercise of hope and joy!
For mighty were the auxiliars which then stood
Upon our side, we who were strong in love!
Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive,
But to be young was very heaven!--Oh! times,
In which the meagre, stale, forbidding ways
Of custom, law, and statute, took at once
The attraction of a country in romance!
When Reason seemed the most to assert her rights,
When most intent on making of herself A prime Enchantress--to assist the work,
Which then was going forward in her name!
Not favoured spots alone, but the whole earth,
The beauty wore of promise, that which sets
(As at some moment might not be unfelt
Among the bowers of paradise itself)
The budding rose above the rose full blown.
What temper at the prospect did not wake
To happiness unthought of? The inert
Were roused, and lively natures rapt away!
no shit they're violent, that's the whole point. They think they're in 1920s Germany fighting brownshirts and being superheroes and shit, even down here in fucking Colombian universities
maybe if they shave
>hangs out with violent revolutionaries
>none of them know what a vpn is
Also, her mom looks native American, and has a Scottish surname, "Marshall", which might indicate she's originally from Nova Scotia. Moldylocks might have gone into hiding with relatives in Canada...
>yes, I'm a legit hyperautist...
Would bike lock her to my pole.
>Make Antifa sexy again!
It was never sexy, or anything really, but fucking gay. Pls shave you dirty hairy hippy, some of us have standards.
terrible meme arrows you fucking fag
I know it sounds bad Sup Forums but A. it's supposedly a quote from some movie and B. maybe she just needs the scalps to transplant follicles to the less hairy parts of her body.
>Sup Forums
10/10 would punch in the face
It's from inglorious basterds. Sup Forums is just full of idiots brimming with gleeful hatred and love seeing women punched in the face since it serves as a cathartic outlet for their permanent virgin lifestyles.
fucking kek.
Proof that Hollywood is just feeding the egos of these useful idiots. How many of these antifa posers bit their style from Fight Club and V For Vendetta? They get this shit from Hollywood.
Whatever happened to, "the revolution will not be televised?"
Yeah... well...
she's stepping up the game Sup Forums. What are you gonna do about it?
You call this stepping up her game? wut? LOL really?
What's going on with this new photo shoot? Is she reclaiming her body and asserting herself?
Reminder to report this lying whores gofundme