Screw fascism, screw the red-pill, take the purple-pill and embrace monarchy Sup Forums.
Monarchy General
f p b p
Vive le roi
Monarchists are high IQ
>Screw fascism
>unelected leaders who inbreed and generally act in their own interests with a population who can be killed for questioning.
>what is id
newfag detected
good one brah!
>hasnt taken the matriarchy pill
wow, you just disproved thousands of years of hereditary rulers with one sentence
How exactly would America develop a monarchy? There is very little good blood here, let alone royal blood.
fuck lol
shit lmao
Monarchy is the best system of government. So good that it's used in Heaven.
dude we have ids on this board...
ok but i get to be king
dude we have ids on this board... fucking newfag lol
Fuck is wrong with you
ahaaa stupid newfag go back to plebbit, we have ids here
I try.
dude ur an idiot we have ids on this boad
He's gone full autist
god fucking newfags ruining this board... reddits that way!! ahaha
dude we have ids
yeah i know lol... fucking newfag doesnt even know what an idea is....
gr8 b8 m8, here's your last (you)
thanks man, i'm leaving now
have an oc gondola
Wtf I hate monarchism now!
>real burger hours
Make Trump the monarch, with Bannon his heir.
you are my hero
anyways, Monarchy. Go.
>giving jews absolute control of the country
already tried that, didn't work
is this place still going? i wonder what it would be like to live there......
>surrender 90% of produce
meanwhile in reality taxes during the middle ages were billion times lower than today and continue to be much lower in existing monarchies
>plundered and razed by bandits
msot of raiding and plundering happened during the early middle ages because central power wasnt strong enough
>state considered you acceptable losses
it was never in states interest to get its own producers to die and its economy to collapse, medieval military was consisted of nobles, their paid soldier companies and wealthy citizens from mercenary armies, drafting peasants was never worth it and was used only in defense in big wars, mass conscriptions, peasants massively dieing and such has never been a thing until the rise of modern age and republics
>procures local children to torture them for leisure
complete bullshit, in the middle ages laws existed to protect everyone, in fact peasants themslves had the option of suing nobles, many times kings executed the local nobles for taxing their population too much, only palce where something like this could THEORETICALLY be done is late new age russia under the height of tis feudalization
>automatically found guilty
the middle ages definetely had courts and judicial procedures for which it was not uncommon to be led by the population themselves, clergy courts judged only religious matters, even inquisition and witch hunts appeared during the reneissance in the beginning and they were primarily targeted on religious minorities
>castrates you
castration was not a punishment, but a part of the legal procedure in very hard cases
dumb americunts really piss me off