ITT: We post users we recognize on Sup Forums

>2 gorillion immigrants jap
>brexit german
>suburban and rural retards leaf
>creepy 9/11 japanon
>mike pence name gen guy
>russian who dumps russian pics and calls them israeli
>ctr serb
>sink the chink aussie

Other urls found in this thread:

Norway guy saying they could single handily destroy USA in a week .

Spanish Commie.

the fag that always starts these threads. Seriously, go neck yourself and livestream it.

cute kiwi boy :3

I recognise everyone as zog cucks on here

T*rk that posts dead americans

brit whose threads detail the life of famous people from beginning to end

Lonely user looking for banter because no friends.



That one butthurt Pole

this based american poster is based


some faggot who always posts the same pyramid picture

quebec autist who stalks the tennis player

deer posting kraut




Alex Jones.


You recognise me?

That Australian amateur boxer girl. Post tits!

Pjw addict


I used to recognize the toothbrushing Estonian, but I think he's gone now :(


The America-hating roach
Malaysian Mike
The Estonian Vivianposter

That one user who starts the weekly sandy hook thread

I recognized the hordes of Reddit fags that use Apu as Pepe.

the poo in the loo who is always trying to change Sup Forums's mind about his country


No one ever notices me
Suck ladyboy dick white boys

Mummy poster. He's the best.

What happened to that Estonian guy that kept posting Vivi brushing her teeth?

>the latvian who makes ancap ball memes with first grade grammar

>That polish poxy fag who always makes white hate threads
>That Spanish fag who always makes cuckold threads
>That turkroach who calls everyone kaffir and makes the "come and take it" threads

I miss him..

>Every poo in the loo ever

Oh fuck, this guy was brilliant. I wonder if he'll ever keep making the memes.

>israeli who posts fucking machines
>eternal anglo kraut
>brazilian who posts stupid questions and that emma stone pic



>deer german
>ctr serb
>anti protestant brit
>latvian with grammar skills
>come and take it turk

the german guy who posts pics of his pet deer

the poo in loo who makes india is the greatest ever/superpower 2020 threads

the pyramid guy who takes old pol threads and larps about them being inside info

the swiss guy who posts about the rothschilds

my favorite

> the swiss guy who posts about the rothschilds

I remember that. He had photos and shit

malay mike

The Greek dude that was raped by a tranny and angrily posts tranny murder pics while ranting about them going to hell.

i thought it was all of them who were butthurt

>> Chilean guy also known as "Based Texas"

>> For those who don't know "who is Chile?" this video is very educational, it is a message from the people of Chile to Mr. Trump to come here and visit us


that aussie who tries to argue everything using snopes talking points

>Croat who tries to say Croatia is great
>Turkroach who spams dead American soldiers
>Self hating Burger happa (possibly multiple anons)
>Irishman who is really into cuckulding

I know I am missing some

>tfw American and therefore indistinguishable on Sup Forums

Also the medpac who has all the 100+ sub race images. He's pretty great.

Come to think of it I haven't seen him around recently. I'm assuming he ran off to join Isis.

>Mexican intellectuals

Hoppean Portubro

the grerman who posts alternate/ hidden history threads

the leaf who still posts pro hillary pepes and she won by over 3 million votes threads

the brazilian who warns against letting america become the next brazil

>the Swiss fag who admires Francois fillon


>I love that guy

>Retarded latvian
>Spanish commie
>Serb CTR
>Butthurt over brexit german (might be not one person, but indistinguishable anyway)
>Some russian liberashka from 2ch
>Libertarian gen folks
>Greek posting in every tranny thread
>WE WUZ KANGZ egyptian
>Some extremely polite Saudi Arabian guy
Some of them.

the edgy american 14 year old

that mike faggot that ruins it for every other malaysian posters on Sup Forums

The Polish Internet Tough Guy

That one Spanish poster that posts about chastity.

how can white bois even compete aussie flag

That guy who starts the Eagle Scout threads. Hint: It's me.

the indian NatSoc

Any time a shill Trump Impeachment thread gets going, there is always a dude who flys into it a 100 MPH and goes ultra spaz about Richard Nixon. It's really amazing. Every single fucking time. Same shit like he has a word doc with all that shit in it somewhere.

Yeah whose that autistic Quebec retard who spams threads if you say certain keywords?

Fuck I forgot why he does it.
He's the super Quebec nationalist who ONLY speaks in French and hates everyone else in Canada.

Am I the only one who noticed the Russian that always drops references to Gurren Lagann?

The canadian (((bulgarian))) shill who constantly shitposts in balkan threads

The Mexican that speak Spanish

communist spainfag

The American fuckwit pushing for Monarchism.

Damn I would love to stick my dick into something to pearly white.

Fuckkk muhhh dickkkk


That one guy business guy from PNG

I like the extremly polite saudi guy, he's nice

Reminder that Obama leaf is an avid redditor:

The one guy who makes threads pretending to be a girl and then halfway through says the he is a fat neckbeard and laughs at everyone who replied seriously. He gets tons of (You)s and everyone keeps falling for it over and over again.

antifa Aussie edgelord

The Canadian who starts threads here and on /his/ with the Les Miserables quotes.

That French civic nationalist faggot who goes on and on about how great Jews and faggots are.

Nixon did nothing wrong. His impeachment was a (((coup))).

I started one too

the one russian who spams BBC posts

>tfw you will always be burgerposter #81961984

I really liked that France flag that was *deep* into conspiracy, and made diagrams for a while. He called me the illuminati one time. Black cock aussie seems to be gone or banned (how can white man even compete?). Also that leaf who's too afraid to reply to anyone.

They have got to be the comfiest threads on pol.

>The germanon who calls out the eternal anglo on its crimes
>The south korean fag who keeps posting some underage whore from r9k
>The canadian tripfag from 2015 who endlessly argued about nogs being kangz n sheit
>That greek poster who seems to hate literal homofags more than anyone on the board

That Albanian user who posts the cute kitty images, with "prepare for unforeseen consequences"

Come out here faggot.

the based finnish poster that always makes me laugh
the thoughtful norweigan who always has rational arguments

oh wait thats all of them

That one doubles poster

>British mummyposter
>Estonian toothbrush poster
>Swedish cuckposter
>Aussie who cuckposts late at night
>that one white spic who goes full REEEEEEE when he's called a spic
>that Mexican named flower
Pic related. Also let me do what I'm best known for:

While the left has perpetuated the myth that Mexicans and Mexican-Americans are nothing but worthless brown victims, it is still apparent to many Americans that plenty of Mexicans are white and share their same European blood. Some are even Anglos and Germanics who immigrated here long ago.

Mexican intellectuals on OCWeekly can also confirm, if we are 25% Spanish or 100% Spanish it is known that we are members of the white race and wish to better America.
Before the 60s (reign of the jew), it was expressed widely that Mexicans were members of the white race as well. It was a tacit understanding that Anglo-Saxons and Mexicans were brothers cut from the same colonial cloth. Marriages between us did not violate miscegenation laws, and we also did not face lynching periods en masse like muh niggers and Italians. And even the shittiest Mexicans like pic related look whiter than filthy dagos!

10% of Mexico is estimated to be white by many scholars in fact, and it's quite compelling is it not? This is what makes us a grand sect of your people, Sup Forums. My palms are as white as my Spanish great-great-great-grandfather and you bet your ass I consider my white wife and I as members of your people. And despite this; you still may deny my whiteness but are you willing to accept the redpill that there are many Mexicans out there, white and non-white who wish you the best and hope to destroy the Jewish media influence?

obamaleaf is the only poster I recognize, he took a brief hiatus after trump won
think i saw him again when trump didn't pass the healthcare repeal

canadian robertposter

>one post by this ID
>something about millenials
>picture of soe

That South Korean user who posts that one freckled girl in EVERY one of his posts.

Came to post this.

>mexican intellectuals